
War Guard

The second dual book mage in history, an outcast. Wielding the book of wrath comes with great power but at a price. Rage is his enemy, yet his greatest strength... P.S.: This is my first book so please bear with me through the grammatical errors and rough beginning, I promise to get better and the story gets better. Thanks

Alec_Blaq · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter Four

We arrived at the house where Haz's friend lived and the house was huge, this was the biggest house I'd ever seen.

"Quite a rich friend you've got", I said still surprised at the huge structure in front of me.

Haz didn't say a word to me, he just went straight to the door and knocked. We waited for close to two minutes before hearing the footsteps.

"Long time no see Haz", said the tall long blonde haired man that opened the door for us.

"Too long Rick", Haz replied.

We stepped into the house and as you would expect from any big mansion it was too beautiful to believe, everything was in the right place and not a speck of dust in sight. I just stood and stared in awe

"Hey there!"

A deep voice caught me off guard, I turn to see Haz's friend standing behind me.

"You must be Casto, I'm Rickhel and I've heard so little about you, but we can get know each other as we head to the library".

"What do you mean by the library", I asked.

"Haz told me you guys need help and that's what I'm going to do", He responded.

We left Haz and moved toward the library, it was like a city with walls why wouldn't it have a library.

We enter the room that was the library and as you would expect it was huge. He led me through the room toward a door at the other end.

We walked through the door and entered a smaller room filled with books but the looked unusual.

"Casto welcome to the archive of the dead", Rickhel said with so much excitement.

"What is the archive of the dead?", I asked.

"Wait when has was bringing you here he didn't explain anything to you?", Rickhel asked.

"Nope", I answer.

Sighs! "So very much Haz, Okay so he brought you here so I can help you, he can't protect you anymore so he needs you to be able to protect yourself", He explained.

"Ok so how do you intend to do that?", I asked so that he can get it on the way because my body was a little sour from all the movement.

"This room houses all the books that were wielded by war gurads that got seperated from their book", He said.

I raised my hand, "Excuse me what's a War Guard?", I asked.

"Are you shitting me right now?!!….he really told you nothing, hmmm..... a war guard is an elite book mage that keeps order, resolve threats that cannot be handled by normal means and so on, they are basically the police force for the magic community. Everyone strives to be a War guard because it's the coolest job there is just ask Haz he was a war guard like me although i was never really the fighting type".

I was a little shocked that I didn't already know this, but I couldn't really blame myself, "So Haz was a war guard, are the war guards responsible for our wrecked house?", I asked.

"That is an information I don't have", He answered.

"Okay so you were saying about the books".

"Oh yes, so the books here got seperated from the original owners during a fight with some other mage, seperating a book for a mage means the mage can no longer use it…"

"Then how will that help me?", I interrupted.

"If you would let me finish, the book after seperation cannot be used by the owner, but after their owner is killed there soul moves into the book, like the book wants to preserve the soul of it's lost owner. You are going to use one of these book to learn book magic and get into the college of magic. Exciting right?", He summarized everything but I was confused.

"So how am I supposed to use a book if the original owners can't use it anymore?", I asked.

"You just have to connect with the soul of the owner, and if it works you can use the book, no problem", He answered.

"What do you mean if it works?", I ask.

"Well you are kinda the first person am trying this with, but don't worry as long as you can become friends with him you don't have a problem. I know the perfect book for you", He explained.

"Ok no pressure I guess", I said in an usually low voice.

"Let's head to the training room", he says as he leads me out of the library.

"Ok so how do I communicate with the owner's soul", I ask with the book in my hands.


I was surprised at why he sounded so far away because we were standing close to each other a second ago.

"Are you serious right now?, How did you even get there?", I asked when I finally see him hiding behind a statue at the edge of the yard.


"You knew him?, how is he supposed to do anything to you then, he's dead", I said.


I opened the book and everything went dark, I was sure my eyes were open but I couldn't see anything, then I heard that voice.