
Just a little

I slowly opened my eyes as I see a familiar ceiling. I scanned the room to clarify where I am.

'This is my room....hmm... how did I get here...' I mentally noted. Just in time, the door by my room slowly opened. I see my mother bringing a food tray, with an expression of worry plastered in her face. As she saw me already awake, she hurriedly put the tray on the cabinet near the door as she darted towards me.

"Shiro-kun, how are you? Are you hurt anywhere? What do you feel? ..... " barraging me with seemingly endless questions as she gently held my hand as if I'm the most fragile thing in the universe. Then I replied, "I'm fine mom.... I just overdid a little in my training with Shikaku-sama..."

My reply was met with a harsh rebuke though "A little? A little?! If I say you were unconscious for 3 days young man, I don't know what's considered not a little for you! You were nearly depleted with chakra as your father found you near the gathering hall..... Your father even made a ruckus when he carried you to the Hospital! He....."

'What the-' I mentally said. I was about to reply my mother but my attention was focused on the silhouette by the door, of which belong to my father.

"That's enough Mirai... let Shiro rest." said my father whom was looking like someone who has not slept for quite some time. It was obvious as he tried to hide the blush when my mother described on what ruckus he did.

I didn't know that my normally bored-looking father would show an expression like that.

We chatted for quite some time as I was severely reprimanded when I told them that I practiced the Kage Onishibari no Jutsu alongside the training done with Shikaku. My father banned me of using the jutsu though and he said that I am allowed to use it only if I am chuunin. After the sermon, both of my parents bade their goodbye as they do their assigned work/chore, leaving me alone in my room granting me time to look at the popups unchecked during the last 3 days I was unconscious.


You have fainted!




Memory Integration Initiated ('Hiraishin No Jutsu - 3% (Memory Block: Senju Tobirama)')

Memories and experiences in the technique of the past users will be ingrained to you







Memory Integration COMPLETE ('Hiraishin No Jutsu - 50% (Memory Block: Senju Tobirama)')

Memories and experiences in the technique of the past users will be ingrained to you




Switching Memory Block: Senju Tobirama ------> Minato Namikaze




Memory Integration Initiated ('Hiraishin No Jutsu - 52% (Memory Block: Minato Namikaze)')

Memories and experiences in the technique of the past users will be ingrained to you







Memory Integration COMPLETE ('Hiraishin No Jutsu - 100% (Memory Block: Minato Namikaze)')

Memories and experiences in the technique of the past users will be ingrained to you


I dismissed the popups as I giddily said 'Skills'.



-NEW-Hiraishin no Jutsu - Flying Thunder God (Active) [MAX] - By entering a dimensional void marked by a seal, users can instantly teleport to a technique formula's location whenever they please, regardless of distance. costs 1 CR per 50 meters / per 54 yards.

-NEW-Hiraishin: Dōrai - Flying Thunder God: Guiding Thunder [MAX] - This barrier technique incorporates the use of the Flying Thunder God formula to erect a barrier space capable of warping away anything that comes into contact with it. The subject of the technique is then directed to another location marked by the user's formula. costs 30 CR per use.

-NEW-Hiraishin: Ni no Dan - Flying Thunder God: Second Step [MAX] - Incorporates unpredictability as a Hiraishin kunai arrives at an unpredictable position with the user teleporting to it at a close proximity with the enemy, attacking them at their blind-spot. costs 5 CR per use.

-NEW-Rasen Senkō Chō Rinbukō Sanshiki - Spiralling Flash Super Round Dance Howl Style Three [MAX] - this technique requires the use of 6 Hiraishin Kunais at maximum. Able to immediately traverse to multiple kunais as it produce a lightning flash as an effect. costs 15 CR per kunai thrown.

-NEW-Hiraishingiri - Flying Thunder God Slash [MAX] - requires the use of a bladed weapon. The user teleports to a marked target, with weapon in hand, to instantaneously deliver a swift, devastating slash to the enemy. costs 5 CR per use.

-NEW-Hiraishin Goshun Mawashi no Jutsu - Flying Thunder God Mutually Instantaneous Revolving Technique [MAX] - is a technique which can be utilized when at least two Flying Thunder God Technique users are present. Be able to switch position with another person with the Hiraishin. costs 10 CR per use.

Kagemane no Jutsu - Shadow Imitation Technique (Active) [Level 7 - 12.02%] - A signature technique of the Nara clan. Use to manipulates your shadow across a surface to merge it with a target or targets' shadow, costs 5 CR every 5 seconds.

Kage Onishibari no Jutsu - Shadow Demon Binding Technique (Active) [Level 10 - 23.97%] - A Unique jutsu to the Nara clan, used to entrap enemies while shadow hands binds the enemy making them immobile. With the setting seal, crush a particular part in the shadow covered mark, costs 50 CR per use.

Shurikenjutsu (Passive) [MAX] - An absolute necessity in regards to being a shinobi, hurling anything sharp and shiny to the enemy. Kunai and Shuriken accuracy +100%

Substitution Jutsu (Active) [Level 2 - 47.65%] - The bread and butter terms of importance is to escape enemies. Allows you to exchange places with an item up to a medium sized log in weight to avoid an incoming attack, costs 10 CR per use.

Transformation Jutsu (Active) [Level 5 - 22.32%] - This basic Genjutsu lets you disguise yourself from your enemies but can be disrupted easily. Can transform into another person within the range of your height and weight. costs 15 CR per minute,

Clone Jutsu (Active) [Level 3 - 89.76%] - A very basic clone technique, costs 10 CR per clone.


'Wow.... just wow.... I didn't know Hiraishin was that extensive!'

Hiraishin no Jutsu requires a Hiraishin Kunai.....hmm... ah yeah... the inventory! I just remembered I had one.... lol..

'Open Inventory' I mused.


INVENTORY (MAX SLOT: 198/250 (+50 per level))

99 - Special Kunai's Imbued with the Hiraishin

40 - Blank Sealing scrolls

5 - Paint Brush/es

10 - Ink Bottle/s

24 - Normal Kunais

10 - Basic Healing Salve (Heals 200HP per bottle)

10 - Basic Chakra Salve (Heals 200CR per bottle)


How to get an item from the inventory though.....uhh... help?


HELP: To get items from your inventory, you must imagine yourself holding the item specified and It will appear.


I positioned myself as I stood up and placed my right hand in front of me, imagining that I was holding the handle of the Special kunai.

After a 2 seconds, it appeared. A tri-pronged kunai imbued with the Hirashin seal. It is a bit different from Minato's kunai though as it look like a miniature trident. Its head part was expanded like how a tonfa is, with the kunai handle printed with a Hiraishin seal.

"Awesome" I said as I excitedly waved the kunai. I then threw it at the ceiling while I try to use the Hiraishin seal on it. And then....


A loud thump sounded althroughout my room as I teleported head-first to the ceiling.

"Damn...ow ow ow.. that was stupid.... " I said as I held the part of my head that collided with the ceiling.

"Troublesome..." I grumpily said as I made my way towards the door.

Ba dum tss....I may be doing a time-skip in a few chapters later as to begin the storyline. (/0_0)/

sp4rtan12creators' thoughts