
Wargod Reborn : Legendary Wargod

A warrior from past has been forcefully reincarnated by Demon King during Holy War . With new life and unfamiliar all powerful blessing from Demon King , this great warrior now has wonderful life and opportunity to live again . Let's follow the story of a great warrior who will learn something new while something old but on this journey , he will encounter lots of interesting events and will be force to get involved in power struggle between two different factions .

Lost_Immortal_5724 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Uninvited Guest

It has already been weeks since Wudi Egun has reincarnated , although always lonely like a lone wolf but his habit of training with his sword still remains eternal .

Today , when the sky had concealed the sun and the wind carried the message of east , some uninvited guest arrived in his mansion .

"Young lady Zu , please reconsider your decision "

Inside a noble carriage decorated with magic gems and enlightenment stones , a young maid in her late 30 tries to persuade her young lady on some subject which they have been discussing for a long time .

Since the beginning of their journey from northern land to southern land which took them three months to travel , the beautiful maid has been doing her best to stop her young lady .

But her young lady is very arrogant and stubborn. Not only is a little maid in Zu Dukedom , even the leader of Zu Dukedom has failed to change her mind .

"Tan Shi , stop nagging me or else I will give the order to my knights to decapitate your head right now "

Haughty aura full of arrogance and nothing else , erupts from the body of a young girl in her early 11 .

The young girl has a beautiful face but her expression is bold and arrogant as if her arrogance can even pierce a hole in high heaven .

Her delicate beauty can charm both the man and the god , her appearance and body shape is holy .

Untainted by anything of this mortal world .

The young girl is the third daughter of Zu Lintian , the leader of Zu Dukedom .

When she was still a child , around five years old , she had an arranged marriage with Yu Qin .

During their arranged marriage , Yu Qin was still famous by the moniker of Greatest Magic Genius .

Although she was not smart enough to understand the situation at that time, after so long , she understands what it means to be married .

Yes , Yu Qin and Zu Dandan had married when they were still just a child because their parents wanted to seal an alliance between two behemoths.

While Zu Dukedom is one of the strongest powerhouses in the north , Yu Dukedom used to have Greatest Magic Genius with them .

But after the destruction of Yu Dukedom , Zu Dukedom announced to everyone that they have nothing to do with Yu Dukedom.

Logically speaking , Zu Dandan should not have come to Yu Qin after that day . But she still came .

It was mainly because of three reasons .

Firstly , she is an extremely arrogant and stubborn girl . It was her father who decided to void their relationship which made her think that her father was in control of her life .

This in return , caused her to express a displeased attitude.

Second reason is , she was already married to someone and if she was to marry someone else , doesn't that mean she is a bitch who is only raised by her family for them to use her in order to earn themselves a fortune ?

And the main reason is , her ego won't be satisfied if she is not the one to break the pact with Yu Dukedom and not her father or someone else .

But of course , although she is an arrogant girl , she is a magic genius who has the strength to even rival some weak elders of the magic academy in the capital .

"This humble maid begs for your mercy , young lady "

The beautiful maid , Tan Shi , hurriedly lowers her head and prostate on the seat , asking for forgiveness and mercy from Zu Dandan.

As for Zu Dandan , her flat chest arches forward and a smug expression takes over her delicate yet child-like face .

"It is good that you know your place , so don't bother me "

Zu Dandan nods her head .

The carriage is protected by groups of knights in shining armor and weapons equipped.

Just because they are knights does not mean they have swords and heavy armor .

Each is a knight capable of utilizing the power of Aura , capable of demolishing mountains and tearing the river apart .

Their bare hands are enough to tear the sky and open a separate dimension.

There were around thirty knights , while some were strong , some were unfathomable.

But most of all , the leader of such terrifying knights was a middle aged knight— Ning Wuhai.

Ning Wuhai is the commander of the army in Zu Dukedom , an extremely powerful Titled Knight .

When a Knight becomes both powerful and famous all over the world , they finally are qualified to become a Titled Knight .

A Titled Knight has strength to even create temporal waves with their physical strength .

The only difference between a knight and a mage is that , the mage has this divine ability to call rain and wind with their magic , a knight does not have such .

Of course , their lifespan also makes them different from mages .

While mages have long lifespans compared to Knights , knights only have lifespans of ordinary humans .

Ning Wuhai is in his middle age yet his physical build is that of a young man with monstrous strength stored .

After traveling for long , they finally arrived at the borderline between Yggdrasil and Demon Country .

There are succession of trees and rivers , culminating into a grand forest that exists between two nations .

Vivaciously staying strong with no wind and thunder capable of demolishing such a rare sight in the borderline.

