
Watched By A Night Eye (WBANE)

Rory had a feeling of his every move being watched. Turns out to be true that he was actually being watched by something epic. He found out from his watchman that he has the said epic powers called Night Eye so he was recruited to where he belong, leaving everything he has and forsaking everyone he knew and down to his new world...the underground He learnt more of his epic self after facing so much from all sides, being bullied, forsaken, dejected from all sides. He found out many secrets about the undergrounnd and all their scheme. He went back to the forsaken surface of Veroz to save it from the hands of the Underground. He wasn't alone as he formed alliance with his friends on the outer surface and with the mission....to destroy the underground and to save Veroz. A Story of Love, Dejection, Rivalry, Sadness, and Secrets....Read More. P.S...this book WBANE is entwined with my other books SUPERNATURALs and The Witches Of Avalon. Read along for better understanding.

Adams_SDA · Others
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27 Chs

Inside the underground.

"SOMEONE HELP!!!!!!!!!!" I kept screaming as I jumped down. My brain gave a possible outcome of death, this is it, my last time on Veroz, how did my life become this way? Well, I hope there's a good other side after this part.

"Quit shouting like a little child would you?"

I heard Allyson's voice probably talking to me. I slowly opened my right eye to find him holding his laughter. I looked around and noticed I was down somewhere. I thought I was still in the air earlier. That's it, another time I make a fool of myself.

I cleared my throat and regained posture. I gave him a Stern and by doing that, he burst into laughter. I was so annoyed for him doing that. What does he think of?

"It's.... it's not that funny you know"

"What!" He said holding his tummy. "You really are a fearful monger. Dude!" He said again laughing out loud.

"Fine. I was scared a bit"

"A bit?" He cut me short and erupt into another laughter.

"Well...you know, I am not ready for all of this. It's reasonable and normal for me to be fearful and not fearless. Jeez"

"If you say so fearful monger"

"Stop calling me that"

He laughed on and I took the chance to look around. We were in somewhere dark, but not too dark cause I can still see where Allyson was. So I'll say it was a bit dark and there was a narrow way leading to a door. "Allyson, Where are we?"

"Oh" He sniffles before standing straight. He brought something from his belt pouch. He broke one and he broke the other. The thing began giving light..a neon light.

"This way" He said and walked to the narrow road. He handed me a light and he leads the way. All I heard were dripping waters and running sewage. Don't tell me these people built a world in these kind of state.

"Don't think the underground is just like this. We had to choose here because it gives us a safety for the krygans not locating us"

We reached the door and he shine his neon light more to the door. He placed his hands around it trying to find for a button I guess. Yeah, I was right. He was looking for a button. He pressed it and a little screen showed up on it with 8 broken lines, I guess it's for password.

I heard beeps of numbers, then, it showed a hand in the screen, a fingerprint I guess. Allyson inputted his fingers on the screen before it showed a facial Password. Allyson gave me his neon light and asked me to out them off for a while. I did hide them before he did his facial lock scan.

The door began opening and we walked right to it. I began seeing visible lights as we walk and when I got in...it was a jaw drop.