
Rush Hour (Part 2)

Shawn, Kate and Tip were all on the hover bike. Shawn was driving while Tip was behind him, followed by Kate.

"You're not coming with us? But why?" Kate asked his father, Damian. She was close to crying, while Tip was already crying onto Shawn's back, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

"I'm sorry, but daddy's got to face his mistakes now. I simply can't afford to let anyone know that I have you two." Damian replied, kissing Kate's forehead, then Tip's little head.

"But, but dad!"

"Just promise me you'll take care of Tip." Damian said while giving a thumbs up to Shawn while he backs up.

Shawn fired up the engines and the hover bike lifted up in an instant. He drives out of the shop, then out of the district and heads to the spawnpoint.

After they arrived, Shawn gets out of the hover bike and helps out the kids afterwards, "It's come to my attention that you guys aren't actually a family in real life." He said while looking at the kids who just stopped crying, he wipes Tip's tears, before looking around for Eve.

"WARFARE was the only way we could live like a family, and Tip's all I have left now." Kate said after kneeling down and embracing Tip.

"Dammit! I wish they would've had a Guild house in the city, the base is so far from here. But luckily this city doesn't imply strict security so we can easily get out with the hover bike. Come on, Eve, where are you?" Shawn thought in frustration and kept looking around until he finally notices an armored truck, rushing towards Shawn.

The truck stopped halfway and troops started coming out in the back. Shawn immediately grabbed the kids and pulled them to cover, far from the hover bike. The men started shooting where they were hiding, nonstop. Shawn tried to fight back but they wouldn't stop shooting, he only waited and kept thinking on how to solve this situation.


Eve opens the cabin door, she went in along with 2 more of the gang, "So, the nametag can only be seen if both persons traded names with each other?" Eve asked the friend beside her.

"Yes, but the nametag will still tell your true name, even if what you said was false." Her friend replied. They all noticed Shawn who was in danger and Eve quickly got into the game to try and save him.


"Argh! I have no choice!" Shawn tossed out a flashbang towards the troops and carried the kids away after the flash. He drags them back to the bike before rushing towards the spawnpoint.

"He's trying to escape!" A trooper shouted out after recovering from the flash. They continued to fire again but Shawn already vaulted over a recovery chest, a type of personal chest that keeps the carriage of the offline players.

Shawn pulls out the case he had earlier, he then opens it and found himself shocked.

The troops started to form into squads of four and tried to surround Shawn, but all of the sudden.


A single yet devastatingly powerful bullet, shot through a whole squad before hitting the enemy truck's tire. A big hole could be seen where Shawn shot through. What he held was a Barrett M82 sniper rifle.

Terrified by this deadly gun, the rest of the troopers fled into the vast town behind them, not wanting to risk their accounts getting killed by one intelligent and wise marksman.

Shawn strapped his M82 behind his back before getting up and running to where the kids hid, he also noticed Eve who just logged in but she found out that everything was already taken care of.


Shawn and the rest arrived at the entrance of the clan base. Peak and some other clan members were already waiting for the gates to open, seems like they were patrolling recently, mapping out the land for any nearby scouts, hidden bases, or even easter eggs.

Peak saw Shawn and ran up to him, "Ahh! Our star player has just arrived!" He said while giving Shawn a pat on the shoulder. All the other members looked at Shawn in astonishment.

"Hehe... I'm flattered." Shawn replied while scratching the back of his head. He then helped the children get down from the bike as Eve looked at the base, awestruck by how big it is.

It was so huge! It was like 1/4 of Safe Zone City!

"I see you've brought strays with ya..." Peak said after looking at the children.

"Look, I had to take a favor to get here, else I wouldn't have this M82 with me..." Shawn talked back, tapping his rifle on his back.

Peak sighed before replying, "Alright, alright... Long as they're disciplined and well mannered..." He looked at one of the members and pointed at him, saying, "You there, get these kids to their rooms when the gates are open."

"Roger that, sir!" The member did not hesitate to speak while he saluted firmly.


When the gates opened, Eve and the kids were escorted by soldiers in separate ways while Shawn took a tour with Peak around the base. They eventually stopped by the multipurpose training ground.

"Wow, such team coordination... I guess this clan have lived up to its name pretty well. Why'd you invite me in the clan? You do know I play solo, right?" Shawn said while witnessing an evenly matched 5v5 battle at the observation deck.

"The Royalty Clan wouldn't give you much fun, they're too royal to fight, only wealth and A.I. technology brought them in second rank, which is our current enemy. As for the Heaven's Blades, the number one ranked global clan, they don't accept history like you. Which is why we didn't want to turn down this opportunity. But we're only putting you on spy duty." Peak kindly explained to Shawn.

Shawn thought for a bit, but he got interrupted by someone who shouted, "I don't think he should be in this clan in the first place..."

They both turned to see who interrupted their chat and he was a training superior. This superior was strict to newcomers but kind to well trained men

"He hasn't even undergone spy training in this clan, what gives him right for this risky position?" The man was fierce, yet his words were as of showing concern for Shawn.

"Bucket, he's already a..." Peak tried to defend Shawn but he kindly stopped him from doing so.

"You're right, I'm clearly a stranger to you, so let's settle this matter when I get back, after all, I am a busy man." Shawn said while nodding at Peak, his spawnpoint was already set at clan base. So he decided to log out of the game.


After waking up, Shawn instantly got a headache but managed to recover quickly.

The sun was setting as Shawn waved goodbye to Eve and the rest. Arriving back at the train station, his eyes felt tired from all the hours he had in VR, but at least he still had the energy to get back home.

"What a day..." Shawn thought before going to bed after a nice dinner that his roommate cooked.