
Watched By A Night Eye (WBANE)

Rory had a feeling of his every move being watched. Turns out to be true that he was actually being watched by something epic. He found out from his watchman that he has the said epic powers called Night Eye so he was recruited to where he belong, leaving everything he has and forsaking everyone he knew and down to his new world...the underground He learnt more of his epic self after facing so much from all sides, being bullied, forsaken, dejected from all sides. He found out many secrets about the undergrounnd and all their scheme. He went back to the forsaken surface of Veroz to save it from the hands of the Underground. He wasn't alone as he formed alliance with his friends on the outer surface and with the mission....to destroy the underground and to save Veroz. A Story of Love, Dejection, Rivalry, Sadness, and Secrets....Read More. P.S...this book WBANE is entwined with my other books SUPERNATURALs and The Witches Of Avalon. Read along for better understanding.

Adams_SDA · Others
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27 Chs

I am your mission.

Someone kept kicking me. I felt the kicks hurting me but I wouldn't want to wake up. I just hope it's my aunt waking me up for being late to school.

"Dude wake up"

I grunted before waking up to his voice. It was morning already and his eyes were more presentable and good to look at compared to that of last night. Although I could still see the golden features all on his eyes. "We have to get moving"

"Can't we wait a little bit?"

"You prefer the robots to take you?"


"Then let's leave here. C'mon, we are far behind"

I reluctantly followed him in silence, I only heard crushing leaves by our foot, and the chirping birds and how they fly up through the spaces of the woods. It was amazing and beautiful. I looked up smiling at what I saw before being obstructed by Allyson.


"What ya looking at?'

"Nothing' I lied


"You said we should continue our journey and like you said again, we are far behind so I won't want us to be far more behind. Lead the way"

He smiled and continued the journey. It stuck me as I continued walking on his path. It even occured to me that this boy didn't ask of my name or any of my relations, why?

"You didn't ask of my name"

"Not Relevant"

"How rude! Well I will tell you anyway. It's Rory"

"Like I said, not Relevant'

Now I began feeling hatred for this little fella. How does my name not feel relevant. Look at me, following an unknown person, what if he's working with those robots? Or he's working for some heavy syndicate that wants my life? Where the hell do I think I'm going!!!?

"Could you tell me more of the Underground world?"

"Urghh...I told you, if you get there, all your answers will be answered"

"But I don't seems to know what I'm going to. It's not easy to follow a stranger and I am so fierce of my personal security"

"Well I'm not killing you. If I wanted to do that, I would have taken your life during the night hour"

"Well still I am not yet satisfied. I demand to know what the Underground world is"

"Well I'm not answering that because it'll delay our walk"

"Well I'm not moving an inch too" I said stopping at my track

"What are you doing?" His tone looks fed up

"Trying to get answers"

"Through being childish?"

"In case you don't know Allyson, I am your mission and I know you won't want to fail in that because if you do, I know they are already spelled out punishment for you."


"So I would say if this mission would be a success or a failure. By doing that, it means I have the say and the head on everything, what I say, you do. And now I demand for an answer because I am not moving an inch if I would not be answered"

"You know that if you don't move, you'll die a painful death issued by the Krybots"

"And you'll go back empty handed. They wouldn't dare touch me " I said my last sentence boastfully.


"Because I know you'll fight them. You can't let me die because I AM YOUR MISSION"

"Are you for real?"

"I am damn serious." I said with a prideful smile.

"Oh what have I gotten into?" He said slowing swiping his face downward from the top.

"Your decision now Mr Allyson"

"Fine, let's get going"


"And I'll answer all your questions"

"Yippie...I win. So great to be the king" I said walking forward now and seeing him shaking his heads.

"Hello, I can't lead the way"