
Falling Out

Peter and Gabriel wanted to hang around after school, so they called May to tell her that they would be absent during dinner time and that they should eat without them.

They then walked around the streets and talked about this and that for some while before they noticed that they were pretty hungry. They then decided to stop and eat at their favorite diner, Uncle Johnny's.

Uncle Johnny's was a small and quiet establishment, located in a less popular district. Peter and Gabriel discovered the establishment by accident while they were searching for some place to eat after they got a bit lost during their weekly exercise. The diner was managed by none other than Uncle Johnny himself, a nice old man with black and white hair that was slicked backwards, along with a cool goatee. Uncle Johnny always wore a cool suit vest on top of his shirt along with his signature wool hat and old sunglasses.

The duo quickly arrived at the small diner with faces beaming with anticipation and joy, as the diner might be a small one, but the food here was otherworldly!

They opened the door and entered the diner, which caused a tinging voice ring out from the bell that was attached at the door.

Hearing the noise of the bell, Uncle Johnny, whom was cleaning some tables quickly turned around and saw the two teenagers walk up to the counter.

"Hey there Uncle Johnny, did you miss us?"

Gabriel asked before taking a seat at the main table(counter), which Peter happily followed suit.

Uncle Johnny exclaimed in a happy tone as he walked towards Gabriel and Peter with open arms while he spoke;

"Gaaabrieel~, Peeteeer~, How are the two of you?"

Peter smiled brightly as he said;

"We are great, Uncle Johnny! I aced my tests as always, Flash and co. have stopped bullying me, I'm going on a school trip to Ozcorp Science Faculty WITH my cousin, aaaand I finally have a chance at MJ!"

Hearing Peter count on and on like that caused Uncle Johnny to chuckle in amusement as he nodded his head, while Gabriel leaned back towards the counter with his arms in a carefree manner.

After Peter finished speaking, Uncle Johnny turned towards Gabriel and stared in anticipation.

Gabriel easily noticed this and gave a sigh before he spoke in a tired manner;

"Things are going good for me too, Uncle Johnny..." as he lazily flicked his wrist before leaning it back towards the counter.

The answer caused Uncle Johnny to chuckle in an amused and happy demeanor, while Peter sighed while he rubbed his temples before he flicked Gabriel on the head, causing the latter to look back annoyed.

Gabriel then asked as his eyebrow rose;

"Forget about me Uncle Johnny. How is the business going up these days?"

Uncle Johnny looked happy as he sheepishly said;

"Ah, the business it going great! I've been having a good amount of customers lately... But some local gang started to cause a bit of disturbance around the town..." he said the last part in a lower and dissatisfied tone.

Peter and Gabriel's expressions turned into one of surprise, but before they could say anything, Uncle Johnny spoke one more, with a more cheerful expression;

"Forget about it boys, It's just a minor group. The cops will take care of em' soon, trust me. Now, what will you two be having!" as he took out his old notepad and pencil.

Gabriel sighed unhappily before he leaned back with a fake smile while Peter tried to cheer up and ordered;

"W-we'll have the usual, Uncle Johnny!"

Uncle Johnny nodded as he scribbled some notes onto his old notepad, but before he could leave, Gabriel quickly added;

"Make my servings triple, Uncle Johnny..."

This casual comment caught the Peter and Uncle Johnny off-guard, as it caused Peter to cough in surprise while Uncle Johnny's eyes opened up in shock before he asked;

"T-triple!? Are you sure you can eat all that, my boy?"

Gabriel simply grinned as he haughtily declared;

"Pfft, It will hardly sate my appetite." while pointing at himself with his thumb.

Uncle Johnny scribbled some stuff on his notepad as he walked away while saying;

"If you say so my boy, but don't push yourself if you can't finish em up!"

"Yes Uncle Johnny, thaaank yoou~..." Gabriel said in a slow and bored tone before he leaned back and turned turned towards Peter.

"...You're paying for the bill."

Peter stated with a deadpan face as he pointed at Gabriel.

Gabriel just lifted his shoulders up as he formed a carefree smile.

Gabriel then leaned towards Peter before he placed his arm around Peter's shoulders and started to harshly press his shoulder with his hand as he inquired;

"So, I see that you told Uncle Johnny about Mary..."

Peter sweatdrops as he gulps before he slowly turns towards Gabriel while nervously laughing...

Time passed as Peter and Gabriel discussed and talked about various different stuff and subjects, before Uncle Johnny, whom was carrying their food finally arrived, causing the two to get distracted from their previous topics...

