
warriors|fadding ghosts

harepaw the little tortishell looked at her mentor milkheart as she was licking her soft white pelt but harepaw couldnt stop looking at her amber eyes but she stopped her gaze and saw her sister bramblepaw walk out of the medicene den and harepaw ran to her sister and milkheart saw that she was gonna hit into her "get over her you mouse-brained tom"milkheart hissed but harepaw knoked into her sister and bramblepaw dropped onto the floor with her calico pelt getting coverd with the herbs and her blue eyes getting blocked by her brother harepaw and then bramblepaw kicked him away "get away"bramblepaw hissed at her brother "are you ok sis?"harepaw meowed "no im not and thanks to you i get a stupid medicene cat as a mentor and you get the deputy as yout mentor"bramblepaw hissed "its ok,it wil be a nice job as a medicene cat bramblepaw"harepaw purred camly when walking to bramblepaw "get away from me you traitor"bramblepaw hissed as she unleashed her claws and swinged her left paw at harepaws face scratching her left eye looking like a lopsided eye scear and as harepaw scremed of aceny bramblepaw didnt care about her brothers tears anymore "oh stop being sucha baby you mouse-brain"bramblepaw hissed "i-i-i need help m-my eye"harepaw whimperd and bramblepaw growled pouncing onto her ingured brother and milkheart tried to say somthing to help but she was paralyzed and bramblepaw looked at her dropped herbs she saw death berries and she grabbed them and she looked at her brother emotionless and when harepaw tried to scream for help bramblepaw scratched harepaws thoat "im sick of you trying to ruin my life brother"bramblepaw hissed "p-please st-"harepaw whimperd but bramblepaw tried to shove the death berries into harepaws mouth as harepaw cryied of pain but then milkheart jumped at bramblepaw and threw her away from harepaw and milkheart took the death berries away from her mouth and she took him to the medicene den to heal her and as bramblepaw sat their sorting the herbs slowly calming down and reqreting what she did and found a fancy feather for her brother and fell asleep peacefully

\\\the next day\\\

bramblepaw woke up seeing harepaw walk out of the den and bramblepaw walked up to her brother "b-brother"bramblepaw meowed and harepaw looked at bramblepaw angerly with the scear on her throat and left eye as bramblepaw smirked a little "im sorry for what i did yesterday i got my angery get the best of me"bramblepaw purred as her ears went down and then she looked at harepaw seeing him smile a little calming down and bramblepaw looked at the feather "i-i got you this for you"bramblepaw meowed as she put the feather in harepaws fur and harepaw looked at bramblepaw he purred "its ok just dont try and kill me again"harepaw purred "harepaw are you coming for the hunting patrol"milkheart meowed to harepaw "yes! coming!" harepaw meowed to milkhear then looking at his sister "i forgive you and tanks for the feather"harepaw purred ans she turned around running to his mentor and bramblepaw smiles and grabbed the hebs to the medicene den

\\\moons later\\\

harepaw now harewish the new deputy and bramblepaw now bramblesky the new medicene cat harewish went to the moonstone with the leader dovestar a ginger tabby and they went into starclan and dovestar found a starclan cat needing him "yes what is it?"dovestar meowed to the cat "theres a prophice for when the new kit gets born"the cat meowed and dovestar got confused "what do you mean a new kit"dovestar meowed "the kit bramblesky is going to birth during the cold days,a beutiful calico tom-cat with green leafy eyes and a weird birthmark of a white dimond on the chest"the cat meowed "whats the name going to be whats going to happen!"dovestar purred "when the water becomed bloddy from the follen leader there'll be a fadding ghost trying to lead the kit to a great path but the darkness will play for blood"the cat purred and dovestar woke up and he woke up harewish "i think thats enouh for today"dovestar meowed and harewish nodded and they got up and started walking to mystic clan and harewish behind dovestar he unleashes his claws and then he jumps onto him hitting dovestars head by on of the rocksin the river "harewish what are you doing!"dovestar gasped and harewish grined and looked crazy then he lifted his left paw up and then a cat attacked harewish knocking his head hard onto the grassto reveal it was his sis and harewish kicked bramblesky out of the way "what are you doing!are you crazy!"dovestar hissed at harewish when he got up but harewish had no words and when they finally went back to mystic clan harewish was exiled for trying to kill the leader "b-but no you cant do this!"harewish wimperd tears going down his cheeks "im sorry but you clearly tried to kill me by the river for power"dovestar growled "please just give me a second chance"harewish begged "dispit your pity i will not let you ever show your face in mystic clan ever again you filthy fox-herted traitor"dovestar growled and harewish growled ripping the feather out of his fur and he ran away from mystic clan and found a barn and sat there for shelter "whats a old rage like you doing her in my barn"a siamese barn cat hissed but all harewish did was cry in the barn but then the barn cat calmed down and sat by harewish culing his fluffy tail around him for confert "tell me kid what happend"the barn cat meowed camly "i-im a loner now"harewish whimperd "oh kid its ok i understand the felling of getting exiled its ok"the barn cat purred "i do i do now"harewish whimperd "just stay in here with me"the barn cat purred "thanks.."harwish whimperd kind of calming down still tears going down his face "im bow and you"the barn cat meowed "im harewish"harewish meowed as he looked at his wet fur "well harewish would you like to sleep with me and you dry up"bow purred "s-sure"harewish purred as he and bow curl up togeather in a little barn on a thin peice of hay as harewish looked at the rainy sky on the outside of the barn "i guess this is my new life now"harewish whisper to himself and he saw the rain fall down to the surface

