
War god's avatar

A man who enrolled in the military, he served there for most of his life, but he was also a police officer, eventually, he got injured in war. His memories started to fade away, he forgot who he was or who he came from, he became nothing but a shell of his former self. Eventually, he died, his talent for fighting and for war was horrendous, it was a wonder he got accepted into the military, but that's exactly why he was chosen, chosen by the god of war. Given the power to change himself, and with no reason to refuse he shall set out to become the embodiment of war. I do not own any of the fiction in this except the OC, and none of these chapters are edited, I hate editing. On averege, there will be between 1000 to 1500 words per chapter, finally, I shall alter some things (mostly the points at which some events take place) to make things easier for myself.

The_Zombie_Lad · Others
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12 Chs

Captured by pirates

[Wake up Luka, it's 10 am, time to wake up.]

"I'm up, I'm up, geez Stem, it's only 10 am, I have time before meeting them." Said Luka as he begrudgingly got up from his bed.

[You still shouldn't be tardy, it could be the cause of tour demise.]

"Yea yea, I bet you it is, actually, I can't want for it!" Luka said in a fake upbeat voice before he went to the kitchen grabbing himself donuts to eat.

'High sugar content first thing in the morning, nothing can beat this.' Luka thought as he ate his donut, he has a pretty big sweet tooth, sweets and meat are his favorite food.

After finishing up the donut, and taking another one, Luka wants into the bathroom, where he washes his teeth.

He soon got out and begun to work out, not much, just some basic stuff, still, he was done only after an hour and by that point, he was covered in sweat so he went and took a shower.

He showered and cleaned himself, he probably won't have this luxury in the jungle so he is gonna make full use of it.

By the time Luka came out, it was 11:45, so he just quickly put on some clothes, lied back on his couch, and watched some television.

Soon, 14:30 came, it was time to get his ass off the couch and do some actual work.

Luka was already ready so he just locked up after himself and put his keys beneath a flowerpot, he won't be returning for quite some time.

Now he was ready, he took some paths and went to some places before he arrived at an airfield where he saw a group of young people.

"Hey, you the guys Iasof mentioned?" Luka approached them pretty casually, there are no other people that could be waiting for him so they are probably his targets.

"Yea, that's us, you that friend he mentioned?" Asked a guy, he seems pretty buff and big, and capable in a fight.

"Yup, that's me." Luka shook each bod their hands and they introduced each other, he got to know this group of friends.

"So, let's get going?" Luka asked, the sooner he gets this done, the better.

"Yea, sure, but I was meaning to ask you, you some type of military man?" They all agreed and the guy named Oliver asked a question.

"No way man, the military is too tough for me, why do you think so?" Luka asked with a smirk, he served long enough in the military, and longer and he would be overstaying his welcome.

"Well, just look at yourself." Said Oliver as he pointed at Luka's attire, it does make him seem pretty militaristic.

Luka shook his head and they all boarded the plane, apparently Riley, the youngest brother of a trio, just earned his pilots license so he will be driving, but this brings up the interesting question of it Riley is driving and he plans to jump off with them, who sill be commanding the plane?

Well, it turns out that being rich has its benefits since after jumping out of the plane they just let the plane crash into the water, thousands of dollars gone just like that, what a shame.

Still, the party on this island was pretty good, booze, exploration, adventure, and all in between, that is until the sun had begun to set and they were all abducted and put into bamboo cages.

So here he is right now, bound in a bamboo cage, with his hands up above himself while a crazy guy approaches him.

"Hello there Luka? Luka? Haha, that's a weird name, Luka, Luka, it's a weird name but I like it you know, I like it." Said the guy as he approaches him if he remembers correctly this is one of his targets, Vaas, if only he wasn't bound op right now he would have killed him.

"I am sorry to tell you Luka, but, you don't look expensive, you look dirt poor, or like your parents are dirt poor, so be a good bitch and I might not slaughter you today." Said Vaas as he left him apparently having no interest in somebody who doesn't look expensive.

'Idiot.' Luka thought as he surveyed his surroundings, only 1 guy is guarding him and he doesn't seem too terribly excited about his job, perfect for Luka.

Luka's hands are tied above his head but that is no problem, he just gets up, the guard doesn't mind it, it can happen that the prisoners want to stretch their legs.

Luka stealthily pulls out bis Recon 1 and flips it over, with the serrated edge he proceeds to cut off the rope.

"Hey, you! What the fuck do you think you are doing!?" It is at that point that the guard noticed that Luka was behaving pretty suspiciously so he approached him.

That was a bad move, even with a cage and bars separating them Luka lunged at the guard with full force slicing open his neck and showering himself in blood as the guard died.

"Stem, activate infrared and map vision," Luka said as he peeled off the duck tape on his mouth.


Immediately Luka's perspective changed, he still saw in the normal light spectrum but now he could also see-thru building and the heat signatures of living beings.

"Great," Luka smirked, he then looked at the bamboo holding him, he just hacked it open with his knife it wasn't that hard.

After he made his way out Luka looted the corpse, unfortunately, he had no gun so Luka is stuck with his knife, it's better that way anyways, a gun is too loud.

Luka looked around himself, to his right are 2 guys which seem to be on patrol and coming over here so Luka hid in a bush next to his cage.

He watched and waited as the guys approached, eventually one went to take a leak and that's when Luka struck, he killed him with his knife by stabbing him in the neck.

Then, he moved on, the other guy noticed the corpse of the first kill and was about to investigate but Luka was faster sneaking upon him and twisting his neck.

With the men killed Luka searched their bodies, but he found no guns, what is wrong with these people?! Why aren't they're carrying guns!?

Luka grumbled for a bit about their choice of life and gear before getting a move on, he is right in the enemy camp, perfect to kill his target.

Luka decided to go up onto the roofs, it's gonna serve as a nice way of transportation without being seen too much, no one ever looks up.

Climbing onto the roof Luka surveyed everything around himself, the camp seems to be split into 2 by a road used by vehicles, Vaas is probably on the other side since it looks nicer.

As Luka sneaked his way across the roofs, the humans didn't notice him, but the dogs did, 3 dogs right now are barking in his direction while the handler is telling them to shut up.

Luka decided not to take any chances, dogs are a pain in the ass to deal with, he threw a rock in the opposite direction and the handler looked over forcibly bringing the dogs along.

Luka took out his second knife and put it in the other hand, he then descended to the ground and snuck up to the handler.

Stabbing him in the neck, the guy was quickly dead, with the other knife he opened up a dog, by this point the other two dogs attacked him.

He killed one as it bit down on his arm, the other tried to attack his throat but Luka protected himself killing the dog.

'Fucking dogs, if John could see me now he would be outraged.' Luka thought with a small chuckle, he then searched the body of the handler, he didn't have high hopes but he actually found a 9mm pistol on the guy, finally, a gun.

Luka sneaked back up to the roof and was about to continue to walk around the camp when he saw Vaas pointing his him at his targets.

"Fuck me," Luka said as he took out his gun and started to shoot, Stem wasn't assisting him as he needs to train himself more so his shots weren't perfectly accurate.

Still, he hit Vaas in the leg and managed to injure his henchmen which made everyone turn towards Luka.

"I'm here motherfuckers!" Luka yelled out while shooting his pistol, he should probably use it more sparingly but he only has one life.

Luka his behind a house, he has about 4 bullets left and only 3 knives on him as weapons, he could use Stem but if he did that he would learn nothing.

So now, trapped behind a building, his elimination target gunning at him he is in a difficult position.

Peeking his head out Luka noticed that the protection targets have gone away, probably thru the jungle, and he is gonna do the same.