Uncle Johnny placed down a plate full of steaming lasagna in front of Peter, before he brought three plates of Uncle Johnny's Special Pizza right in front of Gabriel with a slight hint of worry.

Peter thanked Uncle Johnny before he started to cut his lasagna into pieces, while Gabriel started to send the slices of pizza down his throat after he reveled at the great taste inside his mouth.

Uncle Johnny and Peter looked at Gabriel's savage eating spree with shocked expressions for some time before Uncle Johnny went back into the backroom in order to clean some spots while Peter focused on the lasagna in front of him, albeit taking his time to peek at Gabriel once in a while...

After some time of eating had passed, Gabriel leaned backwards as he massaged his stomach before a loud burp came out from his mouth while he exclaimed;

"<Buuurp>!... Aah, now that hit the spot! Heeeey, Uncle Johnny, I still have some room for desserts!"

Hearing this, Peter almost spat out the lasagna that he was chewing, but he somewhat managed to swallow it before he looked towards Gabriel with a shocked expression and spoke while he slammed the table with his hand;

"<lasagna noises>!!...<Couch cough>!...Are you fucking kidding me, I still haven't finished up my lasagna and you've already gobbled up those three pizzas!?"

"Yep! And they were delicious." Gabriel blurted out with a satisfied smile as he patted his stomach.

[Mmmmm.... Deliciousss indeed!] His other self remarked in a satisfied tone.

After Gabriel said that, Uncle Johnny came up towards the counter and placed a big glass cup full of ice cream which had a few crackers and a cherry on top of it.

"Here you go Gabe, the Uncle Johnny's Triple S, Special Strawberry Sundae!" Uncle Johnny presented in a proud tone.

Gabriel marveled at the sight of the Strawberry Sundae for a bit before he gladly dug in, Causing Uncle Johnny to laugh proudly while Peter sighed before he started to continue eating his lasagna...




After the two finished their food, they(Gabriel) paid Uncle Johnny their bill. Uncle Johnny refused to take any money at first, but after Peter's constant persistence, decided to accept the payment. But Uncle Johnny still told that the Strawberry Sundae was on the house, causing Gabriel to chuckle in a satisfied tone before him and Peter left after saying their goodbyes to Uncle Johnny...

While Peter and Gabriel walked back towards their home, Gabriel suddenly stopped halfway through and told Peter that he had some things to take care of, such as new clothes and items, and that Peter should go back home on his own.

This comment caused Peter to lift his brow in question before he said;

"Gabe come on, you just want to arrive late because aunt May is gonna kill you when you get home." in an unsure tone.

Peter's words caused Gabriel to chuckle in a childish manner before he answered;

"Yyyup, that's why I'll be hanging around somewhere for some time, so just go on ahead."

Peter unwillingly gave Gabriel a nod before he bid his cousin farewell and told him to be careful before Peter walked back towards his home.

Gabriel then turned around, only to turn back once more to shout towards Peter;


Peter heard this and turned back before he gestured towards Gabriel in understanding, while he muttered under his breath;

"Hell, Since you ate three servings of pizza which are extra large, you don't even need to eat any dinner for days..."

Peter then walked back towards home as Gabriel watched him walk away and slowly disappear from sight.

Only after Peter had fully disappeared from Gabriel's sight, did Gabriel turn back before walking towards a possible place where thugs would be possibly hanging out.

[Ooooh, I see that It is time for us to bite skin and break bone!] His other said in an enthusiastic manner.

Gabriel's expression turned grim as he stated with an angry tone;

"That's right pal, It's going to be a long night... Those punks think that they can mess with Uncle Johnny, eh? We'll show em..."





-An Hour Later-

Gabriel was walking around the neighborhood for quite some time, but he was not bored at all due to him having company. But this did not mean that Gabriel was not running out of patience, as he was getting angry and annoyed that he was not able to find any thugs.

Gabriel was beginning to be convinced into believing that the police actually spared their time to deal with these lowly thugs, as just as he was about to give up, his other self suddenly notified Gabriel;

[Gabriel, I'm feeling violent activity on the backstreets!]

This caused Gabriel to have a sudden jolt before he quickly turned towards the tall brick wall which was separating him from the alleyway before he exclaimed;


[I'm already on it!]

At the same time he said that, his other spoke as the black and gooey substance resurfaced around Gabriel's face and created a black mask with white sinister eyes. While the rest of his body had been enveloped by multiple strands of black substance, but failing to cover some parts of his body which was not revealed due to his punk rock clothes.

