
Wanting More (Naruto Fanfic)

Yoshiro - “Only with experiencing pain and anguish will ones true self come out.” Remembering little of his past life, The MC steps in the world of Naruto and adventures to put his name in the history of this anime world. Having to live alone and survive on his own. Hardening both mind and soul, Yoshiro has a decision. Live a peaceful life and harbour life or Live a chaotic life and eliminate life. Either choice has it up and downs but in the end, fate decides it for him. I do not own Naruto, I only own the OC.

TruckkunJr · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
21 Chs


Gotten back from his mission, Yoshiro was in his apartment. Sat meditating, he would do this so he could stay in tune with his surroundings. All his senses would increase somewhat and maybe in the future this could help attain sage mode quicker. You need as many trump cards as possible in battle.

*Knock* *Knock*

Eyes opening, glowing a menacing crimson colour. Around his pupil, three tomoe's were spinning. Annoyed by the interferences, he stood up and walked to the door.

Grabbing the handle, he twisted and finally opened the door. Once open, Yoshiro's Sharingan memorized the knocker. Long silk black hair and red eyes. Her eyes weren't of the Uchiha's Sharingan but natural colour.

She was beautiful of course. Most girls Yoshiro had met throughout his life were of top class. He was used to the beauty of the opposite sex and asked.

"Is there something you need?"

Kurenai was shocked by what she saw, she hided away her shock expression and as well as took in his appearance.

Black Spiky hair, Onyx eyes and handsome face which could make the usual handsome person jealous. He was tall for his age as well, almost reaching her exact height.

"Sorry for the Intrusion, but is alright if I can enter. It would be better if we spoke inside." No reason to, Yoshiro gestured her to come in.


Kurenai gazed around her future patients apartment. It was rather bland, only thing that would catch your eyes were the book shelf behind the couches.

She knew just from a glance, Yoshiro cared not so whatever about what his place look like and didn't care. If he could live comfortable than that was what mattered.

Sat down, both of them looked at one another. Leaning on his palm, Yoshiro crossed his right leg. As much as he wanted to deny it, his body was reacting to Kurenai. Thus the reason for crossing his leg.

Yoshiro cursed his body yet again. Since he hit 11, his body was full of hormones that he would rather not have. Worst part about it, his body would react and his mind would become dazzy whenever he was near Hinata, Naomi, Kushina and Mikoto.

Despite his best attempts, Kurenai eyes darted to his crotch section. Slight blush growing on her face, she had to admit, he was big for his age. With difficulty, she finally pulled away her eyes and calmed down her blush to say.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Kurenai Yuhi. I'll be your Psychiatrist, Yoshiro Uchiha." Kurenai noticed his eyes narrow and heard him ask in a barely retrained angered tone.

"I don't need a Psychiatrist, tell whoever ordered you that I'm perfectly fine." Shaking her head, Kurenai said to him.

"I can't do such. I was ordered from the Hokage himself to take care of your mental well being." Yoshiro stared at her serious expression and though angry, decided to leave it be.

"What are you supposed to do now. Question me, ask me something?" Impassient about this, Yoshiro restrained voice asked her.

Amused as she was, Kurenai nodded and helped him lay down on the couch which he did without hassle. Seated in Yoshiro's former seat said to him in a calm ton.

"If you ever feel uncomfortable then we can stop, just say the word and I'll let you take a rest." Understood, he kept a calm steady breath and nodded.

Both of them went through 2 hours of questions and answers. Kurenai realised Yoshiro breath would become unsteady even hard when the subject of the Genjustu came up. The Massacre actually got no reaction from the Uchiha, he seemed like he had been through a similar thing.

What he would say when the Genjustu arrived was weird. Yoshiro strayed the question away but answer it almost like he speaking Morse code. She couldn't get a good reading of what had happened in the Genjustu, yet she knew whatever happened in there, it affected him drastically.

Kurenai after she was done felt pity and sadness for Yoshiro. He had severe OCD, PTSD and anger problems. A 14 year old shouldn't have these mental problems, this made Kurenai have a sense of determination to help Yoshiro no matter what.

Yoshiro wasn't an hero, he even had sadistic tendencies. Why should he care for someone that he barely know become suddenly determined to help him. For all he could care is that she could fuck off and leave him alone.

"That is all." Stood up she smiled own to the now, seating on the edge Yoshiro.

"I'll be coming back tomorrow." Only given a glance, Kurenai understood his personality or already and chuckled. The former Cold princess warmed up to the Uchiha lad.

"Un. Don't take too long, I've got to train." Yoshiro roller his eyes and closed his eyes to meditate.

Expecting her to walk away, he suddenly felt a smooth hand brush through his hair. The hand was obvious, Kurenai. Head up, he saw a playful smile.

"Lighten up. You won't get girls like that, show a smile." No response just silence, her forehead sweated from his heated gaze.

"Maybe, you don't need to smile." Nervous smile, Kurenai just by his gaze probably guessed Yoshiro had the same problem like Kakashi with females.

"I'd kill them all if I could. They are annoying, I can never get peace as Iong as I stay in the academy." Swatting away her hand from his head, Yoshiro eyes twitched. Kurenai laughed and left, but not before a pat on his shoulder leaving.

"I think I can understand... Anyway, see you tomorrow Yoshiro." Like that, she disappeared. Yoshiro went ahead and decided to sleep to begin training early.