"Young lady , we have finally arrived in the territory of Yu Dukedom"

In the past , whenever someone mentioned Yu Dukedom, they would at least express respect for them .

But now , when Ning Wuhai mentioned Yu Dukedom , there was no respect for this fallen behemoth.

There used to exist divine buildings and ancient towers , protecting the country from invaders since ancient times .

Strongest of all , knights and mages would always stay active , wary and cautious of all kinds of tribulation.

As long as this mighty dukedom exists , no demon or devil dares to lay their eye on the kingdom.

But now that the behemoth has been crushed by the internal threat , let alone the outsider , even those from the same powerhouse mocks and looks down on them .

Truly hilarious .

"So this is the Yu Dukedom , such misery "

With a haughty attitude , Zu Dandan snorts while observing the mansion.

The wall that is tall but not impregnable.

The mansion is grand but not noble .

The garden is beautiful but not colorful .

The entire environment only reeks of defeat.

When they entered the mansion without permission , Wudi Egun noticed their presence .

[ Warrior Sense ]

This is not an ability or skill but something which Wudi Egun earned after honing himself for so long on the battlefield.

"What an interesting sight to behold , after so many days , other than myself , I see humans who is not me "


Wargod Reborn : Season 1

{ Legendary Wargod }

Book 1 : Savagery


The carriage, protected by powerful knights , stops In front of the mansion.

"Everyone , formation "

Ning Wuhai shouts dignified , his command in return is heeded by his soldiers.

The knights create a very profound military formation , encircling the carriage and not letting even a single flaw in them .

Even the mighty mages would find it difficult to break such powerful formation .

Wudi Egun walks to the carriage and looks carefully at this bizarre scene .

"Hey , who are you guys ?"

Wudi Egun frowns and glares at everyone , vigilant of his situation .

"You must be young lord Yu , greeting to you "

Ning Wuhai espy Wudi Egun approaching them , with upper half naked and an iron sword in his right hand .

Ning Wuhai snorts in his heart , clearly disdainful of this fallen Lord of dukedom .

Of course , Wudi Egun descried the disdain in Ning Wuhai eyes .

After all , he is a man who has always received resentment , disdain and much negative energy from second parties in his life .

"And who are you ?"

Wudi Egun does not stands on ceremony , causing the uninvited guest to slightly frown .

But just as the frown appears , it disappears at the same speed .

"My name is Ning Wuhai , the commander of the army in Zu Dukedom . Also currently acting guardian of my young lady , her hierarchy Zu Dandan "

When Ning Wuhai mentioned Zu Dandan , his voice carried both respect and pride .

After all , every descendant of the noble and Royal family are the pride and future of their lineage .

Hence why the need to express both pride and respect for the person in question .

"Zu Dandan ? "

Wudi Egun tries to remember this name , his forehead slightly narrows , but he can not remember someone named Zu Dandan .

Although the previous [ Awareness ] said that he has left the memories in his Memory Palace, but how can Wudi Egun who is not even an elementary level magic - apprentice activate his Memory Palace ?

Hence the reason why he is not aware of Zu Dandan .

"Who is she ? Do I know her ?"

Wudi Egun puts on an oblivious expression , clearly indicating that he does not know any Zu Dandan.

"Impudent fool !!"

This caused him to earn great vex and irritability from Ning Wuhai , to the point where Ning Wuhai ignored the position and status of Wudi Egun .

Wudi Egun was surprised by his sudden outbreak , successively blinking his eyes .

"What happened to you ?"

Wudi Egun is neither arrogant nor humble . He has learned from his experience that arrogance is only a moniker to ignorance .

As for being humble , the more you act , the more you are telling everyone that you are beneath them .

"How rude of you , how can you speak so rudely to sir Ning and not even respect her hierarchy , young lady Zu ?"

Ning Wuhai was about to yell at Wudi Egun but before him , someone else did this job for him .

Everyone turns to look at the carriage , from the carriage walks out a beautiful young maid with fair beauty .

She has a beautiful dress that enchants her charm much more and makes her look fairy. But strangely enough , she is only a maid .

With her looks , how can she not be the princess or young lady of the family ?

This young maid is none other than Tan Shi , the humble yet faithful servant to Zu Dukedom .

"Who is she now ?"

Wudi Egun didn't feel any happiness or excitement after seeing such beauty but on the other hand , he was annoyed by her .

What was this woman shouting for ?

Tan Shi walks to Ning Wuhai's position , standing shoulder to shoulder with him .

Currently when she and Ning Wuhai stood side by side , it drew a picture of a holy knight standing with his eternal princess of beauty .

