
Wargod Reborn : Legendary Wargod

A warrior from past has been forcefully reincarnated by Demon King during Holy War . With new life and unfamiliar all powerful blessing from Demon King , this great warrior now has wonderful life and opportunity to live again . Let's follow the story of a great warrior who will learn something new while something old but on this journey , he will encounter lots of interesting events and will be force to get involved in power struggle between two different factions .

Lost_Immortal_5724 · Fantasy
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11 Chs


∆ This Chapter Is Only For Some Information Reveal ∆

It has been three days since Wudi Egun has reincarnated but everything is very strange yet peaceful.

He lives in a large mansion where a gigantic garden and compound surrounds . Of course , he lives all alone for some reason .

He does not know what is going on but he lives all alone in such a grand mansion , causing him to be in a peculiar situation .

There are rose and marigold plants with tens of different flowers accompanying, gazebo and eye-catching statues of various animals are constructed.

Water fountain and maze-like garden is built .

Everything is luxurious but even such a grand mansion loses its light when there is no one to admire its beauty .


Swinging an iron sword , a fat young boy continues to forge himself . As the sword ascends till the tip points toward the sky , the sword creates a sharp arc .

And when the sword falls down on the earth , the sword cuts the wind and erases the arc from before .

Half naked , Wudi Egun continuously swings his sword .

During his previous life , he was taught some basic swordsmanship which is why he has some basic level of understanding in the field of swords .

The fat body of Wudi Egun , whenever he swings his sword , moves up and down .

His stomach that stretches forward and reveals his fatness causes anyone to disgust him .

Sweat and tears keep on escaping his body , his fatness melts with his tiring exercise .

"What the hell "

Wudi Egun was astounded and left in awe .

It was not that he was powerful or the sword in his hand was light as a feather but instead , whenever he exhausted himself , the exhausted energy would return back to him and regress him back to his peak state .

This abnormality is not something an ordinary human should ever possess or else the result would be unimaginable.

After his industrious training , he walks to the gazebo and rests on the wooden chair .

There is a round table and four wooden chairs encircling , with kettle , plate and teacups served .

Wudi Egun pours warm tea for himself in an empty cup and slowly sips the tea , the texture of the tea is fine and luxurious .

"Although everything is okay, but why am I all alone in this large mansion ?"

Wudi Egun frowns deeply , and scrutiny appears on his expression .

He has left the mansion before and found himself on a land where no human can be found as far as his gaze lands .

"Why am I in this fucking nowhere ?"

He was not sure of his situation but he does know that the current situation is not at his advantage .

Of course , there is also the possibility of his previous [ self ] deciding to detach himself from the society and live all alone in solitude.

"Whatever the situation is , this is extremely eerie and mysterious for me "

Even if Wudi Egun is a wildman who does not fear battle , that does not mean he is an idiot to not be wary of his current situation where he has no clue about his circumstances.

"There is a storage room where food supplies are stored , weapons are kept and daily necessary are prepared"

"But why am I in such a situation ? "

"If only I had the memories of my previous self "

He shakes his head and decides not to pressure himself .

Some time later , he stands up and leaves the field .

After entering his mansion , he goes for a shower .

Just like that , he showers and comes out with only a towel concealing his lower half .

Compared to before , he has gained some shape on his thick and big body .

"Let's cook some eggs and noodles , I truly want to test them right now "

When he was living his life as Wargod Egun , he would always eat egg and noodles .

Because of this , his favorite dish has always been a combination of egg and noodles .

But before everything else , he decides to first change clothes .

Entering his arresting room where king sized bed and many costly furniture are decorated , Wudi Egun walks to his wardrobe and opens the door .

After opening the wardrobe , he can see lots of luxurious outfits hanging on a hanger. Of course there were some books and copies too .

But Wudi Egun has never been a fan of books so he has always been ignoring them .

But today , abruptly he has this curiosity in his mind .

"What are these things exactly ?"

With some curiosity , first of all he changes into a blue shirt , blue pants and long blue overcoat .

Followed by him taking out those books and copies .

After walking to his bed , he sits down and looks at those belonging.

[ Basic Fire Elemental Magic ]

[ Intermediate Fire Elemental Magic ]

[ Advance Fire Elemental Magic ]

There were these three books related to magic , each book describing basic , intermediate and advanced levels of fire magic .

But Wudi Egun was not interested in those all and instead , his interest was piqued by something else .