\\\moons later when the propohice kit got born\\\

"ill name him flowerkit"bramblesky purred as she looked at the little propichie kit and she licked him and as she looked outside of the medicene cat den she saw somthing and put flowerkit down and looked to see what it was and she saw harewish kill one of the clanmates and bramblesky frose "b-brother"bramblesky purred in horror as harewish walked up to her "what do you want you stupid mouse-brain"harewish hissed "w-why di-did you-" harewish pushed bramblesky away and went to the leader den and killed the leader the new deputy not hearing or seeing anything beacse he was sleeping in his nest and as harewish walked away as bramblesky tryed to heal him but she was to late and the leader died and bramblesky ran to harewish jumping onto him "you monster!"bramblesky hissed as she looked at him she got so mad that she let him run away then she jumped at him again ripping the back of this throat out not letting him get up and she just watched him suffer there crying for help letting him slowly die until his last breath came and he went limp all bloody laying there in the snow tears in is lifleless eyes but the only thing he could manage to say before he passed away was "you were the monster beacuse you were he one who made me like this you mouse-brain" then he died as bramblesky walked away in tears knowing she just killed her sibling but atleast she still had her kit to take care of to make the world a beeter place while harewish wil stay in the darkforest regreting this life and regreting the cats he killed but at least the prophice will turn out to be turn or maybe it was all a lie and it was false...but at least everything would get better right?

as flowerkit grew up thats when flowerkit started to see past things that happend in the clan and when flowerkit became flowerpaw he witnesses bramblesky killing harewish and how she let him suffer there thats when flowerpaw realised that he needed to do something to help harewish so she ran and ran until she tripped over a rock and looked up seeing harewishs feet walk over to her then flowerpaw got up then when she looked at harewish he vanished and appreared on a tree "whats a apprentice like you doing here"harewish snaped "well who are you"flowerpaw asked "im harewish ..why?"harewish snaped "arnt you that cat my mom murderd"flowerpaw meowed "i-"harewish pasused remembering bramblesky not letting him leave durring that day he was alive and then he got mad and growled then vanished and flowerpaw got confused then harewish went into brambleskys dream and flowerpaw did to but she hid "brother..howd you get here"bramblesky purred "you little fox-hearted coward!"harewish snaped "wh-what"bramblesky meowed consherned "you really hate me dont you!"harewish hissed when bramblesky remembered when she killed him "i-i im sorry i was just so blinded at that moment"bramblesky whimpered "well you just let me suffer of blood loss on the cold snow!"harewish hissed as bramblesky started to cry "im sorry please forgive me"bramblesky whimpered "why should i give you pity!"harewish hissed then bramblesky woke up and harewish ended up in the darkforest again "i guess ill just leave"flowerpaw sighed then walked away and walked back to camp going to the medicene den and cheered his mother up from the scary moment "i miss harewish when he was nice to me"bramblesky sighed "its ok..its just things change as we grow we choose our paths"flowerpaw purred "ha you always sound so wise with words like that"bramblesky purred wraping her tail around flowerpaw "mom"flowerpaw meowed "yes?"bramblesky meowed "i love you"flowerpaw purred "i love you to my little warrior"bramblesky purred with delight and as the day went by flowerpaw found a barn and he walked into the barn "wow this looks nice"flowerpaw meowed to herself "it sure is"bow meowed walking off some hay when flowerpaw spoted her"who are you"flowerpaw purred "im bow and who are you young one"bow meowed but before flowerpaw could answer she saw a peice of hay in bows fur and flowerpaw took it out and giggled a little "anyways im flowerpaw"flowerpaw giggled and thats when bow noticed flowerpaws birth mark on her chest "so your part of those propesihes those clan cats talk about"bow purred "whats a propahie and how do you know"flowerpaw meowed

