


slayer14 · Fantasy
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9 Chs


after i finally could control my wings and splitted the sky , i could enter a new world where my journey started .

i started to see the white cloud's and see the green ground , the cold air that was relieved me . only existing in this world was havenly for me after soo much time in Sairis , and withou't realizing i was flying closer to the ground at an enourmous speed .....

-what the...FEIRIS!!

i hitted the ground making an explosion , and a big alarming sound .

-i ... did it ... i escaped from Sairis ....

i was in the middle of a big crater in a big forest , i was breathing hard , maybe because it was my frist time doing such insane thing .

also my wings disapered but i could still feel the power through my veins ,i was smileing looking at my hands .

i started to look around only to find a place very similar to my home world , the tree's were bigger and kinnda strange but it was like i was back from where i started .

-hmm , its not verry different from what i already know ....

immediately after i sayd that , i was hit by a claw and seent into a tree that almoust broke . i was sititng down neer the tree and when i looked strightforward i seen 4 creatures that where verry similar to bears from my wolrd .

-"what the fuck are those ? they look like bears but they are much bigger and looks more ferocious. not to say they are 4 "

-"looks like the explosion attracted them"

-"attracted them ? that shit should have scared them ..." exactly what i wanted , fuck i am tired and this shit happens ...

they started to growl at me and come closer , i getted up and prepared myself because i knew what is coming next .

the first and the smaller one attacked me first , i started runing toward him and jumped above him , punching his head to the ground , destroying half of his skul and killing him on spot .

it was the first time i had to fight after the training i done in Sairis , even though i only trained my body and not my fighting skills , i was strong enough to kill him .

the other 3 stoped at the sight of they'r brother being murdered like that

-"even tho i killed that one , the other 3 are much bigger and i dont know how much i can resist , if only i had a weapon but, i dont even have clothes..."

after looking around the dead bear caugh my eye's .

-that's it!

i run to the dead body and ripped of his arm , the other bears where looking more confused at me . i extracted the bone hardly from the arm and put my hand in to it like a glove .

imediately after that the bears attacked me fast , the first one stood up and swinged his claw but somehow i could avoid that and only took damage on my arm and knock the bear down with my leg .

but meanwhile another one was coming at me fast . he bited my arm and slammed me down while the 3rd one was runing to give me the decisive stricke . i pierced the throat of the bear tha bited my arm and hided under it while the other one hitted the back of his head and kill him .

i pushed the dead bear from me and the other one falled on his back , i got up on him and started to pirce his chest while i was holding his mouth , he was struggling to escape but i didn't let him .

sudenly i got hit on my neeck and fall of the bear .

-ahh fuck , i forgot about you , you didn't die ....

looks like i didnt kill the all of them , and now i was badly hurt , he almoust broke my neek but i am lucky he didn't cut it .

the bear was breathing hard and fast , i could tell by the look in his eye's that he was verry mad at me .

-those fucking creatures are pissing me off , lay the fuck down already !

i started to move towards him and , he was coming at me fast . this one was the biggest one so far so i was more cautious than before , he attacked me first with his claws but didn't lay a hitt because i started to learn his movement's and i could hitt him .

he was pushing me back while he was attacking random , his power was scarry and i could die if he hitted me one more time , i launched a kick in his mouth and he putted me down with one swing .

then he attacked me with bouth of his claw's , i rolled away from him and got on top of him and start pirceing his neek repeatedly thill he stood down and finally died.

-i ... i did it Feiris , i killed those bastard's ...

-"congratulation's on you'r first figh alucard , you did well"

the i felled under a tree and fainted .

after the fight i had with those monsters i fainted for a long time , it was the first time in years i could relax and dont feel the burning of those flames .

-captain , after we are done with the job, how much are we going to get ?

-haha dont worry about the money , this time we hitted the jackpot . this girl is the doughter of some wealthy guy from the empire , people say she is related with the prince .

-uhhh then this means we are going to earn a lot , not to say it was a easy job too but captain...

-hhhh what ?

-they are not gonna get mad if we play a little with her , don't they ?

