
War god's avatar

A man who enrolled in the military, he served there for most of his life, but he was also a police officer, eventually, he got injured in war. His memories started to fade away, he forgot who he was or who he came from, he became nothing but a shell of his former self. Eventually, he died, his talent for fighting and for war was horrendous, it was a wonder he got accepted into the military, but that's exactly why he was chosen, chosen by the god of war. Given the power to change himself, and with no reason to refuse he shall set out to become the embodiment of war. I do not own any of the fiction in this except the OC, and none of these chapters are edited, I hate editing. On averege, there will be between 1000 to 1500 words per chapter, finally, I shall alter some things (mostly the points at which some events take place) to make things easier for myself.

The_Zombie_Lad ¡ Others
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12 Chs

Time for a hunt

Luka entered into the car and looked at the map, his designation is determined to be a boar hunting ground next to here.

Firing up the engine Luka drove the car towards the destination following the map, the destination is a small hunting ground just next to a small shack.

Upon arriving Luka immediately noticed the boars around the shack, it seems that they are looking for food here.

That's just perfect for Luka, boars can be hard pray to kill, especially if you only have a handgun and knives but after carefully taking aim and Stem assisting him Luka put down 2 boars, one bullet for each right thru the head.

He then loaded up the pigs into the back of the car, skinning and slicing them apart will be done in the village so as to not waste any more meat than necessary.

The plants came next, Luka found them pretty easily, it's not hard to gather big bright red bulbous plants and blue plants from beneath the water, the green ones were troublesome.

Sure they do look kinda distinctive but when you are in a jungle full of green plants and you have little knowledge of botany it can be kinda hard.

Eventually, Luka just resorted to cutting down plants that look green, and are about waist height, cut it down and take it, no consequences will follow.

Anyways Luka loaded up the board and the plants into the back of the car before he got in and drove back to the village.

"Hey, do you know where I can find Dennis?" Luka drove up next to a villager and asked him, Dennis seems to be someone well known around here so asking for directions shouldn't be hard.

"Dennis? Yea, you can find him down there just below that hill." The local pointed at a small hill nearby Luka thanked the local and then drove the car to that location.

There he saw Dennis with an assault rifle waiting next to his truck.

"Hey Dennis, I killed the pigs and got the plants, what next!?" Luka drove up and got out of the car opening up the back part to reveal the pigs and the plants to Dennis.

"Next I am gonna teach you how to bend nature to your will," Dennis said as he came up to the trunk and examined Luka's catch.

"You can trade the pigs for meat and leather at the village, as it is you can't use freshly skinned leather, I shall teach you how to skin at a later date. For now, take these and follow my instructions, you shall make a rucksack." Dennis said with a nod apparently pleased at the stuff in Luka's trunk, especially the killed boars before he took out boar leather, needles, and string from the car and handing them to Luka.

Under Dennise's instructions, Luka made himself a nice little boar hide rucksack which he slung over his shoulder.

"Next you shall mash these plants together and add some water before filling up these syringes, you can ask any vendor or me for more of them. The plants on this island are miraculous, they allow warriors to keep fighting, they are of great use." Dennis said as he demonstrated before allowing Luka to do it, Luka followed Dennise's moves and made one for himself.

"Good, you are a quick learner. Now on to your tatau, the tatau is mystical, it grants powers to the warriors that possess it. The tatau only needs a base to grow further, with each skill, experience, and ability mastered and learned the tatau shall by itself progress further along. The greater the warrior you become the bigger the tatau gets." Dennis explained as he took a look at Luka's arm, it seems that be is very pleased by what he saw.

"The tatau will allow you to master the jungle, become a true warrior, or in your case, a true predator."

"Predator huh? What's so different about me?" Luka asked he gets it that this tatau is magical but why is he a predator and not a warrior.

"Because I can see it, before arriving on this island you were already a warrior, a truly capable one but you are not a true warrior. You lack what makes a true warrior, the drive to kill, you kill because other people tell you to, this island shall liberate you. It shall liberate the predator trapped inside of you and turn you into a true warrior." Dennis said with a very creepy zealously, this is a bit out of hand in Luka's opinion.

"Hey, Felipe we are driving to the outpost near Amanaki village. We have one of the Americans, come, have some fun." It is at that point that the radio thankfully made itself known, Luka doesn't know how much more of these creepy ramblings he could have taken before he punched Dennis in the face.

"Seems that one of my friends is in trouble, sorry Dennis but we are gonna have to cut this short," Luka said as he took out his gun, he doesn't consider anyone on this damn island his friend but that girl is his target, he better make sure that she doesn't die.

"Come, follow," Dennis said as he gestured towards his truck, Luka obliged, he doesn't know where the outpost is so following Dennis is a much better option.

Dennis gets into the driver seat and begins to drive towards the outpost, along the way they are joined by another car, and Dennis is talking about the Rakyat.

"We are at war with Vaas, taking the outpost will prove to be beneficial to the Rakyat, those in front are true Rakyat warrior coming from the inner jungle, they should trust you because of the tatau," Dennis said as they soon crossed a bridge and arrived at a small outpost like area.

Dennis and Luka got out of the car, the other Rakyat followed their lead, now there are 6 of them here all armed and ready to kill.

"Luka these are your friends is your duty to liberate them, we shall help. You can decide on how to take out the pirates. From a distance, guns blazing, sneaking in, it's all up to you Luka." Dennis said ad the other Rakyat nodded.

Now, this was a tough decision, each style of entry have their own advantages so Luka has to make a pretty tough decision.

"Stem, give me some help here," Luka said quietly, he should rely on less on Stem but still asking for some help and hints isn't that bad.

[Remember your mission, your goal.]

That's all that Stem said as Luka is left in contemplation before deciding on his course of action.

"I'll sneak in if something goes wrong you can come in guns blazing." Luka decided on the stealthy solo approach for a few reasons.

First is that his primary mission is for his target to remain safe, killing the pirates is only secondary, if he makes a lot of noise coming in then that increases the risk of her dying.

As for sniping well, that isn't really an option, there's 6 of them here and Luka only has a pistol, the others all have only unsuppressed assault rifles, sniping wouldn't really work out.

So the only other option left is for Luka to become a ninja and sneak in Joseph Joestar style.