
We Are Here (Legend of a Hero)

A mighty will for a legend to live on forever

KlutsyWriter_101 · Others
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I rose for my bed with the intent to read the news. It was a Saturday, finally the weekend I've been longing for.

I went to the dining table and noticed that the newspaper was left open. How mad my father would be if he saw this.




I rolled my eyes as I read the title. I mean, the media will always be biased no matter what circumstances you have to get through.

I have had enough of the stereotypical views made by the news publishers. Every crime that happens, they rely on us heroes. As if we were weapons in which we can one day change every aspect of every person's day.

I turned on the television to help myself get away from the self-loathing and pity towards my own brethren being used like toy guns.

"Good Morning Questrian City this is your fellow reporter Annie Dustman and together we have a very special guest, Wilton Weathers. We all know who he is, the weather hero who is best known for predicting the future events through his weather predictions." The lady reported then clapped her hands as Weathers smiled at the camera and waved.

I smiled and was just happy to see a man doing what he wants. But doubt that some people born with these "powers" are somewhat making progress and helping each and every person be well informed.

As the newscasters then talked about the random things superheroes have been doing for the past few days.

Our superheroes have been making this a full-time job. The government pays us well and we keep fighting until the corrupt people have been detained.

Me, I can never call myself a hero anymore. After everything that is happening in this world, I think the newbies could handle the job perfectly. By rescuing a lot and giving the public eye the satisfaction they needed.

"Are you ready?" A voice behind me said. I turned around to see my mother standing in the doorway.

"Ready for the visit. Have you packed his favorite shirts?" I asked as I packed the rest of my mother's things inside the duffle bag.

She smiled, and then took little steps towards the television.

'As we progress in helping people in need, we must defend our citizens from the ugly misfortunes life would play unto us in the near future.'

'So my final question is, what was the reason why you wanted to become a hero from the start?'

'I didn't like the power I possessed. Believe me, having octopus-like arms while battling here in the land was kind of a disadvantage. Also by my own gender, I was discriminated against by just being a girl hero.'

I know how that feels. I know because I was weak to let my own mind revolve around gender equality between heroes. I was disappointed to not see more women of power.

'But a woman inspired me to become who I am right now.'

I smiled, the thought of that warmed my heart.

'Really? Who is it if I may ask.'

I closed the duffle bag and turned to watch the television. The woman was very beautiful, the glistening reflection of the light from her skin brighten the camera. She smiled a lot while she was looking straight at the reporter's eyes.

'The hero's name was Divine.'

I froze, hearing that name shook my own self.

"Did ya hear that?" My mother asked. I continued placing all of my father's personal belongings in the duffle bag before looking at my mom.

I turned off the television and letting my mom know that it was time to go.

I locked the house before walking towards the garage of our house. It was raining as expected from the newscast. I held my mom to get inside the car slowly since her age was more worrisome at some point in life. She was aging as the years pass by and I was left with a scar under my heart.

I placed the duffle bag inside the trunk before getting inside the car.

"Will you ever go back?" My mom asked. I turned in her direction and was sad to see her all wrinkled on the side of her eyes.

"I've made a decision. Please don't make me feel guilty mom."

Mom then stayed silent as I drove to the private hospital. I felt guilty for answering my mom like that. As if I would go back to that kind of poisonous job again. Having been said that, I am in a much concentrated and non-toxic job since I quit.

As I saw another villain attack overhead the road, I then took the longest road for me to get to our destination. It was a private and unknown hospital for the hero's medical care.

"That was quick of you to change roads." Mom said as I was driving a straight road towards the intersection.

"You know I'm impatient with these kinds of situations."

Mom chuckled at what I said. I then stopped to see if the intersection was packed. Luckily the trail of cars didn't stop at the intersection. Otherwise, I had no choice but to fly.

I passed by a lot of houses living in the suburbs and then got to the hospital's entrance.

"Mom, are you sure that you'll take care there with dad?" I asked after getting out of the car and handing the keys to, I guess a bellboy? Times are crazy since the medical hero's built this hospital.

She grabbed my arm as I got the bag outside the trunk. We both went inside the hospital and went to the reception area. I had the thought that this was like a hotel and not the kind of ordinary hospital we see regularly.

The glistening chandelier hung from the ceiling shouted sophistication as well as the upholstery.

'Of course, the Commission of Defense and Protection fully funded the whole hospital. Now, the owners have the luxury to extravagate the whole thing.'