-hahah you fucking bastard ... well i guess that it's not nothing if we enjoy ourself's a little , but i am first .

-i have no complain ,captain .

the carriage suddenly stoped

-hmm what is this , why did we stoped ?!

-captain !

a guy entered the carriage with a surpirsed face .

-what , why did we stoped ?

-there is a crater in the way captain ...

-a crater , what the fuck are you saying ?

-anyway ,just come and take a look .

teh captain left the carriage and falowed the solider ,only to see what he was already told . a big crater in the middle of the roud .

-what the hell is this .

who made this ?

-captain , we found dead bodyes of urus'es ,4 exactly .

-was this a monster fight ? no , there is no way .urus is the stronges animal in this area so the only answer is a human .

but to actually make a crater this big ?

-now what captain ?

-are they trying to stop us ?

-captain , we found somebody !

-who and where he is ?

-we dont know , there is a guy sleeping naked under a tree close to the crater .

-hes sleeping naked ?

-ah yes , and he has an urus arm on him hand i think . i don't know to describe that .

-"wthat the fuck is happening here ?" lets go there !

the man's approached me , with a clueless face ,staring at me .

-these wounds , he is indead the on who killed them but why the heck is he naked ?

-and that urus claw on his hand , that's really wieard .

-is he alive ?

-yea , i can feel his breath . what are we gonna do with him ?

-well , urus'es body'es are kinda rare to find so we are gonna take them and make some more money . but first take this guy so we can ask him some question's .

-yea yea , but first , i am going to take this wieard claw off his hand ...

when that guy tryed to take the claw of my hand i waked up and stabed his neck withou't realizing .

-captain , that guy ...


the captain of those guy's looked at me surpised

-who are you people ?

-put down that bastard imediately !!


-"huh , we stoped , did we arived already ?

no , i am sure my father sent someone to rescue me . but still i cant belive i am being kidnapped .."

-aaaaaaaaaaa , stop him !

-"this sound , are they fighting ,did father really found me ? wait Mia , the could be an monster or another pack of bandits."

the fight stoped , and there was only silence to be heard now .

-"they stoped , oh no ,whats gonna happend to me now ?"

she started to hear steaps ,more loud as the person gets closer to the carriage .

-"someone is coming ..."

the door opened slowly, and the full moon light lited up the darck carriage where the girl was .

the girl could only see the man standing in front of her and the night sky full of stars .

-who are you ...?

-tch , just a girl here .

i tryed to close the door but the gilr sudenly screamed .

-wait , dont close it , dont lave me here !!

-ok fine i let the door opened ...

-no , you dont understand . i am being kidnapped here . they were going to sell me . plase help me

i couldn't help it when the gilr started to cry .

-"ah fuck , i guess i am just gonna unlesh her and lave her be "

after that i start searching for clouthes and something uselfull in the other carriages .

-aha , finally some clouthes .

there was also swords and manny weapont's ,and from the look of that i could know that this world wasn't so advanced .

-umm , excuse me .

the girl was standing behind me .

-you didn't lave ?

-about that , i wanted to ask for your help.

-haaa , look i am also lost so i cant take you home .

the girl started to blush after seing my naked body close to her .

-b-but why are you naked in the first place ?

-"maybe i can ask for indication's " that's not of your concern ,let's talk a bit later .

-alright ...

after i got dressed and ghatered all the thinks that i needed i started a fire and sat down beside it .

the girl also sitted by the fire with a sad look in her eye's .

-what's the matter ?

-ah , nothing nothing .i am just a bit tired ,that's all but i am alright.

-if you need to sleep you can do it , we can talk later .

-no, now it's the perfect time , let's not waste it anymore .

-so what did you wanted to talk about ?

-first , my name is Mia Skyring . as you already know i been kidnapped by those mercenarie's because of my father wealth . what is you'r name ?

-my name ? it's Alucard .

-just Alucard ?


-you'r name it's preatty strange , and you're actualy strong . you could take 6 of those guy's alone , where are you coming from ?

-"fuck , do i need to create a story or should i just shut up?" i lived all my life in the forest's and walking i got a little strong .

-yea but you killed those urus'es too , right ?

