
War god's avatar

A man who enrolled in the military, he served there for most of his life, but he was also a police officer, eventually, he got injured in war. His memories started to fade away, he forgot who he was or who he came from, he became nothing but a shell of his former self. Eventually, he died, his talent for fighting and for war was horrendous, it was a wonder he got accepted into the military, but that's exactly why he was chosen, chosen by the god of war. Given the power to change himself, and with no reason to refuse he shall set out to become the embodiment of war. I do not own any of the fiction in this except the OC, and none of these chapters are edited, I hate editing. On averege, there will be between 1000 to 1500 words per chapter, finally, I shall alter some things (mostly the points at which some events take place) to make things easier for myself.

The_Zombie_Lad · Others
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12 Chs

Let's go shopping~

As Luka exited the hotel he looked around himself, he has no idea about where to go.

"All right, Stem, I leave everything else to you," Luka said, he knows that he has to buy many things he just doesn't know where and what he has to buy.


Stem answered and made his legs move on their own, after about 15 minutes of walking they came upon a big shopping center.

Stem made Luka go inside where people cleared a way for him when they saw his attire, Luka soon arrived at a chain of clothing stores.

'Oh boy, how am I not gonna like this.' Luka thought as he entered inside, he doesn't remember much about his life but he does remember that most of his young life was spent surrounded by women so he knows just how bad it is to go shopping.

And indeed, it was bad, Stem took Luka thru multiple shops where they bought multiple articles of clothing, this trip lasted for 5 hours and by the time he exited out of that hell, Luka was carrying 6 bags.

He also changed his clothes, he is now wearing a dark red T-shirt with black sweatpants and sneakers.

"Damn it Stem, you are worse than a woman!" Luka said out loud as his legs continued moving on their own to another shop, this one is a mobile phone shop.

[We would have stayed longer to get a suit tailored for you but we don't have time.]

'Bloody hell.'

They came upon a phone shop, there Stem browsed for a bit before buying 3 phones for Luka, one Samsung Galaxy S5 and the other ones are a Nokia 1280 and a Nokia 1100, can't go wrong with Nokia.

From then Stem made rounds around the shopping center, going to a shop for training, survival and outdoor shop, etc.

By the time he was over it was already closing time for the shop and Stem had enough weight packed onto the body to almost make the stitches burst.

"Bloody hell Stem, this is a bit too much isn't it?" Luka asked as he dragged his body towards his new home, damn this Stem.

[No, this is not nearly adjacent enough, it shall only work for now.]

Stem said as Luka grimaced, they lost about 80 000 dollars today, and his body is on the verge of breaking, Stem is going at it way too hard.

Luka eventually arrived home and dropped off his stuff, he must admit, the new hone is quite nice.

It's very spacious with nice hardwood floors and white walls, a bathroom, master bedroom, and living room are also big, the kitchen too is nice, the fridge comest already stocked with food with Luka didn't hesitate to eat.

"All right Stem, what now?" Luka asked while taking more of those magical pills, they make life a heck of a lot easier.

[Take out your phone, we don't have time to set up the laptop, we shall make a few online orders.]

Luka followed the instructions and took out his Samsung, there he set everything up and let Stem guide him through the rest.

They went through some online sites, specifically Amazon, eBay, Cold Steel, Knife Center, Blade HQ, etc. Stem mostly focused on buying melee weapons this time around, predominantly knives, but also some other stuff.

Stem finally stopped shopping after 2 hours, they spent another 10 000 dollars on this for sure.

"All right, guess it's time to hit the sack," Luka said as he lightly stretched himself, his whole body hurt from today, it's better to rest.

[No, not yet, you need to do some light exercise first.]

"Huh? What the fuck are you talking about? Didn't you say that comes after 2 weeks? Aren't you supposed to he extremely smart, don't you know that you shouldn't exercise with a wounded body?" Luka asked with a face filled with confusion, what is Stem talking about.

[Yes, I know that, but at the very, lest it us needed for you to slight train, that is non-negotiable.]

"Can't you do that? Or at the very least turn off the pain?" Luka asked with a very unwilling face, the painkillers at the least lessened the pain, he is sure that if he were to train right now the pain will come back harder than ever.

[No, I can't do that. Do you remember why the god of war chose you? It's because you have no talent, you have to work hard. Besides that, what if I malfunction? A strong enough electric shock can fry me, I will come back online eventually, but in that time period, you would be left without me if I do everything you would know nothing and be defenseless.]

"All right, fair point," Luka said as he grimaced, even more, he knows that what Stem has said is the truth, but that doesn't mean that he has to like it.

Luka did some light exercises and was done after 10 minutes, the pain was just too much for him to handle.

The next 3 weeks went by quickly, the second day Stem bought some more stuff, like a car, after 1 week Luka became registered in Continental and he got some golden coins, with them he went to the armor and weapons experts buying some guns and protections.

Around that time the shipments that Stem ordered begun arriving, another week passed and Luka was now is a good condition, he came to a gym and started to lightly train in boxing.

Finally, the last week was spent by Luka mostly trying out his gear and training, he is once again in top shape.

Right now Luka is standing in front of Viggo waiting to get his job assigned to him.