
Crazy Sunday

To those who maybe forgot to read or did not see before;

My exams are closing in, and in addition to that I have to visit my relatives in the new year. So If I become inactive for a week or two, please have patience! And do not fear about this novel getting suddenly dropped or deleted, as I will do no such thing without your remorse!


"Yes...WE! Kehehhee..." Gabriel corrected his mistake as he started chuckling while he walked back towards his home.

While he was walking back towards his home, he came across an old man that had white hair which had some black strands here and there. The old man had a mustache and he wore glasses, along with a green sweater on top of a white shirt, as well as vanilla colored cargo pants.

The old man laughed and smiled towards Gabriel, causing the latter to turn towards the old man with a squinted eye as Gabriel exerted some hostility towards the old man.

Seeing this, the old man kept smiling innocently as he walked towards Gabriel before he patted him on the shoulder as he cheerfully said while giving a satisfied nod;

"Ohohehahee, you two really do suit each other! I see a great and spectacular future ahead of you guys, so don't strain yourselves too hard when things go grim, you two hear me? Just enjoy the life as it is... <checks old wristwatch> Ah, look at the time! I must go now, boys. It was nice meeting you both, but I don't have much time left here so let me give you one last word of wisdom..."

Hearing this, Gabriel wanted to retort in question and confusion but before he could even open his mouth, the old man patted his shoulder one last time as he said;

"Excelsior! Remember it well, you two!" before he simply walked behind Gabriel.

Diego's expression lit up in realization as he realized that the old man referred to him as "You two" or "You guys" instead of simply saying "You". Realizing this, Gabriel started to sweat in worry as he quickly turned around in an aggressive manner... only to see that the old man that walked behind him was nowhere to be found...

Seeing the old man suddenly disappear, Gabriel's shocked and aggressive face turned into an expression of surprise as he just stood there, staring into the empty street...

[...Who the hell was that mysterious old man?] Asked the voice in a worried and startled tone.

"I... I have no idea..." Gabriel replied in a similar fashion.

Gabriel simply stood there in place as him and the voice subconsciously thought about the old man's speech for some time, before Gabriel let out a chuckle as he rubbed his temples while muttering;

"...My life cannot get any weirder than this..." under his breath.

[Don't jinx us, Gabriel! Okay listen... How about for now, we just head back home... And simply enjoy our family time... As for these weird "events"... we'll deal with them after we get strong enough...] Suggested the voice with a tired yet serious and concerned tone.

Gabriel nodded his head in approval before he continued his walk towards his home...





-10 minutes later-

Gabriel finally arrived in front of his home before he knocked on the door, which was quickly opened up by May.

"Gabriel, I thought you would not be back until an hour or so!" May said in a surprised tone.

"Got bored outside... and kinda craved for some food as well..." Gabriel said as he entered the house.

After Gabriel entered the house, May closed the door behind him before she happily spoke;

"Well you are lucky, young man. Ben woke up late and Peter did not leave his room and grumbled for some time, so we were just about to have a late breakfast!"

Hearing her say that breakfast was still available, Gabriel smiled inwardly as he pecked May on the cheeks before he quickly walked towards the dining table.

"Gabriel, could you please talk to Peter about-

"Yeah, I got it May, Don't worry about it!" May was about to ask, but Gabriel quickly interrupted her as he dashed towards the dining table.

Gabriel quickly took his seat before he turned towards a startled Ben that was reading a newspaper before he snickered at his startled reaction.

"Well, you are here early, Gabe." Commented Ben as he smiled before he folded the newspaper in two and tossed it towards the couch, which received 10 points for the smooth landing.

Gabriel scratched his head as he laughingly replied;

"Well, while I was walking around, I realized that I was quite hungry. Sooo, what were you reading there..."

While Gabriel and Ben were talking about various things and May was cooking the breakfast, Peter came downstairs with a sad and tired expression as he quickly took a seat next to Gabriel with a sigh.

Gabriel curiously turned towards Peter with a lifted brow as he asked;

"What's wrong, lil' bro? Is something troubling you?"

Peter looked back towards Gabriel with a tired expression before he hesitantly leaned in and whispered;

"I-It's about the whole ''friend-zone'' thing..."

To Peter's nervous confession, Gabriel's curious and surprised expression turned deadpan as he gave off a disappointed sigh before he placed his arm on Peter's shoulders and leaned in so that his voice won't get loud enough to be heard by Ben and May.

"Are you serious?! All of this teenage drama, just for...ugh... Listen bro, I was not completely serious about the ''friend-zone'' thing. Gabriel spoke as he twitched his index and middle finger at Parker before he continued to speak;

"You should know that great and stable relationships all start out with great friendships. No one in their right minds would just go towards another person and ask them out."

Gabriel explained as he shook Peter with the arm he has around Peter's shoulders in order to cheer him up while he gestured around with his free arm.


His explanation and gestures caused Peter to exclaim in surprise and joy as his face lighted up in realization while his mood immediately turned 180 degrees, causing Gabriel to chuckle in victory and satisfaction as Ben peaked towards the two teens with a curious expression.