-"why is she asking soo manny questions " look , enough with my life, tell me what you want already .

-tch you're no fun , i want you to escort me back home , if you do that i will help you too .

-"perfect , i cant use her to find a city"i want to settle down , tell me about your homeland and take me there and i will help you .

-tell you about my homeland ?

-as i sayd i lived all my life in the forest so i dont know manny things about the wolrd .

-sure , as long as you respect you'r word .

-we'll talk more later in the morning , it's preatty late .

-are you sure it's ok to stay here , what if anothe ranimal attack us ?

-"she's right ...." i will watch over a little , dont worry.

after the sun rised up in the sky she waked up

-ahhh , good morning


-did you slept well ?

-yea , dont worry "actually i didn't slept at all"

-so what are you doing ?

-i search a little more in the carriage's , maybe i find something good .

tch ,nothing .just a bag of coin's

-let me see .

she opened the bag of coin's

-hey , here is enough money to buy a small house . 126 gold coins to be more exact .

i took a sword that i liked and i was ready to lave .

-ok , i am done here so we can lave .

-on foot ?

-yea , do you want to fly ?

-why dont we take a cal ?

-are you talking about that thing ?

it was a big animal that pulled the carriage , long hair and big teeth and red eye's .

-are you sure we can ride that ?

-oh come on , stupid .

i got up on the cal and started to ride it ,i never rided a horse so i dont know how it is but it was quite nice .

-sooo why did you lived alone in the forest ?

-"here she goes again" i dont know , i was alone from a young age so i didn't bother with question's .

-hmm , who teached you to spek?

-"wait a minute .." i-i dont know .

-ok , sorry .

-so Mia , tell me more about where are whe going now .

-wow you called me by my name ,i though you didn't like to talk .

-cut the jokes .

-haha well my empire is named Altrous and it's part of the big aliance Abynis with other 2 empire's , Ziare and Voltanum wich were one big empire 868 years ago . but an internal war wstarted because of the 3 prince's who wanted to rule the empire and the empire got cut in 3 pices .

the empire's didn't fight for a long time because of the aliance but the peace is starting to disapear and the tension is bigger and bigger between those 3 countryes or empires . whatever you want to call them .

this is this continent story in big ,if you know at least this much you'll be alrigt .

-"political issues, i never liked them "

-if you want to know more feel free to ask :)

-yea , i will do .

-anyway , what are you going to do after you get there , did you have something in mind ?

-i didn't think about that , i guess i will decide when i get there .

-hmm you know how to fight and you dont know much about the wolrd . how about the army ?

-army ?

-yes , its a good place , many pople start there because it pay's good and after 4 years you can lave or stay . after that you can make the same decision after 10 years but if you can resist the 4 years i think you'll stay .

-"i can become stronger and get paid , sounds good for now" i will think about it

-hey how about you become my knight ?

- sunds like a pact with the devil .

-oh dont be like that , i will treat you right :)

-is that the empire ?

there was a big city with big wall's around it , and ther ewas a big line of people who wanted to enter in .

-yes , this is the capital of Altrous , Ancora.

-are you sure is going to be alrigh ? i am wering the clothes of the poeple who kidnapped you .

-yea , dont worry about that .

after we reached the gate of Ancora we cuted the line while poeple where swering at us .

-hey , who do you think you are to cut the line dumbass ?

we got of the cal and the solider sudenly stoped .

-miss Mia , you are back . who is that guy ?...

-dont worry about him , let us go now .

-uh sure , go ahed .

the solder let us pass so easy when he saw Mia , i didn't know she was this powerfull .

-see ? i told you that is going to be alright .

-thank's Mia

she started to blush again

-stop it , you saved me . i am the one who needs to thank you

-you dont need to

-what about you come at my house , my father is going to reward you and you could sleep at my house .

she turned her head only to see no one there

-hey , where are you . hey !!

-"sorry Mia but here we go on different road's , i dont have time for that . i need to become stronger fast"

this is the end of the chapter 4 of WAR OF GODS .

it was a long time since i wrote a chapter and thats why i tryed to make it bigger than usually .

slayer14creators' thoughts