[ Dairy ]

Yes , this was a diary written by the previous owner, the body which Wudi Egun currently possesses.

"This must be the vault where the memories of the previous self has store within"

A slight smile appears on the corner of Wudi Egun , feeling very grateful for his luck to find such treasure .

"Let's see what you have for me ?"

Eager to learn about what the previous self has written in this diary of his , Wudi Egun opens the diary and starts to read .

[ Holy Lord Calendar 345 , it has been eight years since I have been born and exactly eight years since I was conferred the title of { Greatest Magic Genius } by the royal family of Yggdrasil Kingdom ]

"Wow , so the body that I have now belongs to some kind of magic genius . I am truly shocked to find this truth ?"

Wudi Egun licks his lips and experiences flowers blooming in his heart .

But he returns back to his normal state and continues to read .

[ When I have finally reached eight years , royal family's leader , the sovereign of Yggdrasil , suddenly decided to celebrate my eight birthday ]

There were long and long details written about the things which the previous owner of the body experiences himself .

But mainly the diary only told the story about the owner when he was between eight and twelve .


Wargod Reborn : Season 1

{ Legendary Wargod }

Volume 1 : Savagery


My name is Yu Qin , son of the duke Yu Aolong .

For as long as I can remember , I have had this recurring dream since the time I learned the meaning of awareness .

This dream has a very strange texture compared to the dream I have heard from others .

This dream is very realistic and not the same as the dream which an ordinary person sees .

It's more like I am living my real life instead of dreaming , it feels as if I have finally returned back to my origin .

The dream seems to not be an illusory fantasy of mine that comes from the deepest of my desire but an authentic reality which I have long forgotten and have sealed within somewhere .

There I was a young man with a sword in my hand , slaining my enemies while laughing proudly.

No enemies dare to approach me , no matter how strong they are .

Of course I also saw a few warm hearted faces that seemed to reach their hands for me in my weakest moment of my life .

I was a sword , no , more like a scythe of the grim reaper .

I was that sinister weapon of the unholy god who wields the power to harvest life and demise reincarnation .

When I was born , it was said that , world sang a divine rhythm .

The magic overflowed and caused the law and order to nearly collapse .

I was said to be born while defying the sacred rule set up by divine authority .

Although my life went very smoothly, it was only until I reached eight .

That was the time when the royal family revealed their sharp fangs on my life and my kingdom .

My father's dukedom is located at the southern border of Yggdrasil , along with other seven dukedoms as a neighbor to us .

Each dukedom has strength to go up against Heaven and resist Gods .

On the surface we have a very friendly relationship with each other but on the other hand , in truth we are just hiding our blades behind our backs while expressing kinship .

The royal family has support of a total of thirty six dukedoms , and all in all , the total number of dukedoms in Yggdrasil is no more than sixty nine .

So one can easily calculate how terrifying the royal family is and what level of behemoths they truly are .

But fortunately enough , my Yu Dukedom stands on Prince Yong faction , causing us to remain safe for now .

You must think why I said that the royal family has thirty six supporters on their side and prince Yong has his own faction , right ?

It is due to two main reasons .

Currently the king of the Yggdrasil is the eldest son of the royal family — King Yong Baixiao.

King Yong Baixiao has a total of thirty six dukedoms in his support while Prince Yong Jiang has a total of nine dukedoms in his support.

But recently I have heard that even Prince Yong Jiang is starting to experience calamity so I fear that we are not far from our destruction .

My eighth birthday was not something I wish to remember .

That day King Yong celebrated my birthday with everyone else , just as if we were a family.

But what trespass after such an auspicious moment of my life was nothing but pure tragedy .

King Yong has managed to kill Prince Yong and now , he has full control over those eight dukedoms which previously used to be on Prince Yong's support .

King Yong massacred my family and crippled my [ Mana System ] , resulting in my downfall .

But he was merciful enough to let me survive because he didn't want Yu Dukedom's royal bloodline to perish .

He gave me a mansion located at the periphery of the southern border of Yggdrasil , one of the most dangerous locations of Yggdrasil .

This hatred and resentment that he gifted me on my eight birthday was not something that can be washed away just simply .

Although I am a member of fallen dukedom , direct heir to Yu Dukedom , I have no such ability to say that I am the successor of a dukedom .

But what King Yong has not yet realized is , he has no such ability to strip me of my royal title .