["Perfect!"] Gabriel said as his white eyes closed to become slits before they opened up once more due to his facial expression. His voice had morphed into an intimidating and unnatural tone.

Gabriel then jumped towards the brick wall, and managed to jump quite a distance as he landed right in the middle of the tall brick wall before he started to climb upwards by digging his hands which were covered up with black strands at the wall in order to propel himself upwards again and again, which caused fist-sized holes that lead upwards to be dug onto the wall.

It only took a couple seconds for Gabriel to fully climb the brick wall. Gabriel looked downwards only to see three lowlife thugs cornering who seemed to be... Uncle Johnny and... his niece Annie?!

Gabriel did not even wait and listen to what the thugs were trying to do or say, as he had instantly lost himself in a stream of anger before throwing himself right at one of the thugs.

"And along with the money, we'll have the pretty girl here ac- <Kapow>! PGUUUARRGGH!!" The thug exclaimed as a black figure which had a weird and scary black mask with white eyes as a mask in addition to it's punk rock clothes.

Everybody except the knocked out thug who had his head bashed onto the ground exclaimed in shock while the black figure did not wait around as it quickly dashed onto another thug.

Gabriel jumped onto the other thug and pinned him down to the ground before violently grasping his head and slamming it onto the ground twice, thus knocking him out cold.

Gabriel then silently stands up and turns towards the last thug as one of his eyes shrink while the other widens, indicating that he is doing an expression which involves his eyes and brows.(okay you know what? From now on, I will not explain the eye movements and expressions of Venom Gabriel in most of the times, so just imagine whichever expression you wish. Reminder: the eyes and eye expressions are the same from the movie "Venom". Yes I loved Venom's eyes in the movie...)

The last thug shivered in fear as he collapsed down onto the floor while still facing the scary man which just easily took out two of his friends.

"S-stay away from m-me! F-fuck off man!" The thug retorted as he pushed the ground in order to push himself away from the scary man. But he noticed that the scary man was slowly walking towards him, which caused the thug to wobble backwards even faster.

A couple of seconds later, before Gabriel managed to get too close to the thug that was wobbling away from him, a gang of thugs walked out from a close alleyway before they turned towards Gabriel.

Then from behind the gang, a bulky African-American man who had a soldier cut hairstyle and seemed to be the leader of this gang, walked up towards the wobbling thug and Gabriel. As the leader thug walked towards the two, the other thugs somewhat stepped away in order to make way for their leader, whom wore a green puffer jacket and soldier pants with black boats.

The leader looked towards the thug and then towards the man with the black mask, before he looked back towards the thug and sternly said;

"Get up..."

When the thug heard his leader, he quickly got up before he quickly walked towards him.

As soon as the thug arrived before his leader, the leader pulled out a knife from his pocket, which startled the thug. The leader then extended the knife towards the thug as he sternly said once more;

"Redeem yourself, and take back some of your face..."

The thug looked towards the knife and towards his leader before looking back at the knife. The thug then slowly took the knife from his leader's hand and turned around with a grin before he slowly walked towards the man with the black mask.

As the thug walked towards Gabriel, other thugs started to form a circle around Gabriel and the other thug.

The thug ran towards Gabriel while shouting a "war cry" before he plunged the knife he got from his leader on Gabriel's chest!

The thug sneered towards Gabriel, but then he suddenly exclaimed in shock and fear after he looked down at the knife and saw that it had been covered in a weird black goop... just like his wrist!

The black goop suddenly bent the thug's wrist so hard that it caused the thug to shout in pain as he collapsed on his knees due to the pain of his wrist being broken.

Then suddenly, Gabriel's arms moved by themselves and tightly held the thug by his head before they violently snapped his neck, causing his head to turn in a way that would not physically be possible.

The sudden act of violence caused the thugs to exclaim in shock as they subconsciously took a step back, while Anna screamed as Uncle Johnny held her in a hug in order to calm her down as he tried to sneak out from this place with his niece, which was going smoothly as the masked man had all the attention of the thugs. Hell, even the thug leader had lifted a brow to the sudden act.

Of course, Gabriel was no different as he spoke with a shocked tone with a hint of anger;

["W-wha... Oh God!! ...What the fuck man?! Y-you k-killed him.. W-why!?!"]

[Yes, we did. So what?] His other self answered plainly.

["Wha-?! Shit man, you just fucking killed him, you killed him! ...We can't just kill someone like that, I-It's not right!"] Gabriel shouted out, which caused the thugs to look at him with weird expressions...

[Gabriel, I asked Why.] His other spoke in a stern tone that had a hint of confusion.

