
Warlock through the multiverse

Reborn with X amount of wishes our protagonist must become the most powerful warlock ever and go through the multiverse. Will he be OP or will he be weak to strong that’s up to the fates (you). This is a story as a experiment using readers comments to alter the world. In other words all suggestions and comments count and matter. I do not own any show, game, anime, book ect. That is seen in the story they belong to their creators this is not a story for profit but purely entertainment and boredom. First world:? Idk yet we will see after you make the first choice

godking_leviathan · Others
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The grind to the top part 1

Failing the the raid hit everyone hard and so Tim decided to start with getting better summons sadly most was impossible to get for now such as the adamantine golem as adamantine as well as mithril,titanium, and dark steel are not able to be gotten till more of the world is unlocked. While all the trainer summons are raid bosses. That means it's necromancy, elementalist, or make a faceless one. High powered Necromancy is impossible without the necronomicon… and I don't really think quests are what I want to do right now so that leaves making a faceless one.

Going to a empty place he used his negotiator class to buy a building and create a auction house.

Tim: this way I can get first look at materials wanting to be traded and snipe them. I need a corrupted grand mana stone given by undead dungeon boss, I need a faceless mannequin body from the house of horrors, blood of a great devil from the hells pit dungeon, ectoplasmic ash from a banshee queen in the grave yard dungeon, and lastly the cloak of a grim from the tomb dungeon.

Tim: I should be able to get the mana stone, ash, and blood from the auction house but the tomb and house of horrors dungeons are hidden dungeons I will have to go myself.

With that he put a notification on for anything put in the auction house and made the fee 20% of earned income. Then went towards the quest to get the inventory bag known as Dazaneg's Magic Bag, he already had all the needed materials from the failed raid. As he turned in the level 45 quest he got Dazaneg's Magic Bag which he renamed bag of holding though he noticed it only gave him 25 extra inventory slots. So he used mod item on it to double its slots to 50. Ok now to go to the tomb dungeon.

The tomb dungeon was a hidden dungeon inside the graveyard dungeon that no one knew about, Tom only knew about it from his past world knowledge. So after entering the graveyard dungeon he found a large amount of crypts with one having a stone angel on the top of the roof. This was the hidden dungeon one could only go in if they died in front of the door. So after making sure the coast was clear he got a undead to follow him and let it attack him in front of the crypt door.

After a long wait he was inside the hidden dungeon.

-inside the dungeon pov Tim

When I entered the dungeon the first thing I noticed was I was see through. And around me was numerous ghosts. This was the tomb dungeon aka the mission [escape with your life] in this mission you are a ghost and must fight through the tomb to get to the one trapping the souls the [Grim] which was a grim reaper knock off but it was weaker then a full grown reaper summon.

Tim:sigh I really need to get the necronomicon I want my op undead.

Walking forward he got attacked by ghost after ghost and had to rely on his baby dragon as ghosts could ignore physical damage which wasn't from a magical weapon. Meaning the golem and the others would be of no help In this dungeon. So my dragon and I mowed through the enemies. Though I was a bit distracted.

Tim: how much gold do I have…

So selecting inventory I saw I had 51 open slots.

Tim: phew the basic slots was 10 which meant I only had 1 left before the bag…

Looking up at my gold I saw I had p:100 g: 1 S:99 C:32

It's important to know 100 copper or (c) is equivalent to 1 silver or (S), 100 silver is equivalent to 1 gold or (g) and 100gold is equal to 1 platinum or (p) this meant I had about 10,001 gold and some pocket change. So the worth is $100 is 400 gold or 4 platinum so it's a 1/4 ratio $1 can be exchanged for 4 gold. Not much but it's worth it in the end.

I might seem like I got a good amount of money for being free to play right now but the real money is in the guild

[guild vault: P:100,000 G:69 S: 34 c:03]

Which is 10 mil in gold which is $2.5 mil worth. This made us the richest guild and that's just from us selling items as we never needed to switch our gear we could sell amazing gear without issues, as well as our other businesses. After all I made this guild specifically for the money if I want to control the world when the game becomes reality I need to control the economy. Specially when everything even buildings become buyable I plan to buy the cathedral, inn, and guild hall to control everything. But to do this I must first build my personal power. After all only once you have the three powers can you have true control power,money, and influence.

I got these three started with the guild as I got power from being the guild leader of the #01 guild but I'm still needing to focus on personal power. And that's why I need to get my hands on the best summonings.

Realizing my inner monologue distracted me to the point I'm now in front of the boss door I look around confused realizing I must of cleared the dungeon without thinking… probably thanks to the dragon as it's level 45 and these monsters are level 30-35. Slapping myself I get myself back into the game and go to fight the grim a level 40 dungeon boss which means my dragon and I only have a slight edge against it.

As I put boosts on my dragon I prepare to put debuffs on the boss which would start the battle. And so it begun with me putting slow and confusion on the boss I made it slower and less accurate. With that my dragon started to fire fire balls and flamethrowers at the grim and with my magic bolt we was able to kill it with minimum risk with a lucky level up making me level 46. After collecting the loot i succeeded on the quest which was probably the reason why I leveled up but now I need to get the body for my summon.