
Watched By A Night Eye (WBANE)

Rory had a feeling of his every move being watched. Turns out to be true that he was actually being watched by something epic. He found out from his watchman that he has the said epic powers called Night Eye so he was recruited to where he belong, leaving everything he has and forsaking everyone he knew and down to his new world...the underground He learnt more of his epic self after facing so much from all sides, being bullied, forsaken, dejected from all sides. He found out many secrets about the undergrounnd and all their scheme. He went back to the forsaken surface of Veroz to save it from the hands of the Underground. He wasn't alone as he formed alliance with his friends on the outer surface and with the mission....to destroy the underground and to save Veroz. A Story of Love, Dejection, Rivalry, Sadness, and Secrets....Read More. P.S...this book WBANE is entwined with my other books SUPERNATURALs and The Witches Of Avalon. Read along for better understanding.

Adams_SDA · Others
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27 Chs

The Power of the Unknown

Right there, I almost peed my pants.

I stood in silence praying inwardly that maybe my name had been called by a mistake and he wanted someone else. Gerald's eyes gave me otherwise, and he has indeed called my name. This was the end of me. All I could think was Allyson words when he described Treavor earlier. This is the end of me.

"Wait…he's new and he can't pair with Treavor. Master Gerald I suggest to you redo the process again." Allyson said outloud in my defense.

"Are you saying that this is wrong? " Gerald asked in an angry tone. His eyes glowed brighter, and I could feel the ominous power suppressing me where I stood. I couldn't move for a moment, and looking at Allyson, he got the message, gritting his teeth. If Master Gerald is like this, and he was just a teacher, how would some one like Sir Lyon be?

"Are we doing this or not?" Treavor asked impatiently.

"Hey, remember to guard, and don't necessarily think of giving attacks; just block and try to stay away from his punches and avoid his domineering eyes. It's brutal, worse than the one you just felt now " Gio said before I left. This was a very hard thing to do. To state my odds, I am slow at giving attacks, my punches are not that strong, i am a weakling who just started this school less than a week ago and On top of it all, I don't have a night eye to aid me. This was a lost battle for me already.

I came down to the battle arena, walking past Treavor to the Weapon. I stood there confused for a moment..What was i going to do? Weapons are meant to aid your night eye powers while fighting and for me, it's a bit different. Now which one do I choose, the saber sword, the short dagger, the sai weapon, or the rope thingy which I'm not aware of..This is the end.

'Get yourself together' I said reassuringly to myself. I know I'm not at his level but I have been training and I'm confident in my training lessons with Allyson. I'll not going down without a fight. I chose the saber sword finally and faced Treavor who already picked a rope weapon but not just any rope, it has two sharp steel at the both ends of the rope. He rolled the rope round his body like a pro..what am I saying, he is a pro and probably I'm gonna die

"The rules are the same. No quitting, weapons are allowed and the use of the night eye power is highly allowed. Goodluck out there"

"I don't need luck to beat this feeble. This will be over soon"

I didn't give a reply but instead I held my sword more firmly in response.


At the sound of that word, I thought I should give an attack first but someone was faster than me. Treavor came at me with this subjective aura which caught me off guard. It was just like the ominous power of Gerald but Treavor owns was mild but still a bit at par with Gerald. I couldn't move like before. He jumped faster at me rolling his weapon and throwing it like a fisherman towards my hands. Thankfully I was able to shake it off just in time but it was a slow response from me, so I found myself on the ground after he dragged me and he, landing on a knees. I seized the opportunity to act fast by rolling the ropes around my arms and running towards him. I slid near to him doubling the rope to catch his leg. He fell down after I did this. I got a gasp from the watching spectators seeing what I had done. But he wasn't down for Long and he found his way up again.

