
Water Bending In Marvel

Jared Parker, an assassin from a different world, finds himself transmigrated into the Marvel Universe. Instead of becoming a familiar face, he has been inserted as an unknown character, specifically as the elder brother of the fan-favorite Peter Parker (Tom Holland). With his new identity, Jared embarks on an exciting journey full of action, adventure, and self-discovery. This story promises a unique blend of sci-fi and fantasy elements, all set in the ever-expanding Marvel Universe. Experience the thrill of the Marvel Universe through the eyes of a newcomer, Jared Parker, in this captivating NO HAREM tale.

lazarus898 · Movies
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32 Chs

Going to the Dojo

Jared explained some parts of his plans regarding Professor Morris to Ryan. Only the ones that Ryan won't find too problematic or against his moral compass. Jared also explained to him why he was doing this and about the professor's past. After thinking for a few minutes Ryan said "Don't you think we would be going too far by directly doing this? Shouldn't we talk to him first? Maybe he will stop with his antics once he receives a warning from us."

"His hatred for my father is not just because my father exposed him. For him, it is betrayal from a friend so I don't think a warning from a 15-year-old white kid is going to do any good." Jared said. Although what Ryan said was right and going ballistic wasn't the right thing to do, Jared wasn't one to leave things to chance. He didn't want the Professor to link things back to him. 

"Hmm…fine. I'll help you. When are we doing this?" Ryan asked to which Jared smiled and said "Today after school. I will let you know the content, further things you can handle on your own." Jared then looked at Ryan's backpack and said "It's a good thing you brought your computer then. Why don't you show me the information you have brought."

Jared and Ryan then sat down on the grass and started skimming through the data that Ryan had brought. He was probably the only kid in our class who brought his laptop to the school for no reason. As they were looking through the data, they heard footsteps coming towards them. Ryan quickly closed the closed and they both looked back.

"Maya…what are you doing here?" Ryan and Jared asked with an awkward smile.

With her hands on her hips, Maya looked at the two boys with suspicion and asked "I should be the one asking you. What are the two of you doing here and why did you hide the laptop as soon as I came? What were you two doing? Show me…show me."

Ryan and Jared looked at each other and before Jared could even think of anything, Ryan said "Porn…we were looking for porn. You wanna see?" 

"Ew…no. Is that why you bring your laptop to school? Jared stay away from him until he cleans up the garbage filled in his head." Maya said staring daggers at Ryan. 

Jared tried to diffuse the situation a little as he said "Forget about him, Maya. What brought you here in such a hurry? Is some teacher searching for us since we bunked the lecture?"

Placing her palm on her forehead Maya asked "I almost forgot… I came here for something else. You remember I told you about the dojo I have been attending recently for self-defense and stuff?" to which Jared nodded so she continued to speak "So my sensei or teacher as you might call it wanted other students to come to the dojo and attend a demo today. So I came here to invite you two. I already asked Derek this morning but he said he has his hands full with Basketball and doesn't have more time for dojo stuff."

Jared looked at Ryan and said "Ryan was just telling me that he has plans after school today so he might not make it but I will accompany you once." 

Ryan felt relieved as he heard this. He was not interested in stuff like this so Jared had now given him a good reason to avoid it. He'd rather spend his time at the park practicing skateboard.

"You will? For sure…you are not going to leave me hanging right?" Maya asked in a surprised tone. She had invited Jared to many such after school things before but either Jared would just slip in the middle or not show up at all.

"No…I promise you I will come with you and even stay until you decide its time to leave. How does that sound?" Jared said. He was ready to say yes to anything that would get Maya to leave here without getting more suspicious about the laptop.

"I don't know if I should be happy or not. This is so not like you but I guess I can give you a chance. Alright boys, I'll leave the two of you to do whatever you want. Jared me and my mom will pick you up 2 hours after school then we can go together." Maya said and left.

"Seems like her mother is back in town." Ryan said as he looked at her go away.

"What do you mean?" Jared asked curiously.

Ryan looked at Jared and said "Did she never tell you? Her parents are divorced. Her mother works for the government in DC and her dad roams the world doing adventure stuff like mountain climbing and whatnot. She basically lives with her uncle here who has a garage. We got our car from his shop last year. Dad was happy with what a good deal he had gotten."

"huh…I don't remember her telling me about her family." Jared said.

Ryan chuckled as he heard this and said "You would find a lot more information about everyday things if you just hear what she says. More than half the time you just ignore whatever comes out of her mouth. She has to practically knock on your head for you to listen." Ryan laughed.

"Alright…alright...enough with the taunts. You know what to do. I will get you the information you need by lunchtime. If you screw up…I will have you go with your best friend Maya to her next after school hobby." Jared said and walked away.

In the lunchtime, Jared went to his locker and got a pendrive which contained the links and snapshots of Professor Morris's bad past. After finding out the truth about him from Maya, it was fairly easy for Jared to get the information that was published years ago. He compiled a file of all those articles and reference links. After handing over the pendrive to Ryan, Jared went back to attend classes.

After school he went straight home and changed into tracks. Just as he was about to leave, he heard the door open. He peeked out from his bedroom door and saw Aunt May walk in with a stack of papers which looked like a contract.

"Aunt May…you home at this time? Did you go somewhere?" Jared asked as he stepped out. May looked towards Jared and said "Yes…I went for a job interview and I think I might get the job."

"But what about your previous job? I thought you liked it."

"I do…but I wanted to do something for the community. Something that makes a difference. So I gave an interview to a non-profit organization called F.E.A.S.T. I will still make as much as I did in the last job but the timings are way more flexible and I will get to help a lot of kids that need food and shelter." This is the first time Jared had seen May so happy so he decided not to ask much and just encourage her

"I am sure you will get the job. They won't be able to find anyone as dedicated as you for this. I will get going now." Jared said as he started to walk to the front door.

"Were you going?" Aunt May asked to which Jared explained to her about Maya's new hobby and how he was going to accompany her.

"Oh…Hannah's in town. That's great. Its been a while since we have talked to each other." Aunt May said and then they heard a car horn from the outside.

"Looks like they are here already." Jared said and opened the front door as he saw a red-haired woman in black suit and sunglasses walk out of her car.

"May…Its been such a long time." Hannah said as she walked towards May and hugged her. She then looked at Jared and said "Jared…it hasn't been more than two years and you have already grown quite a bit." She said as she ruffled Jared's hair.

As Jared was getting his hair back in shape May said "Hannah…why didn't you call me once you were back in New York. There is so much happening in New York nowadays."

"I know…but I must tell you..DC isn't quiet either. The world is getting bizzare day by day." Hannah said in a mysterious tone which for some reason felt a little odd to Jared.

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