

when there spread a rumour of gold bars in an old valley in Chicago . 4 thieves decided to loot it until they were welcomed with the deadly old man . now there mission is survival . join the thrilling experience .

Ethan_Drake_419 · Others
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2 Chs


Once upon a time in New York , 4 theives unknown yet famous . They looted houses of the rich AND one among them is your host .

Hi my name is ETHAN DRAKE and here's my 3 partners - ROBERT , ELENA AND THOMPSON

ONCE Thompson got a news that there is a colony in Chicago where an old man and his wife live and they have some seriously precious gold bars . he called us and told us about the plan we decide to synchronise the area in the afternoon . we saw that no one lives there except the old man and his wife and their dangerous dog . we planned to meet there at midnight .

it's midnight , we met outside of the house we decided to enter through the balcony unaware that the dog was awake but bad luck Robert jumped in and soon the dog jumped over the guy and tried to bite him , Robert grabbed his mouth and asked alena for knife .

she threw it and Robert stabbed his mouth straight right In . Robert sad "that's why I never like dogs".

I whispered "you do not like yourself" . everyone laughed and Robert said " bad joke , but funny" .

when we went near the door and we saw a digital lock it could only be opened by the fingerprint or password and wrong answer gives an alarm and a call to police. I started to hack it it took me 15 minutes and going ... until thompson shouted "enough! I'm gonna take this son of bitxh down"

and then he threw a big stone on the lock and the door got open . Elena said " woah ! Thompson go to guts" Thompson said " yah I do got some nuts "

Elena said " let it be , miniac" thompson with a minor laugh " yah that I am "

we entered the house and it was pretty good there and Thompson saw an axe which was so well designed . Thompson rushed to grab it , but when he lifted the axe and decided to do a trick as he was about to catch it in the middle of air it slipped from his hand and fell down on the floor . Elena said " u motherfuxkin idiot " and than I alerted

everyone " guys quiet , I hear somethin" after some moments we heard footsteps . Robert sushed then we saw an old lady whether wooden stick . she started to walk towards Robert as she became suspicious that someone was around there she hit Robert with the stick . Robert's cover was blown . she grabbed the end part of her stick and pulled it up and the next thing we saw was unbelievable , it had a fuxkin blade attached to it's tip . Robert was like " DUDE !!! WHAT THE FUXK" when she was about to rip Robert . Thompson threw the axe towards her head and BAM! HER head was down and blood spilled everywhere even on Robert's face . Thompson said " thank me later" Robert said " you m***********" .

we thought it was over until we had another footstep and this time it's none of them but the old man we heard he was retired (at least what we know of ) major but his body was still good . Elena whispered " if we weren't on a mission I'd like him to kiss me " I said " can u just fuxkin concentrate " . the man walked around saying " Martha! where r u" we noticed one thing that both the old guys suffered from serious catarct . the old man walked on the blood thinking that it was water but when he touched it with his finger and smelled it he was astonished . as he reached his hands he came across his wife's head and he starts crying . as Robert was crawling away he unknowingly moved a table and the glass on it fell . the old man directly threw her wife's head on him and Robert cried "AHHHHH !!! SAVE ME YOU FUXKERS" UNTIL THE MAN GRABBED HIS HEAD AND SQUEEZED HIS NECK . HE GRABBED THE AXE AND SLASHED HIS HEAD . THE HEAD ROLLED TO ELENA . ELENA SHOUTED " OH MY GOD!!!" THE MAN REACHED FOR HER UNTIL THOMPSON JUMPED ON HIM and I managed to pull away the axe from his hand . old man grabbed thompson's hand and threw him away like nothing . now he's coming for me . I shouted " look old fuxksmith , it'll not take me a fuxkin sec to slash your throat apart " the old man said " Death does not mean me anything " he grabbed my neck and pushed me up and the axe fell on the ground . as I was about to loose my senses , Elena took the old women's (modified with blade) stick and stabbed the old guy . he fell down and we thought he was dead . we started search for the gold bars and we found the lock with eye match pass . we took old womens head which was gross and unlocked it and guess what we found !!! 46 gold bars on the row and we were damn happy . we were about to escape , we saw that the old man was not on the floor anymore and instead we saw him at the exit gate . he said in a brutal accent " ur sufferings just began morons , u've got to go to deep dead sleep just like your bud dead Robert" .