
Warlock through the multiverse

Reborn with X amount of wishes our protagonist must become the most powerful warlock ever and go through the multiverse. Will he be OP or will he be weak to strong that’s up to the fates (you). This is a story as a experiment using readers comments to alter the world. In other words all suggestions and comments count and matter. I do not own any show, game, anime, book ect. That is seen in the story they belong to their creators this is not a story for profit but purely entertainment and boredom. First world:? Idk yet we will see after you make the first choice

godking_leviathan · Others
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16 Chs

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The world was black and nothing could be seen but Odin could hear constant updates to the system

System:[system has noticed a gamer body trying to merge with hosts real body….system is merging gamer body with avatar body.]

System: [ requirements met for leveling up now level 2…. Now updating status]

System:[ system has found 2 or more coinciding skills now merging]

System:[skills [console commands], [admin commands], and [mod] merging...skill [admin menu] has been made]

System:[ skills [hack], [true gamer body], and [true gamers mind] are merging... skill [virtual embodiment] has been made]

System:[requirements met classes [guardian], [samurai], and [monk] have merged to make the class [warrior]]

System:[requirements met classes [assassin], [Swashbuckler], and [bard] have merged to make the class [rogue]]

System:[requirements met classes [cleric], [druid], [kannagi],[sorcerer], [summoner], and [enchanter] has merged to create he class [mage]]

System:[system has noticed multiple subclasses corresponding with each other now merging adding subclasses [enchanter], [Alchemy], [Mage craft], [Arcane scribe], [Arcanist] (magic tattoo artist), [Runecraft], [Spell craft], [Spellsword], [Oracle](see's future through fate), [Seer](see's future through time), [Magic chef], and [Siren]]

System: [Merging stats]



Race: administrator

Class: administrator

Combat classes: [warrior LV:1], [rogue LV:1], [mage LV:1]

Subclass: [enchanter LV:1], [Alchemy LV:1], [Mage craft LV:1], [Arcane scribe LV:1], [Arcanist LV:1], [Runecraft LV:1], [Spell craft LV:1], [Spellsword LV:1], [Oracle LV:1], [Seer LV:1], [Magic chef LV:1], [Siren LV:1]



Str:13 (10 in game stats is equal to 1 system stat)








[virtual embodiment LV:1]






[admin menu LV:1]

-item commands

- people commands

-cheat commands


•Garnet dragon 90/100

•fairy queen 90/100

•faceless one 90/100

•helmed horror 90/100

•ghost king 90/100

•reaper 90/100

•shiva 90/100

• sylph 90/100

•reiku 90/100

•adamantine golem 90/100

•Tartarus 90/100

•raiju 90/100


•immortal kings staff

+90% magic damage, -90% mana usage}

System: [armor was used as material in the merging of bodies bonus is now added to base stats.]

System:[body has evolved to the point to grant a lordship seed….. granting host [virtual reality lordship-LV: seed 1%]

System:[Granting skills [ technology manipulation 1%], [virtual warping 1/2 {personal} 1%]

Odin: virtual warping is useless to me right now as almost all the powers of personal warping comes with my new body….. but it's still good to have. I wonder what lordships are though…. But for now I should check out my new body as from what the system explained it. The immortal king set outfit has fused with me to give me the benefits permanently. And I can now spawn clothing.

Changing my clothes to fit my new look I got prepared to meet my guild to start my plans.

(A/n: his looks are here)

Odin: I feel amazing better then I ever have.

The reason why Odin felt so amazing was he no longer had a physical body he was now made of data similar to heroic spirits from the nasuverse or more like someone who had the heavens feel without the unlimited energy. You could say his soul was now virtual reality itself which is why he gained the seed of a lordship. He no longer had any of the human weaknesses such a pain or the need for food, sleep, or bodily functions. He no longer had a lifespan as you could say he wasn't truly real now he was now in another dimension and this new body was an avatar to build more power to feed the real body.

Walking towards the guild manor while watching people in the town panicking, some even crying. But Odin was smiling this was the first step to his ultimate wish. So with his staff/ cane in hand he walked towards the front door of the manor.

As he got to the door the first thing he heard was people panicking inside. He won't lie if he found his new "reality" amazing and that he underestimated his reality warping he saw everything as code when he wanted to and felt if he trained it he could alter the code of reality itself which was probably the fate to unlock the full virtual warping.


-few minutes earlier Pov: Lilith

When I got to the guild base it was hectic the guild members was panicking. And I can't say we the admin of the guild was doing any better. It was a few hours ago we were celebrating the fact we finished our major projects to create a outer guild for ourselves to take care of anything we needed including spying on other guilds we officially had our reach in every faction In the game not just the server we was everywhere and now we are here in the game in real life…. It was scary and honestly I wished Odin was around to tell us what we should do….

Random member:oh god I miss my mom.

Oh great he must of been a child in real life…. Sigh we said 18+ only to join the guild but I guess some sneak their way in anyways. I mean we can't pay attention to everyone. We do background checks as the guild is basically a business but I guess someone was slacking when it came to this one.

It was at this time the door slammed open and in came Odin wearing a white suit with a red dress shirt and gold tie with his weapon equipped. Or more like he was using it as a cane.

Odin: shut up! Everyone eyes on me! Ears open mouths closed!


-pov Odin

Odin:well better take care of this now…sigh

Slamming the door open and walking in I watched as people stopped and looked at me. So I cleared my throat and prepared my speech

Odin: shut up! Everyone eyes on me! Ears open mouths closed!

Odin: to answer your questions first yes we are stuck in the game. Second no this is not a dream. Third yes there's a way out. Lastly if you want to go back to your old life there's the door don't let it hit you in the ass on the way out. For those who are excited about the idea we are basically gods in this world then I welcome you to stay and enjoy yourself in our spread [uses mystical item feast of kings{this is a item that creates a never ending feast of food and drink creating whatever the user want}]

Normally like others food would taste terrible and like shit but because of all the items becoming real because of Odins new body none of them are following the code of the game. Meaning all of the food tastes like the best version of the food possible.

After hearing Odin everyone was confused but those who thought about their families or other shit left all the same. While others who thought of the possibilities stayed.

Odin:Lilith take note of who left then kick them from the guild we don't need weak links in the chain that is our guild best to get rid of them now before they spread their filth and corrode our beautiful guild.

Lilith: as you wish but is it wise to leave them on their own?

Odin: oh please let them rot for all I care they won't die. Now effective immediately there's a gag order no one is to speak about what I'm about to say to anyone specially in public and specially not to people not in the guild. I have done some research and will be writing a cheat guide for this world for all of you. Good news is you can't die the respawn feature is still in effect. Bad news is if you die you lose a memory of the other world. Though for us does that really matter? We already decided to reign as god and I will find a way to nullify the flaw before you lose anything important.

Odin:anyways until you get and read the guide you are forbidden from leaving the town. Anything else then go ham oh and food other then the food made by a chef without the help of the system will taste like shit so chefs use this time while people don't know this to make us money as the only food source that doesn't make people sick.

The chefs nodded while everyone looked shocked at how far Odin figured out things.

Odin: oh and I want you keep a look out for those you think would be like us and want to stay in these bodies. I mean the sick and diseased, the lonely who have nothing at home. All of those that's life would be better if they didn't return find them,teat them, then recruit them. Now you are all dismissed go eat and do your jobs I want no failure. As for all admins call the outer admins to come and Join our meeting.

Admin together: yes Odin!