
Water Bending In Marvel

Jared Parker, an assassin from a different world, finds himself transmigrated into the Marvel Universe. Instead of becoming a familiar face, he has been inserted as an unknown character, specifically as the elder brother of the fan-favorite Peter Parker (Tom Holland). With his new identity, Jared embarks on an exciting journey full of action, adventure, and self-discovery. This story promises a unique blend of sci-fi and fantasy elements, all set in the ever-expanding Marvel Universe. Experience the thrill of the Marvel Universe through the eyes of a newcomer, Jared Parker, in this captivating NO HAREM tale.

lazarus898 · Movies
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33 Chs

PPEB: Meeting with Jakuna Part 1

Jared's POV (Same time)

I have now slipped away from school hiding among the crowd…the hotel in which Jakuna Singh is staying right now is 20-25 mins away. I did bring a hoodie with me to hide my identity so that my face doesn't get exposed on one of the hotel cameras. But I can't wear it now or else people will think of me as some weirdo who is trying to hide his face on the bus. I had also kept a bottle of water with me just in case.

To avoid my location being traced by anyone I left my phone in my school locker. I know people might try to call me and even try to find me but I am aiming to get over with this before any of that happens. As for Aunt May, I have already left it to Peter.

Nearly 40 mins later I get down at the bus stop near the Hotel. Luckily for me, the front entrance of the hotel is full of people of which most were reporters and journalists trying to get a glimpse of Jakuna and ask him questions. I saw that the guards at the gate of the hotel weren't letting everyone in except the ones who had a press pass. 

I put on my hoodie and a baseball cap and walked toward one of the press vans. After looking around all the vans for a minute or two, I found two journalists enjoying some coffee and talking to each other while their press pass was on the seat. 

One of them was a man while the other was a woman. Knowing that I can't just pick up the ID card when they are on the other side of the van, I tried controlling the coffee in the man's cup since it had a straw which meant that it was probably not a hot coffee, and suddenly pushed it toward the man. This caused the cup to tilt towards him and the coffee spilled over his shirt. 

"Holy Shitttt" the man exclaimed as he stepped back and dropped the coffee cup from his hand. The woman was also surprised and quickly hurried to ask him if he was okay.

Seeing that no one had noticed me until now and the two reporters were busy among themselves because of the coffee fiasco, I picked up the ID and also a pad and pen that were kept on the dashboard. 

I immediately made a few turns and lost myself in the crowd so that even if anyone saw me, they wouldn't find me now. I got mixed with a group of other reporters who had worn the press ID card around their neck. I also did the same and removed my hoodie keeping my baseball cap intact. 

As we were moving forward, the security at the gate was just checking if everyone had an ID card or not. I made sure to told mine and show it to him so that he would just move on to the next one and just like I thought, after seeing my id he didn't even look at my face since the crowd behind me kept increasing. As I entered the hotel into the lobby, there were even more people…this included not only the reporters but also the customers and employees. 

Seeing the heightened security, I decided not to linger around much and went straight to the lifts. There were a few more people with me who were waiting for the lift. One did come and I let all of them go. All this time I had to hide my face because even though my height and build would be that of a man in his early or mid-twenties, my face would give away my age. 

When I found an empty lift, I went in and pressed all the floor buttons and removed my hat and stood with a guilty expression. The lift stopped at every floor. I didn't know which floor this man was on so the only way was to check every floor. I mean I could use the emergency exit stairs but this one had security around that door as well and the only way to bypass it without making anyone suspicious would be to disguise myself as hotel staff.

'My experience from my past life is turning out to be more useful than my superpowers right now. I hope I can just become water completely one day and flow through pipes and reach anywhere.' I thought as the floors came and went by one by one. If I saw anyone standing in front of the lift, I would just blame it on a kid saying that he pressed all the buttons and ran away. I also put my press id in my hoodie. 

The efforts eventually bore fruit because as the 9th floor came and the door opened, I saw 2 guards in the lobby and 2 guarding a specific door. This must be the room where Jakuna Singh is staying right now.

They looked at me as the door opened and I said the same thing that a kid pressed all the buttons and ran away…seeing this coming from a 15-year-old white kid…there was no reason for them to overthink it. Just as the next floor came I got out of the lift. I went straight for the room which was just above Jakuna's room. Beside the room's door, there was a glass rectangle that had the room number 109 imprinted on it. The glass rectangle had green LED behind it which indicated that the room wasn't occupied. 

This was something I noticed in all the rooms I saw while coming up and even on the 9th floor, except Jakuna's room all had green LED. Only his had Red LED.

It's good that I don't have to worry about anyone seeing me since the room is already empty. I opened the bottle of water that I had and created a stream again which I maneuvered to go under the door and up to the door handle. It did take a few tries since I couldn't see the other side of the door but after a minute, I was able to open the door. 

I put all the water back in the bottle and headed straight to the balcony. It was obviously very big and had a jacuzzi as well. Now the question was how to make contact with Jakuna without knowing if there was anyone other than him in the room and if there were then how many.

Just when I was brainstorming as to how I should make contact, I heard footsteps on Jakuna's balcony. I also heard a voice "Let me rest in here for a few minutes, till then go and see if the preparations for the meeting have been done or not." Jakuna said as he came into Ja's line of sight wearing only boxers and stepped into the jacuzzi. I could hear the footsteps of the guards going away. 

A few seconds later, I decided that there wouldn't be such a good chance so I decided to make my move. The distance between me and Jakuna proved to be a little challenging, but eventually, I managed to control the water. Without wasting any time, I put on the mask and had Jakuna in my clutches.

"Huh? What is happening." Jakuna said before he could realize anything and call his guards. Water had now created a big blob covering Jakuna's mouth and restricting his arms and legs in the same way. 

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