"You call that an attack? Let me show you the real deal " He picked an end of the rope and brought the other end to him. He rolled it around and released part of it towards where I stood. I wasn't with my sword to block the attacks and I could dodge the coming things that I couldn't see. The sharp steel slit my uniform and gave me a cut on my arm. I was bleeding . He didn't stop. This time, he gave multiple attacks of the recent kind, which made me bleed more . I ran around to avoid them but it wasn't a success. I was slit the more and my clothes and body were paying the price of my weakness. He caught my legs with the rope thing and fell me down hard. I couldn't even do a counterattack cause my sword was far away from me. My arm was giving an excruciating pain that was unbearable. And he wasn't done. Treavor showed a wicked smile and rolled the rope in the air once again. Now he began wiping them toward me on the ground. I made a roll avoiding each and every wipes until I got to my sword. With it on my hand, I defended myself with both the sharp steel tip and my sword meeting at the very last wipe. I charged with the sword towards him. She swerved around me and tamed my sword with his ropes. He took it off my hands and shook it to the ground. There's no way I was getting it back. I was weaponless

"Relax" he said." I'll make this a fair fight" He dropped his own weapon now. "Powers are allowed aren't they? Then let's take this to another level" Saying this, I felt the environment surroundings change. There was this chill temperature that attacked my body. Treavor was smiling, closed his eyes for a moment and opened them for me to see his ever shining sky blue night eye…but I tell you, this time it was different. It was like I was drawn to his eyes, and I was hypnotized, I couldn't move an inch, all I did was stare at his eyes

"RORY RUN! It's the domineering eye"

I heard Allyson saying from far but I could move. I remember once Gio told me to avoid this. So this is the domineering eyes of a night eye. It was like I was in another dimension…all I could see was pitch black, nothing but just his night eye. I've never seen such brightness in ones eyes before. 'Move you stupid body' I kept saying inwardly but my body have no heed.

Treavor smiled and in a light, he vanished. Just in a glitch, I heard his voice behind my left ears 'This is the end' I could see his hands slowly coming towards my face. I couldn't move. He held my face and threw me like a baseball over the arena. Such an amazing brute powers. I've never seen anything like it. I found myself hitting the wall which gave a crack. I felt this immense pain on my back as I coughed out blood. A glitch happened again and he was before me, taking my hands and throwing me across the court again. Again and again, a glitch occured and I was being thrown around like a helpless doll. My face was with scratches…I have never seen this amount of blood from me. I tapped the ground but he wouldn't budge. This guy wanted to kill me.

"He tapped the ground already Master Gerald. Stop him. He's going to kill him" Allyson said to Gerald who just folded his hands not responding to Allyson.

"Stop this once or I'll stop this myself "

"You think protecting him will make him awaken his powers? This is what he needs and this is how we know if he's truly a night eye"

"This is too extreme for a guy who is just here for less than a week. He's gonna die. His body can't take this yet"

"Says you. Focus on your own fight and leave him be. And to be clear…" Gerald held up his cloths and lifted Allyson in the air with a domineering aura from his eye "…next time you threaten me or give me conditions or even go against my process, I'll give you what you deserve. Your father being the leader of the Golden Night Eye does not give to the privilege to talk to me and lay down conditions. Are we clear?"

Allyson, in fear, nodded, and he was dropped down. "Common Rory" he said inwardly.

I was at pulp. I couldn't move and I couldn't open my eyes. Looks like it's death to me . I could hear Treavor steps coming towards where I lay like a lifeless entity. I couldn't do anything

"Now I'll finish this honorably " He brought out his fist…I felt this powers glowing around him and transferring it to his fist. I was crying already. This is the last blow…Goodbye world…I said closing my eyes..but then I felt something,,.no, I saw something. I saw a light glowing like a smoke. Was I imagining this? I stretched my hands towards the glowing substance like smoke, then I saw a figure took it away. It was now pitch black. Wait…I said inwardly but he wouldn't hear me…I was alone.

In a moment, he appreared to me with the glowing substance. It covers and illuminates his eyes, and I couldn't see this person. He was holding it like some sort of guardian. He stretched it out to reach my hands and whispered three words that was loud enough for my hearings. "It's your turn"

I felt a sensation in my body as I had the glowing light on my hands. This sensation was new as it spread round my body and before Treavor could give me is K.O punch, I held them in the air and there was an outburst of power…definitely Treavor's power that he inbuilt with the punch…he was struggling to let go of his hands but I keep it firm with mine.

"What is this?" He asked still struggling

When I opened my eyes, I saw the fear that was written over him.


Consider this as my apology chapter…updates will be up soon

Much love ❤️

From now on, I’ll give short descriptions of powers

* Domineering Eyes:

The Domineering Eye is a rare and powerful ability which allows users to control others through a piercing gaze.It represents the balance between strength and vulnerability.The power can be a blessing or a curse, used for good or evil.

Effect: Users can manipulate actions, thoughts, and emotions through this The affected individual may feel a hypnotic pull.

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