Gabriel clutched his head with one of his hands as he weakly spoke;

["..W-well, it's... It's against the l-law, man! I-I mean w-we could just hand him over to the cops or someth-?!"

[Law?... LAW?!?] His other replied in an angry tone that did not sound pleased which caused a light headache for Gabriel, which quickly began to increase.


After his other spoke, Gabriel exclaimed in pain as a wave of displeasure and shock stung Gabriel's head before it spread around his whole body, which caused him to wobble backwards while tightly clutching his head with his hands.

The thugs whom were looking at Gabriel with confused expressions started to get over the initial confusion as they began to close in on Gabriel. Then with the signal from the gang leader, two of the thugs ran towards Gabriel with knives on their hands.

[It seems like I'll have to take control if I want to protect our hide while you learn your lesson!]

His other spoke before Gabriel suddenly flipped in air and ax kicked one of the thugs on the neck in a violent manner, causing a loud snapping noise to come out from his neck.

Gabriel's other then extended his arm towards the other thug whom was not that far away from him before a small tendril shot out from Gabriel's hand and covered the hand of the thug, causing him to exclaim in shock.

Gabriel's other then violently pulled the thug towards himself before he grabbed the thug harshly from his neck before easily lifting him up from the ground.

While this was happening, Gabriel's vision had become reddish and blurry as a sharp and violent pain throbbed inside his head before it spread over the rest of his body, which he was unable to control.

Gabriel's other lifted up the thug before he brought the thug close to his face. Gabriel's "mouth" then opened up before he shrieked in a monstrous way towards the thug's face, causing Gabriel's face to look even more like Carnage.

This sudden action caused the thug which was being held by Gabriel's other, to shout in fear and terror while other thugs exclaimed in shock and fear as they quickly backed off, while some even fell down on the asphalt ground. Even the tough looking leader exclaimed in fear as he backed off.

The thugs then quickly ran away in terror, leaving their friend behind with the black monster as they shouted and screamed;

"Shit, that shit was no mask! Fuck!"

"Fuck, that thing was no man!"

"Run fools, Ruuuun!!"


Witnessing all of his friends and comrades turn tail and abandon him, the thug whom was being tightly held on the throat, wanted to somewhat retort or have a plea of help. But, before the thug could say or shout anything else, Gabriel's other growled, which caused the thug to weakly exclaim in fear;

[Weee hunnngeerrr!]


Before he harshly bit the thug's face clean off of his head!

The thug exclaimed in pain as he wailed in agony, but as soon as Gabriel's other swallowed his face, he went in for another <bite>, and then for another <bite>, and then another <bite>...

Even after the thug had passed out due to pain or had died due to constantly being eaten, Gabriel's other self did not stop until he completely ate the thug's whole body.

After his other had completely eaten the thug, It let go of Gabriel's body, causing the latter to regain his control.

"Huuooo-oh G-Gohd-<Puke>!!" Gabriel spoke with a weak and cracked voice before he bent downwards as he puked.

"Fuck man... Pfhuck, Phuck, Fuck!! <Puke>!" Gabriel spoke in a worried and scared manner before he bent downwards once more and emptied his stomach.

After a bit of puking, Gabriel stood back up and spoke as he held his forehead with his hand;

"Y-you listen to me! We w-

[NO, Gabriel! YOU listen to ME!!]

But before he could finish his sentence, Gabriel was harshly interrupted by his other self before multiple black gooey substances came out from Gabriel's back and stuck on the wall. Then the black substance suddenly pulled Gabriel towards the brick wall, causing him to get glued onto the wall without touching the ground.

[YOU keep US down! YOU cause US to hesitate and stay vulnerable!] His other sternly stated.

"W-what are you doing!? No, let me go!"

Gabriel exclaimed as panicked before he struggled in order to get down from the brick wall by pushing his limbs forwards. But to no avail, while he was pushing his limbs forwards, the black substance persisted it's stickiness as it quickly pulled Gabriel's struggling arm back on the wall along with his other limbs while his black veins started to pop out.

[YOU limit US with some weak moral code and law that are made for keeping people under control!] His other self blamed Gabriel once again, in an angry tone.

Then, the black substance started to focus around Gabriel's chest for a bit, before a bigger head of his other self suddenly emerged out from his chest.

His other slowly coiled around in air as it came closer to Gabriel's face with a slight growl...

Guys, I think that I won't be able to publish a new chapter tomorrow due to one of my upcoming exams at Friday, so yeah.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! If you did or did not, please comment down on the comments section!

LordAinzSamacreators' thoughts