I have every right to recover my lost territory and even the rights to build a new dukedom .

Because the authority and title was not given to us by him but rather the progenitor of the kingdom — Flare Yggdrasil .

Even if the current royal family are Yong , but in the beginning of the kingdom , the royal family used to be Yggdrasil — a divine race capable of wielding the power of World Tree , Yggdrasil .

But during World War , they were forced to suffer extinction which became the reason for them to not exist now .

Day and night , I kept on doing my best to heal my injury but to no avail .

Of course , there was a time when I desperately wished to die but this vengeance inside of me never let me die peacefully.

And that is when I learned about a secret hidden from the world .

While I was cultivating myself to heal my injuries , suddenly I was enlightened.

Yes , it seems that my Mana System is not a regular system for magic . Instead , it is an endowment from an ancient existence .

I learned that there are two types of magic — Bending Magic and Infusion Magic .

While Bending Magic is used by everyone during their Battle , Infusion Magic is mainly used by priests and devotees.

Bending Magic is a magic system where the practitioner manipulates the law and order of the world . As for the Infusion Magic system , it is a type of system where you borrow the power of someone else .

But most importantly , these two magics are only replicas of something greater .

Much more superior than anything else .

That is the source of everything but there is no source of that entity .

While everything is that entity but nothing can be that entity .

That entity defines everything and not the other way around .

And that is — True Magic .

Yes , True Magic .

True Magic is something transcendent and ethereal , not of this world .

True Magic has power to even give birth to Creation and yet the same creation will meet its doom if the True Magic wants it to be destroyed.

In order to cultivate True Magic , I found out that one has to have three requirements.

First is to possess a Mortal Magic Body , a body that is attached to mortal law and order .

A body that has the rightful condition to experience transcendence and ascension .

And this first condition was fulfilled with me possessing this unique body that cannot exist two at the same time .

While the second condition is to cultivate in the Great Path , this is neither a power or magic but a journey to seek truth and learn falsehood.

When one has the ability to discern what is true and what is lies , they will be qualified to become a Great Path Seeker .

And the final requirement is to — end the journey which you started .

Of course you may wonder why I have written all these things and why am I acting like grown up ?

But to tell you the truth , since my birth , I have had the intelligence of an adult human being . Hence the reason why I act like that .

Please don't take my words lightly . I always had this premonition that I was me but not me .

Although I was living my life, I also felt that I would disappear someday without my awareness .

Please cherish what you have and will have in the future .

I have written everything that can help you on your lost path .


Wudi Egun frowns deeply , contemplating on the subject he just got himself .

"What does this mean ? Is this some kind of divination or celestial phenomenon ?"

Wudi Egun does not know what was going on but it seems that instead of possessing the body of someone else , he has awakened his [ Awareness ] instead.

"So this is my reincarnation "

Wudi Egun grits his teeth and silently reorganizes everything .

"Magic of Reincarnation "

He remembers that Demon King Long said that he was gonna use Magic Of Reincarnation to reincarnate him .

So does that mean he is the result of such powerful magic ?

After a while , he flips the page and continues to read .


There are many things for you to note and remember. But I will only note three things for you on this page .

It seems that I am blessed by a very mysterious gift that lets me heal and return back to my peak state , allowing me to utilize an infinite amount of mana . But the Mana capacity depends on my Mana Vault while the quality depends on how pure my Mana is .

But in return for such inexhaustible power , it cost me my growth . Maybe because of this , I have grown strong yet in a slow phase .

Second thing to remember , you are currently at the borderline between Yggdrasil and Demon Kingdom .

Human Country and Demon Country have always been in opposite factions , always craving for the death of each other .

Although Yggdrasil is not weak and a powerhouse to trifle with but because Yggdrasil's capital city is located close to northern border , not far from the border of Divine Country , almost every Yggdrasil's powerful eminence are gathered in capital to protect the sacred land .

This in return has caused the borderline of the country to stay at a neutral level . But if the Demon Country was to suddenly wage a war on Yggdrasil , they will not only crusade your dukedom but even the country's southern defense will fall and will be occupied by the enemies .

And last but not least , within your Memory Palace , I have stored the copy of my memories . Use them to learn whatever I know of ..



Wudi Egun was deeply immersed in his own world , not knowing what to say ?

By chance , was the owner of the body which he possess now directly pointing at him , Wudi Egun ?

This sudden realization was just too terrifying even for someone like him .