
Rush Hour (Part 1)

"Umm... Sorry, we don't have that here." The man started to sweat after what he said.

"You, mentioned 'we'. Anybody else in the shop?" Shawn asked, making serious eye contact with the man.

"Uhh..." The man tried to avoid contact while thinking, "This isn't good, people who ask for high-tech are usually predators, I can't get my kids in trouble for this!"

Shawn took off his helmet and fixed his hair before looking at the shop owner, his look was as of showing no killing intent, he was simply giving the man a kind smile.

"Dad! We've cleaned up the workshop, can we head out now?" A feminine voice shouted out before a beautiful girl came out from a door behind the man. A little boy, covered in dust and sweat was following behind her. The girl glanced over to Shawn before looking back to his father.

"S-sure, just go get yourselves cleaned up first." Her father replied, patting her head. They both walked to another door and went in.

"You do know it's dangerous to have kids in this district, right?" Shawn asked, looking through the stuff around him after putting down his helmet on a nearby box.

"That's why I'm really cautious about your request." The man responded while crossing his arms and looking fierce.

"My friend and I are heading out to get to our clan base. Look, I ain't trouble, unless it's needed. I'm simply in need of a blueprint because we need to travel 349 kilometers to reach our base." Shawn said, looking back at the man.

The man sighed, after a few moments of thinking, he spoke, "Here's the deal, I'll build a hover bike. But you'll have to take my kids with you, I'm currently in a tough situation to many folks around here and this is my last account in WARFARE because I've violated the rules a long time ago. I can't protect my children anymore, so I need you to take care of them."

"Long as we get the transport. I'll help you build the bike, marksmanship isn't the only skill I have you know..." Shawn replied. They both nodded with each other and went into their workshop.

The workshop was only capable of fitting a single car, but there were tons of materials and resources on the shelves. There was already a framework of the hover bike in the middle of the workshop. Guess the man still had lots of commissions in his to do list.

The man reached for a blueprint on top of a shelf and gave it to Shawn and said, "You can start making the engine first, I still need to get some missing parts from elsewhere."

"Alright." Shawn replied before taking the blueprint and spreading it out across a workbench beside the hover bike framework. He notices the man walking out with a cloak and a gun, but he didn't pay too much attention to it.

Shawn starts off by picking out the basic materials and parts for the engine: pistons, cylindrical chambers, gears, etc. Then comes the more advanced ones: fusion reactor, power cells, and many more.

"Odd, the hover bike's larger than normal ones." Shawn thought while looking at the blueprint, then finds out that it was a heavy hover bike and not the light hover bike.

After two hours of hardwork, Shawn finally finished the engine. A little cute boy came up to Shawn, pulling Shawn's pants to get his attention to the little boy. He handed out a clean handkerchief to Shawn after he noticed.

"Oh... Thank you." Shawn said as he claimed the handkerchief, then the boy ran to hug his big sister's leg, who happened to be examining the engine. Shawn was surprised that he didn't notice her before.

"I see, no mistakes to your work, not even a single one..." The girl said after moments of observation, she turns to look at Shawn, who had wavy hair, wearing a sweaty shirt, and Reaper-themed pants, then continues while showing an encouraging smile, "Good job!"

Shawn wiped off his sweat and puts away the handkerchief, "It's nothing, I've been through simulation games before so, I had experience by my side." He said while taking a final look at his work. The engine looked more like a cannon actually, but it was what the blueprint instructed.

All of the sudden, gunshots could be heard from outside. Shawn quickly draws out his Desert Eagle due to his insane reflexes and turned serious, the beautiful girl crouched down while the little boy was beside, hugging her big sister in great fear.

The man came rushing back into the workshop, carrying heavy materials and parts, he quickly places it onto the workbench and turned to Shawn, "There's not much time, I need you to... " He was interrupted when Shawn raised his hand.

"I'll handle this, you finish up the bike." Shawn said before suiting up in his vest and helmet, he grabs his AWM and holsters his pistol, "Make it quick." He quickly went invisible afterwards and the man was shocked but he focused on building the bike, the girl got scared and held his little brother tight.


4 soldiers came into the shop, holding AK-47s, wearing Kevlar vests and bandanas. They searched through everything in the shop and even trashed the place. When they gathered around, one of them was missing and they started calling him out, but he never showed.

A flash grenade came bouncing of a wall after they kept calling out.


All of them got blinded by the flash and dropped their weapons while they started to shout in pain. Shawn suddenly appeared, with the use of his pistol, he mercilessly puts a bullet into their skulls without taking too much time.

More of them started to show up outside, shooting at the shop without knowing where Shawn really was. Everytime they stopped shooting, Shawn would fire back with his AWM, killing them one by one. Another hour passed.

"Retreat! Retreat!" The leader of the group shouted before he died by a headshot. His men ran away, frightened about their loss.

Shawn ran back to the workshop as he reloads his weapons, "They've retreated for now..." He said before noticing that the hover bike was finally up and running.

"Good, uhh... Kids, go get packed up and I'll get this out of the shop." The man said while moving the hovering bike out, Shawn was the first to come out with his rifle up, then the man with the hover bike, and lastly the children who ran upstairs to get their valuable things.

The man found out that the shop was devastated by the countless bullets, "I uhh... didn't have time to know your name..." He pauses as he looks at Shawn who was still guarding the door, then he continued, "I'll start off then. Name's Damian, my daughter's name is Kate and my little boy is Tip."

Shawn sighed and looked down before replying, "They used to call me the greatest gamer of all time, but you can just call me Shawn."

The kids came down to the shop with their backpacks and held their hands, "All set!" Kate, Damian's daughter said.