"Greeting sir Ning "

Tan Shi politely greets Ning Wuhai , while on the other hand , she ferociously glares at Wudi Egun .

But soon , seeing his upper body naked and also soaked with sweat , she unintentionally expressed her disgust for Wudi Egun .

Clearly , she did not put Wudi Egun in her eyes .

Maybe , if Wudi Egun was the same genius from before , even after his family's downfall , she would have at least shown him some respect.

But now , he is nothing but just an abandoned dog left to die in this wilderness where danger lurks every second of his life .

"Hm.... "

Wudi Egun racks his brain but to no avail , he can't remember this woman as well .

"Who are you ?"

He asks with some doubts , at the same time ignoring all those impertinent things she just said to him .

Tan Shi clenches her fist tightly and raises them both up , doing her best to not rage on Wudi Egun .

"Even if you are the heir to Dukedom or whatever , how dare you say that you don't know our young lady ?"

"The one who has sacred promise with you , your own wife !! "

" Damn it !!"

Tan Shi trembles , with no doubt she is experiencing immense anger right now .

Wife ?

Wudi Egun blinks his eyes and once again , he reaches a conclusion .

Who is this wife of his now ?

One after another , consecutively this estranged situation keeps on coming to him .

"Hey lady , please refrain your words "

"Watch what you are saying , what do you mean by my wife ?"

"I am a handsome bachelor with no woman to restrain my freedom "

"So don't accuse me of being married "

In Wudi Egun's mind , the possibility of him already getting married in his current life does not even come in .

Therefore he defends himself from such accusations .

It was okay if he didn't say anything but once he did , this called indignation.

"You —"

In a visible attitude , Tan Shi was shaking while pointing her finger at Wudi Egun .

She was only one step away from coughing blood from an immeasurable amount of fury in her heart .

"Originally we only came here to visit you , a fallen royal blood because our young lady forced us to "

Gritting his teeth , Ning Wuhai glares at Wudi Egun and unleashes an oppressive force directed toward Wudi Egun .

"But now that you yourself admitted that you have no relationship with our young lady which means we don't need to stay on friendly term with your fallen dukedom"

He unsheathed his sword that had been hanging on his left waist.

"But even so , this is blatant insult to our young lady and humiliation to our family — Zu Dukedom "

"So prepare yourself to get punished "

"I will lightly punish you seeing that you are just a helpless forlorn with nobody to help you "

"I will just chop off your tongue and nothing, for disrespecting my young lady , this is as light as I can make for you "

"Don't blame me , blame yourself for your ignorance "

Hearing this from Ning Wuhai , everyone around him shakes their head .

They knew that even if Yu Qin ( Wudi Egun ) is the heir to fallen dukedom , he still is not worthy to stand on the power of true dukedom .

Everyone's gaze turns into a mixture of pity and sympathy for Wudi Egun .

Ning Wuhai is a Titled Knight , even if Titled Knight isn't rare but they are not insignificant.

Even the weakest Titled Knights are strong enough to flip mountains and destroy magic weapons with their bare hands.

As for Ning Wuhai , his Sacred Title is Hundred Sword Knight.

It is due to his Knight Awakening that every Knight has this innate ability called Knight Awakening which is no less than an Ego to them .

With a sword in his hand , Ning Wuhai wanted to make it painless and swift .

So he prepares his sword and gets in his position to execute a sword slash .

On his level , displaying something like cutting an object behind a wall without even coming in contact with the wall itself is nothing but child's play .

So he swings his sword .

But the moment he swings his sword , something unbelievable ensues .

Instead of Wudi Egun's tongue , his right hand that has been holding the sword , in a speed of light , falls down on the ground.


Everyone was late to react but the pain which courses through Ning Wuhai's body was not something anyone can imagine.

A knight of his level can endure and tolerate a high level of torment and pain but for no reason , a pain that does not belong to physical suffering but rather the soul itself pierces Ning Wuhai.

"What —"

And when everyone reacted , they were left in daze .

No words came out of them , not even a single word to utter .

What happened and who caused this to happen ?

Everything remained a mystery to them .

As for Tan Shi who was standing next to Ning Wuhai , luckily she was only left petrified because of a sudden incident where Ning Wuhai lost his right arm .

Luckily for her , a high level knight such as Ning Wuhai has a body similar to Indestructible Body or Unkillable Body which a truly unfathomable knight possesses with them .

Because of his physical constitution , his body didn't rain and splatter blood crazily like how an ordinary human body reacts to such a mortal wound .

While on the other hand , the man in question , Ning Wuhai was left in deep shock and terror .

Even with his high level mentality , his knighthood failed to notice or react to such eeriness.