"well a propahie is where a dead cat tells a simple wise scentince that somehow means whats gonna happen to there future and i know your one of those cats cause' thre out my years of seeing cats like you they always have that same mark on there chest"bow meowed and as flowerpaw was amazed she saw a mother cat thats from starclan "uhh bow whos that darkish greyish siamese mother cat on that hay"flowerpaw meowed as she pointed at the spot and bows eyes teared up "y-you can see her"bow meowed "yes..wait whats wrong"flowerpaw meowed consened "thats my mom she died of a tree but...how can you see her"bow whimpered "i dont know i just all of a sudden started seeing dead cats"flowerpaw meowed "well kid i think you should go while i stay here"bow meowed "wait why i just met you"flowerpaw purred "i just-"bow coughed blood before finishing her sentcense "ive been as wise and calm as i could but i guess its time to join my mother"bow purred coughing blood "but how will i ever see you again your not a clan cat your not gonna be in starclan"flowerpaw whimpered "i used to be a clan cat till they blamed me for axidently killing the deputy"bow purred and flowerpaw stood there as she saw bow slowly die right in front of her when she felt someone behind her "isnt that a nice vew there"harewish purred and flowerpaw turned to see him "what do you want!"flowerpaw snaped "oh i just wanted to join the nice vew"harewish purred "its not nice shes dieing"flowerpaw hissed "then why arent you helping her"harewish purred but then he herd bow meow "im sorry ill try and fix my mistakes but that poor cat i hope he had a nice life"bow whimperd as she took her last breath "no..NO!"flowerpaw whimperd as she sat down by bow and cried as harewish stared as bows mother faded away to see her daughter in starclan and harewish faded away going back to the darkforest and as flowerpaw burryed bow and put down a nice flower on the grave and she walked away to go back to camp as bow watched calmly obove her in starclan

as flowerpaw walkedback to her den walking to her nest and fell asleep as she slowly stopped crieing over what she witnessed

and as the day went by she woke up seeing a black cat with white spots standing right by her "ahh"flowerpaw jumped "who are you?!"flowerpaw meowed "im wiskerpaw"the black spoted cat purred "wanna be friends you seem night"whiskerpaw purred "ok but...i just met you"flowerpaw meowed "i know but i want a friend to be with when we go on adventures when where warriors"whiskerpaw meowed "its only 5 moons till we get to be warriors"whiskerpaw purred and as flowerpaw looked at the black spotted tom she got up "so what do you want to eat "whiskerpaw purred "well mouse but i dont think im gonna be a warrior my mom is a med cat and i only know few fighting moves and only herbs"flowerpaw sighed "well you could as your mom to be a warrior plus if you became a warrior and we had you on the adventures wed esaly know how to heal eachother"whiskerpaw meowed ash flowerpaw thought about what he said "so what do you choose"whiskerpaw meowed "ok ill be a warrior"flowerpaw meowed "ok lets tell her"whiskerpaw meowed as flowerpaw and him walked to bramblesky "hey mom"flowerpaw meowed "yes sweetheart"bramblesky purred "can i be a warrior so me and my friend could do cool adventures when we grow up"flowerpaw purred as bramblesky thought "yes but you have to be carefull and go as the leader and say that i said it was ok"bramblesky meowed and floerpaw smiled ans her and whiskerpaw told the leader "ok you can be a warrior flowerpaw but whiskerpaw you must teach her some fightting moves"the leader purred as whiskerpaw nodded and took flowerpaw to train..

few moons later they became warriors and flowerpaw was now flowersoul and whiskerpaw now whiskerdream and they went on adventures everyday with their bravery they never gave up but they fixed the clan some bit and cared for the loners and rouges that were to weak to do anything but as there adventures went by the move and move harewish showed to stop then one way or another but one day they knew they had to go to war with the clans agents the darkforest..