(2 weeks later)

How was she gonna explain this situation to Yoshiro, was the exact words going through Sayaka's mind. Stood Infront was Naruto itching to attack a shinobi from a different village and behind him, Naomi and Sayaka stood wearily opposite a blonde Kunoichi with a huge ass fan and a face painted Shinobi that seemed to be in a robe.

A pretty unusual situation if you can say that, but, if you look in the hands of the face painted Shinobi you'll realize barely that a child of brown hair was currently being hung by the collar. This was Konohamaru, Hiruzen Sarutobi's grandson.

"Let go of him!" Unable to contain his temper, leaped from his former spot and leaned forward with his fist outstretched.

What was meant to connect with the clown faced Shinobi, didn't reach him and instead went through the air.

Dropped on his ass, Naruto yet again without thinking, returned to swinging his arm. Just like before, Naruto only was brought to his bottom with seemingly no effort from the robed wearing Shinobi.

This was all watched by Naomi, Sayaka and the blonde girl beside the man that is the cause of Naruto's problems.

Naomi was in a dilemma, unlike her idiotic brother, she took notice of the Shinobi's headband and had long realized they were from a whole different village. Fighting against other Shinobi's from a different village wasn't a good idea clearly since the power distribution was no longer soo far on the side of the Hidden Leaf since the massacre of the Uchiha clan.

As such she had to take care of her emotions even if her brother was being disrespected. Despite her obvious dislike of Naruto, Naomi glanced to her side and saw Sayaka's hesitant posture. She was in the same situation as her.

"Kankuro, stop this." A deep voice said from the tree above the pair.

All eyes flicked towards the area of the new voice. Unlike his former confident demeanour, the person addressed as Kankuro's body trembled and seemed to shrink in size making himself seem smaller. It didn't escape Sayaka or Naomi that the beautiful blonde with the fan also seemed to do the exact same body language as Kankuro.

If you took away that he had red hair, no eyebrows and had a blatant birth scar above his left eye that signifies love. There held nothing special except the clear craziness in his eyes and gourd aback of him.

"Ga-Gaara." Kankuro croaked out of his mouth in shock. Doing what he did best, Naruto deflated the rising tension at the sudden appearance of the upside down red haired boy

"How did you get there!?" Pointing at Gaara, Naruto shouted. Not paying mind to the blonde, Gaara narrowed his eyes at the pair close to him.

"Stop what you are doing, your embarrassing our village" Speaking with his ice cold tone, Kankuro straightened up while Temari averted eye contact.

"Oi! Stop acting like I'm not here!" Only now turning his eyes to them, Gaara couldn't see nothing special in them at first glance. Although, gazing at the blonde twins something screamed in his mind, for the pair's blood.

"Mother will be happy with these..." A small almost none existent smile slowly crept on his face. This smile didn't promise happiness like your usual smile.... Oh no, something completely different... Pain...

Naomi couldn't see it but felt a shiver go down her spine. The same could be said for Naruto as well, unlike her, Naruto was too high on emotions to feel his sirens go off.

"You are joining the exam as well?" Speaking for the first time since meeting them, Sayaka's confident voice gained Gaara's attention also the pair.

"Yes, Why are also joining it?" Generally curious, to speak up also for the first time, the blonde raised a brow.

"Of course we'll participate, Onii-san and I have to gain Jonin level somehow." Sayaka rolled her eyes and explained like it was the simplest thing she has said in return gaining a tic mark on Naomi's forehead.

"Sayaka! don't forget I'll be there as well, right next to Yoshiro and you!" All laws being thrown away, Naomi's head turned to Sayaka and showed to her, her twitching eye brow and threatening smile.

"Sure... On the side.... An actual Uchiha can only be his wife." Shifting her face so only the right side of her face can be shown. Sayaka smirked causing what she wanted from Naomi. Anger.

"OH YH! Fight me and I'll show you who's gonna be 'on the side'." Naomi shouted basically in Sayaka's face, her eyes overshadowed by her hair.

Gaara, Kankuro, The blonde girl and Naruto could only wipe a sweat drop from their forehead at their display. Their actions was too spontaneous for anyone's own good.

"Hey guys? What about m-" Feeling alone, Naruto tried to intervene in their little competition only too...

" "Shut up Naruto!!!" "

Sayaka and Naomi yelled at Naruto leading him to be thrown away from the air of their voice. Unable to continue their arguement, both of them glanced at each other and huffed turning their face away from one another. Although they were angry at each other, both were sporting a small happy smile.

"Sooo... Who is this Yoshiro." More up front with her curiosity, the blonde of the difference village ninja's, corner of her mouth quirked slightly up. Her female senses were at an all time high with the mention of a boy who could gain two beautiful girls attention.

Her sensor went to max straight away since seeing their actions alone. It had to be a S Tier male to make females become a chromosome less simp, who spends money on only fans when their is free websites like ph that is meant for releasing a fat one.

The name Yoshiro instantly was imprinted in their minds. Curiosity mainly and weariness aslo. There seemed to be a sense of power behind the name that wasn't there when you spoke of other names. This... Yoshiro.... Isn't your typical Shinobi.

"Do I frighten people now? Well, I'd be afraid of myself as well... I do not blame you, honestly, it isn't fair for anyone."

Above Gaara's branch, he sat down looking at everyone. The person of the subject, Yoshiro Uchiha had finally appeared on the scene with a cocky smile.