
Way out of hell

Foral_Fluff · Urban
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4 Chs

2. Demon's name

6 years ago....

"A name is a very powerful thing.

Make sure you just don't give yours to anyone. " Martin stated as he walked in circles around Devlin.

There he goes again! Can he say anything that makes sense? Devlin thought, not speaking out loud. she was well aware of the consequences.

It was all night tomorrow and she didn't want to end up with bruises. She rather focused on the sharp edge of Martin's sword , if she could somehow manage to get on Martin's other side, there was a chance that she could disarm him.

She took slow but steady steps wary of Martin's next move. He was studying her steps carefully. She needed to distract him to get past him.

"But, everybody in the kingdom already knows my name, father. " Devlin stated making her way towards him. "As per my knowledge you even held a ceremony to announce your heir's name. " By now Devlin was really close. She knew her chances of winning were slim but she would not lose to her father, at least, not today.

"You are so navié, sweetheart. What makes you think what people know is your real name? " He said as a matter of fact. There wasn't even a single hint of any emotion in his voice. In fact, Devlin started to believe that her father was incapable of feeling any sort of emotions other than hatred and jealousy.

"Doesn't make sense father. " Devlin said as she finally reached to the another side of Martin's blade. She pierced the hilt of his sword and pull it making it fly out of Martin's hand, catching it back smoothly.

Martin eyed her warily as she cast him a triumphant grin.

"Well, I'm not so sure about my name, but sure that I finally defeated you. " Devlin exclaimed as she could feel the sweat dripping from the back of her neck.

"Did I ever tell you how navié you are? " Martin asked matching her grin.

Yes, you did. Like two minutes ago. Devlin thought.

She noticed Martin whispering something incoherent under his breath.

She knew she was screwed.

Soon both the swords from her hand were snatched by an invisible force and before she could process what was happening, she was pinned against the wall by the same force both the swords crossed at her neck.

They could cut her even if she moved a centimetre. She held her breath and looked at the demon standing in front of her, Tears dwelling in her eyes.

"Could you fight fare, at least for ones father? " She asked barely controlling the anger in her voice.

She was so close to her victory. Yet, again she was defeated.

Her father could never let her win. No matter how hard she tried, he always found an evil way to defeat her.

"Oh, sweetie! It's fair enough to have a backup plan. In fact, it is important to have a backup plan. You never know when the things will go down." He cooed at her which only added fuel to Devlin's anger.

"And the same goes for your name. " Martin continued. "Powerful Demons like us are blessed with two names. At birth, one is known by the world and the other name, other name is chosen by a demon when it turns sixteen and gains its powers.

Your powers will evolve around your name so choose it wisely. You have time till tomorrow. " He stated as he released the grip of the swords on her neck.

She finally took a deep breath and her lungs immediately felt lighter.

But, for the love of the devil! She only had one day to choose her name.

It was not common for Devlin's parents to let her make her own decisions. They have controlled her at every party of her life. And when they finally let her, she was not given enough time, to take that her powers would revolve around this very name.

She took a deep breath and rushed towards the person who had the solution for her every problem, Diana.


"I have something important to tell you, pumpkin. " Diana said as she took hold of Devlin's palms and made Devlin sit beside her. Devlin slightly leaned onto her embracing her warm and caring aura.

"I know you are excited about your sixteenth birthday and about getting your powers, but be very careful Devlin. These magical powers come at a cost. " Diana stated brushing a lock of Devlin's hair away from her face and tucking it behind her ear.

Devlin looked at her, meeting her soft honey brown eyes full of a strange emotion unknown to her. Diana told Devlin that it was called love but, she wasn't so sure about this emotion.

Devlin had felt this strange emotion only from one other person, the boy she saw in her dreams. He was smart. He was funny. He was kind. If he had a flaw, it was that he wasn't real. He had these Green eyes that expressed a lot of emotions without uttering even a single word.

"I'm not sure about the other dynasties, but, " Diana continued breaking Devlin's thoughts about the mystery man and she focused back on what she was about to say.

"There are stories that Aldine's had to sacrifice their emotions for magical powers. " Devlin thought about Diana's words and her father's lack of emotions started to make sense.

"But Diana, why are emotions so important? If they provide you with something as powerful as magic then isn't it worth sacrificing them? " Devlin asked, doubt laced in her voice.

Diana smiled softly at her before answering "emotions are very powerful Devlin, even more than magic. Never underestimate the power of your emotions.

The power you get from this sacrifice will only corrupt you and lead you towards evil the same way it leads your parents. "Diana said as she held Devlin close to her chest. A soft smile appeared on Devlin's face with this gesture from Diana.

" Promise me, Devlin, you won't let your parents know about your powers. "The look she cast of Devlin was sincere and full of hope. Though Devlin couldn't completely understand the reason she didn't have the heart to say no to Diana.

" I promise Diana, they will never know, neither about my powers nor about my name. "


Hello lovely people!

*gets nervous* so this the next chapter. Let me know what you think about it.

Also, Diana wasn't lying when she said emotions are more powerful than magic in fact emotions are a type of magic known to humans... So trus

t your emotions.

Don't forget the ☆icon

See ya next week with next chapter!