But before Ben could ask about what had just happened or what exactly did Gabriel whisper to Peter, May approached the table with multiple plates on her hand as she loudly said;

"I've kept you all waitiing, Breeeaaakfaast is ready~"

This caused Ben to get distracted and focus on the incoming plate, Peter to happily turn towards May and give her a big smile full of relief and joy, while Gabriel instantly turned all of his attention and senses onto the plate that kept getting near his part of the table.

Gabriel sniffed the air, inhaling the sweet smell of bacon as his ears listened to the slight sizzling that was coming out from the hot bacon, his eyes deadlocked onto the visible bacon, as his skin felt the slight heat emitted by the incoming plate.

Gabriel, whom started to salivate uncontrollably, quickly relieved May from the plate on her hand before he placed it in front of himself and quickly swiped up his fork and knife.

But before he could start to eat, May announced in delight;

"Now then, Gabriel. Since you helped Peter cheer up, I think that this extra bacon and cheese will go to yooouuu~" before she placed an extra serving of bacon and cheese on top of Gabriel's full plate.

This action made Gabriel exclaim in shock and satisfaction before he plunged into the delicious breakfast!

Gabriel quickly devoured his plate while a shocked Ben and a surprised Peter spectated his feast for some time before they busied themselves with their own food.

"Aaaaah...<burp>!" Gabriel reveled himself as he leaned backwards on his chair while he massaged his tummy, until he suddenly let out a burp, causing him to laugh at himself.

His laughter caused the rest of the family to unintentionally join in as they laughed together, until their eyes went wide as they noticed that Gabriel was secretly swiping food away from their plates.

Ben then brought up the fact that tomorrow was Monday, and that Peter and Gabriel had to go to school, which caused grumbles and complaints from the two...

-After Breakfast-

Gabriel told May and the others that he was really tired and wanted to chill inside his room before he hopped off of his chair and skipped upstairs and towards his bedroom.

He then closed the door with his feet before he jumped on his bed and called out;

"Hey, other me?"

[What is it?]

It took no time for the voice to respond.

Gabriel then grinned in an excited way that looked kind of sinister( Gabriel looks sinister by nature either he wishes it or not) before he asked;

"How about we use today to learn about and explore around our abilities?"

[...That, would be an excellent idea.] The voice spoke. If the voice had a face, then it would be undoubtedly grinning in a sinister manner, similar to Gabriel's grin...

[Do you have anything in mind, or should we explore our abilities randomly?] The voice asked.

Gabriel held his hands up as he suggested;

"Nope, we don't need to go through this in random. I already have a few ideas in my mind... Firstly, how about we try to focus all of those black substances in a single place, instead of distributing it around our body?"

[Brilliant idea. Then let's start with our arm...] The voice added as the gooey, black substance surfaced up from various parts of Gabriel's body before it shifted around Gabriel's body, heading towards the direction of his right arm.

A couple of seconds later, Gabriel's right arm was completely in a pitch purplish black color as several tentacle like gooey substances darted around his arm before they started to settle down in various places.

Gabriel exclaimed and wowed in shock and excitement as he stood up from his bed before examining his right arm;

His right arm had gotten slightly bigger, while several inflated trails made from the tentacles could be seen alongside the same black and white veins he had before. But this time, his veins had bulged up even more, and coupled up with the black gooey substance, caused his arm to look in a similar style to his monstrous reflection from this morning.

Gabriel inspected his arm for some time as he waved it around or did various poses with his hand and fingers, till he suddenly had an idea.

"This is not... bad at all...<symbiote arm clutches it's hand> ...Hey, we still have all this excessive goop around our arm... so how about we use it to... uh, I don't know... materialize more stuff?" Gabriel shrugged as he could not think about something to create.

[Oh, I have an idea!] The voice exclaimed, before the goop and tentacles around the black arm moved around and contorted for a while. Until suddenly, the black goop morphed around quickly, changing the shape and structure of their right arm. Then <swish>, a couple of short spikes popped out from their arm, causing the arm to turn and become even more deadlier than before!

"Ooohohohoo, ssshhit... Maa.ha.ha.haan, this is pure badass!" Gabriel exclaimed as he stood up and walked backwards while inspecting his arm after he jolted out from his bed due to the sudden appearance of the spikes.

Gabriel looked around his arm, and noticed that the arm looked even more cool and intimidating as his fingers had now turned into claws and multiple small spikes were scattered around his arm, along with a big spike that extended out towards him from his elbow.

But before Gabriel could say anything else, the voice spoke;

[If we focus our substance onto one part of our body, it does make us stronger. But then we will not have enough substance left to support the rest of our body, leaving us vulnerable.]

"Then how will we gain and generate more substance?" Gabriel unhesitatingly asked.

[By consuming and becoming stronger, of course.] The voice replied.

Listening to the voice's remarks, Gabriel understood that they were not strong enough to produce a big amount of their gooey substance, which made him sad at first, but with the encouragement of his other self, Gabriel was motivated once again to consume and grow even stronger.

Gabriel then asked due to his curiosity;

"Hey, what do you think will happen if we gather our substance around our face?"