We then went to the elevator and pressed the floor my dad was hospitalized.

By the time we got to his room I then placed his belongings in the closet next to his television.

"Dad, are you okay?" I asked.

Knowing his situation I felt pretty guilty. I had been protecting my family since I was born yet I failed to do so right now. All I have to do is to make up from the mistakes I've made.

"I'm fine, just a little pain in my ass right now." My dad replied. Mom gently slapped his arm and dad winced.

"At least you're okay. I had to go home every Friday just to help Ashley with the house." Mom said as she was feeding my dad with apple slices.

I laughed silently. My dad has been wearing a cast on his legs for a year. He didn't want to take the risk of going out so the hospital gave him a treatment every two weeks just so he can churn up his leg movement.

His fragile state gave me the betterment of knowing what was in store for those new heroes. That in every operation we had to do there will be casualties, pain and suffering. I was with my dad when something came in to our beepers. The beepers given from the commission gave us a sign that there are attacks near our radius. I didn't expect the attack could let my dad be in a coma for a year.

"Ash, why the long face?" My dad asked.

I looked at him and smiled, "I'm spacing out for a moment. Sorry dad."

"Please, It's not like you've been doing that since I woke up."

So he did noticed everything I did.

"You know me dad. I have a vivid and wide imagination."

My dad chuckled at what I said. I don't want him to know that I'm still feeling guilty for what he has to go through now.

"Dad, it's been a year. I want to work out everything after what happened."

Dad adjusted his sitting, his eyes never left mine. I then started to frown knowing he would give me a 30 minute lecture. Just as he would always do.

"Ash, you know you had a job to do. Both me and your mom was and is still proud of what you did. Despite the many casualties, you captured the villain that might potentially become a greater villain."

He paused and coughed. My mom handed him a glass of water and helped him drink it. As soon as he finished drinking the glass, he then proceeded to tell me everything he wanted to say.

"Now, as a father I know how much danger it is for his daughter to be out fighting these villains. But I know you have so much to show, and I believe that you can do a lot of things than just two elemental control."

I paused at what my father has just said.


"You were born with multiple elemental controls Ash. I had the elemental controls of fire and air, but when you started to walk and talk you have shown to have control in water and earth elements. I disclosed this information towards our family and as well as your late grandfather." He said.

My mental attention was diverted to what he spoke about. My own powers consisted of five natural elements.

My family' descendants were from a lineage that only possessed the power of manipulate and control elements. My dad controlled both fire and air, the same elements that I wield whereas my mom had no superhuman abilities. Dad was once arranged to be wed to another elemental user yet he defied the orders of his family and ran away with my mother. When I was born, the whole city experienced a sunny day with rainfall. My mother couldn't explain to me in detail of what happened. All I know is that I was powerful beyond exception. The powers in which I have inherited from my father grew and foster with his help.

So I began to get media attention from my own powers. Became engrossed by the luxurious life me and my family can have. The downside was when I cannot protect them.

Now, knowing I have more than just two elements was more shocking news than anything I've ever heard. I could be the savior or destruction of out city. That is what I understood by my father's words back when I was young.

'A single being that could wield and foster all five elements can bring great joy or disaster. Yet those who can balance the light from the dark will always stand out victorious.'

"Your grandfather reached his full potential gaining three elemental powers. However, it has declined his own health that he cannot work as a hero anymore. His disappearance made every citizen disappointed. He cannot fulfill the promise he made, so he left with no appreciation made by the crowd." Dad explained. I never really liked knowing my grandfather. The guy's a dick for a reason and I don't like his comments regarding my mom.

I stood up and went to my dad's side. I sat there and just stared at him.

"Will you help me?"

Dad shook his head. "I believe I can't dear. My days of being a mentor has ended. It is time for you to know your new mentors."

I was surprised at what he said. New mentors? That was quick of him to find someone to teach me. And as far as I know, there aren't any elementals left except my dad's family.

"Dad you must be joking." I said as I chuckled while talking.

"No, I happened to get some help. They are the true wielders of the elements. They're not from my family, but they bestowed these elements to us. We then wield these powers to protect the city from harm."

Is my dad joking? I don't even know what he's saying. We wield these powers and control them. But somehow I don't get the idea of people giving us these powers.

"Like the sun, it gives us light. The moon, it gives off light for us to see through darkness. These mentors will provide you any possible help in order for you to grow."