
War of the Worlds

Fear the Unknown. There are speculations that there are other Worlds with existing life forms. It may be a parallel World, A faraway planet, or even a World from a different Dimension. But what if, those worlds suddenly appears in plain sight? Would it bring benefits? or a Disaster? A young boy who lives alone in this world, with no relatives or friends. He is always working to feed himself, but a certain event will change his entire life.

AniloGinTenshi · War
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2 Chs

Drastic Changes

The mall was in a no better state than the staff room, debris in many sizes scattered everywhere and people trembling in fear and panicking. The good thing was it seems like no one was heavily injured. An earthquake with that scale was enough to kill hundreds of people within the mall if it wasnt for the reinforced building.

Gin didn't even have the time to sigh when he suddenly heard a scream at the mall's entrance.

Some brave people decided to walk out of the mall to look at the situation and even thought of taking a picture outside. But the sight they saw outside was enough for them to cower and scream in fear.

Gin hurriedly ran to the direction of the scream, only to meet a despairing and horrifying scene. The neighboring huge building that was thirteen floors high was destroyed and had fallen. But... the scene he saw next was much more gory and horrifying. Dead bodies under the rubble of fallen buildings, some even alive with their guts spilling out, limbs torn apart and flames from exploded vehicles devouring them.

The road had a huge crack spanning a few hundred meters long and it was very deep like a bottomless pit.

"This... this is more horrible than I imagined..." Gin muttered softly while covering his mouth in shock. "G-good thing I was inside the mall, who knows what might happen to me if i was outside." As he said while staggering and fear was evident in his eyes.

Gin tried to calm himself and was about to find his co workers if their safe, when he suddenly realized that the sky was different. He looked up and rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't seeing things.

The sun was still shining brightly, only... there was a few more sun glowing with different color and sizes. Aside from that, there was hundred or even thousand of sphere visible above. It varies in different sizes, the smallest was the size of a star while the largest sphere was as huge as the sun.

"W-w-what is that?!" Someone in the crowd shouted. They are the people whom are curious and decided to take a peek outside but it only made them question their sanity.

Everyone's heart, including Gin was filled with fear because of the unknown above them. No one knows what would those mysterious sphere above would do, they can only pray and hope for their lives.

Gin immediately fled the scene and started to look for his coworkers. He thoroughly searched the whole 1st floor but didn't found anyone except for the customers.

"Now that I think about it, theres an underground shelter under the mall" Gin suddenly remembered and he hurriedly came to the underground shelter.

When he entered, he saw mostly all of his coworkers sitting there and feeling comfortable. Its like what's happening outside is none of their concern.

Well, Gin doesn't care about his other coworkers though, its not like they were close or something, so as long as they're fine he wouldn't bother them. He was only hoping to see his senior Valestine.

She was the only person whom he can consider as a friend. Since the first day of his work, valestine was the only one who cared for him and guided him in his job. Well... She did those mostly because of her responsibility as a senior in work. But still, he doesn't mind cause he knows the she genuinely cares for him.

Gin looked around inside the underground shelter, but he didn't found Valestine. He started to get worried, so he asked the guy near him if he saw valestine.

The guy shook his head and said "So you're planning to score some points on her during the commotion eh? I like the idea! I might as well try it when I see her." then he turned his back and walked away as if Gin wasn't there.

"Atleast now I know that she's not here right now... But where is she?" Gin thought as he started to get more anxious. He then left the underground shelter to find Valestine.

He already searched the whole first floor so he decided to go up to the second floor using the stairs.

Gin walked as fast as he could as he reached the second floor and saw a crowd of people having a commotion. Gin suddenly felt his heart beat faster as he walked towards the crowd to see whats the commotion is about.

Gin wove through the crowd and what he saw next made his face turn pale. A woman, lying unconscious with both of her feet crushed by a huge stone debris, she's wearing the mall's uniform and as he got a closer look, it was Valestine.

"H-hey... Senior...." Gin said as he slowly walked closer to valestine who is lying helplessly and unconscious on the floor.

"Hey kid! Do you know her?! If you do, don't just stand there and stare! Come here and help us!" A Middle aged man wearing a business suit shouted.

Gin heard the shout and realized that the most important thing right now is to lift the huge debris to rescue Valestine. But theres only three people lifting the huge debris and it looks like their having a hard time...

Now that Gin thought about it, there are a lot of people just staring and not helping as if Valestines death is just a show for them. Well, he doesn't have much time to think about the others. So he immediately helped the three guys to lift the huge debris.