[...I guess that since our arm looked similar to that of our reflection from this morning, our face will turn similar to the face we saw on the mirror.] The voice hypothesized.

"Let's do it!" Gabriel exclaimed in excitement as he ran towards the full body mirror that was being hung on their wall.

To his signal, the black substance gushed out once again before it quickly wobbled towards Gabriel's face. Gabriel's vision became obstructed by tentacles and black goop for a bit, but he could still see his surroundings.

Then it all suddenly stopped, enabling Gabriel to see his surroundings without some goop or tendril passing through his field of vision. Gabriel felt like nothing had been changed, as the process was pretty smooth and even somewhat relaxing.

But when Gabriel came across the mirror, he realized that something HAD changed... He saw that his face was exactly like the face of the monster he saw today morning, but unlike the morning where his body was entirely made up of the black substance, his current body still had the same tanned skin...(Imagine Venom's eyes that is able to open and close from the "Venom movie" and Black Suit Spider-man's head, shoulders and chest from "Web of Shadows".)

This sudden change of his face caused Gabriel to stand frozen in place as his jaw dropped open. (Normally Gabriel does not possess a mouth in that form, but he can make a mouth similar to Carnage's mouth if he wanted to.)

It took a moment for Gabriel to sink in and process all of this sudden pile of information. But after he did, he started to make various faces and poses as he walked closer to the mirror. Sometimes he opened up his mouth and made an angry growling noise, which he was not aiming to make, causing him to get startled and shocked because of the noises that he unintentionally made.

After Gabriel explored his new "face" and it's "unique" expressions, he took off his hoodie and inspected his head and torso. He found out that the black gooey substance covered him from face to the top of his chest, while white veins could be seen in various parts of his gooey body.

Gabriel also noticed that while he spoke in this state, his voice came out more intimidating and scary, as his voice had taken a slightly more hoarse and vile tone while it had some hints of a weak echo. The strength and intensity of the echo was not as much as scary and intimidating like how his other self was, but it still sufficed if he wished to plant seeds of terror inside people's minds and hearts...

[I like this formation. It offers decent protection and leaves us with some spare substance we could use, along with making us more intimidating and horrific. And as a bonus, it even lets us hide our identity...] Gabriel's other side spoke with an amused and excited tone.

"You're right... This could prove to be pretty useful for us..." Gabriel muttered under his breath with his new scary voice as he stared deeply at his new monstrous face... He had to admit, this new look and the voice did get him pretty excited. And him being a person that dabbled and leaned towards violence and intimidation in both of his lives did not help this at all...

Gabriel knew that Ben and May would be busy grocery shopping and visiting their friends or something for today, and since Peter was always busy in his makeshift "laboratory", no one would interrupt their "training" session today... So they took the chance and inspected plenty of ways to utilize their precious gooey substance. Gabriel also discussed with his other self about various things, such as ideas or strategies about their abilities, or their new goals and plans for the future, or they simply talked about various different stuff one would normally talk among their friends.

They also discovered that they could focus the black substance in order to make a separate head that was controlled by Gabriel's other self. He could use the extra head in order to physically speak and use facial gestures without having to share Gabriel's face.(It's like the one in the movie, albeit smaller and no teeth. The head is the same as Gabriel's face when he is covered by the black goop)

When they felt hungry, they walked downstairs in order to eat lunch and deliver some snacks to Peter, as he was way too concentrated in his studies and tests to remember about his hunger.

When Gabriel came downstairs inside Peter's lab, he saw that Peter was humming a nice song while he was scrambling a green liquid that was inside a test tube.

"You seem to be in a good mood, little bro." Gabriel said, causing Peter to quickly turn towards Gabriel in a startled way.

"WHOA!! ...Phew.. Damn it Gabriel, don't you know how to knock!" Peter said in a stern tone as he held his beating heart.

"Sorry little bro, just wanted to bring you some snacks since you always forget how time passes while you are inside your ''laboratory''." Gabriel said before he placed a tray filled with May's various snacks and foods.

Peter then thanked Gabriel as the latter just walked out of the laboratory while he waved his index and middle fingers slightly mid air as an "No problem / Bye" gesture.

Gabriel then went upstairs and continued spending some time talking and laughing around with his other self, causing Gabriel to warm up towards his newly discovered "roommate" even more, before they continued with their training and research...

-After A Long Sunday-

Gabriel undid his mask, which turned into the gooey substance as it seeped inside Gabriel's face before it completely disappeared. But this did not mean that Gabriel was vulnerable, as even though the substance had seeped away from the surface of his face, it was still inside his veins, inside his body, his bones, his muscles, his very body was the substance and the substance was his very body...

He then climbed up the bunk bed and tossed his tired body onto his bed, before Peter shortly mimicked his tired toss after he entered their room.

This time, instead of crying himself to sleep, Gabriel drifted off with a satisfied grin alongside an expression that was filled with anticipation...

I hope that you guys enjoyed this chapter!

Also, heads up! Don't forget that I might be inactive for some times during these 3 weeks, because of my exams and the upcoming new year!

So don't assume that I quit writing or that this novel had been dropped or anything stupid!

LordAinzSamacreators' thoughts