
Wanting More (Naruto Fanfic)

Yoshiro - “Only with experiencing pain and anguish will ones true self come out.” Remembering little of his past life, The MC steps in the world of Naruto and adventures to put his name in the history of this anime world. Having to live alone and survive on his own. Hardening both mind and soul, Yoshiro has a decision. Live a peaceful life and harbour life or Live a chaotic life and eliminate life. Either choice has it up and downs but in the end, fate decides it for him. I do not own Naruto, I only own the OC.

TruckkunJr · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

"I hate you..."

Gaara neither did the twin believe the person of their sudden interest would appear above them on the same branch as Gaara. What made it more surprising was they didn't even sense his presence or movement when arriving their.

"Yoshiro... Uchiha..." Gaara muttered under his breath, barely even being heard by the twins. Although they couldn't, didn't mean Yoshiro couldn't.

"You must also be Gaara of the sand." Staring above him, Gaara saw and felt the confident oozing from this Shinobi, yet, that wasn't the only thing he sensed coming off him.

As a very skilled sensor, Gaara because of his sand could feel everyone's chakra. Not once has he came in contact with a chakra quite like the Shinobi above him. Only the blonde twins that was only a few meters away had the closest supply of chakra to him.

Despite all three chakra's being most likely Hokage level, it was what Gaara found when he felt immediately his chakra signature. His spiritual Chakra was the highest quality he had ever seen, it was terrifying, and the fact that his physical chakra was almost as scary was even more horrifying.

Quietness and tension radiated in the air. Everyone that wasn't Gaara and Yoshiro stood on their toes spectating the state between the two strongest Shinobi's in their area. That was until, someone spoke up with a cold tone.

"Kankuro. Temari. We are leaving." Gaara ordered, than disappeared away.

Without any comments, the three sand ninja's disappeared. Still, before she left, Temari glanced at Yoshiro, curious at the man that caused her insane younger brother to flee.


As soon as they left, Yoshiro dropped down from the branch and headed to his teammates, not caring about the blonde missile about to hit him. Something was off though, on his face held nothing, literal nothingness. Sayaka silently gazed at her brothers face, unexpectedly not jumping at him like normally.

Everything added up, straight away when she saw her Onii-san dodge Naomi and glanced back at her, two cold red eyes looked down at her, staring in her widen sapphire gems which was utterly shocked.

Parting his lips, Sayaka barely heard his words that was directed to her. What she heard next kept her in her spot, motionless with shock.

"Don't touch me... unless, you want your arms separated from your shoulders." Spoken without the usual warmth.

Naomi sat their looking at his back slowly approach her brother and Friend/rival, unaware of the tears in the corner of her eyes going down her face. Naomi stayed their mindlessly, unable to comprehend his words.

Sayaka thoughts went into overdrive, instead of going to her and hugging or greeting her. Yoshiro went past her, one glance was left before trying to do the same to Naruto. She was right, Yoshiro no longer in his eyes, had his usual warmth.

Now.... There was nothing...

When Yoshiro was about to bypass Naruto, he stopped. Naruto had put his hand on his shoulder, furious evident on his tan face. Yoshiro turn to face him. Now both boys gazed, one with anger another with emptiness.

"How can you do that to Naomi! You bastard! Don't you know she cares for you!" Naruto with all the ferocity and anger built up, screamed in Yoshiro's face.

"...And?" Yoshiro stood still and asked dryly. For a moment, Naruto eyes widened shocked at his lack of care but that soon shifted to more untamed anger.

"W-What do you mean 'AND' ! She's your teammate! How can you treat her like that!" Grabbing ahold a fist full of his top, Naruto stared angrily up to him.

"Because she's my teammate, you expect me to treat her nicely..." Pausing... Naruto than suddenly saw a glint, slowly grow and become more prominent than he laughed.

"HAHAHAHA!" A sicken and crazy laugh escaped his mouth, he put one of his hand on his stomach like he had heard the most funniest joke ever.

"...Nice joke! I thought you was serious for a second there." Wiping a tear with index finger, Yoshiro, after wiping a tear gazed back in Naruto's eyes with utter madness.

By the sudden increase in glare, Yoshiro was able to hold it longer and smiled a sick, sadistic smile.

"So you aren't joking..." Shaking his head side to side almost disappointedly, than at a slow pace wrapped his left hand on Naruto's wrist.

" "Naruto!" " Sayaka and Naomi screamed a second later.

It didn't matter if both females screamed at this point, Naruto was on the ground in a fetal position, withering from the pain on his chin, stomach and wrist. Naruto had no time to react when Yoshiro squeezed with power that shouldn't in a 13 year old.

Pulled Naruto to his left side, leaned in and clocked Naruto with his right fist directly on the tip his chin. He went futhur and sweeped his feet causing him to fall than without any delay, brought his foot back and unleash a kick to his stomach, being winded from it.

Naomi and Sayaka tried to run towards Naruto and help him when before they were even allowed to step from their position. Yoshiro's voice was raised.

"Don't. Even." Yoshiro's spoke bit by bit slowly with clear intent of causing hurt.

Both women stood, not daring to move, Killer intent washed over them. Everything felt dark only the glow of Yoshiro's Sharingan let a light around the surrounding. Tears started to leak from Sayaka's eyes, building up her courage, despite fearing for the first time of Yoshiro stuttered.

"O-O-Onii-san.... P-Please... S-Stop t-this..." Sayaka barely said in hope of stopping her brothers madness.

When his eyes now focused on her, Sayaka almost felt her conscious slip away only will power keeping her going. Eyes that held nothing, bore in her until they left her to look down at Naruto.

The anger induced Uchiha than crouched down, grabbed forcefully of Naruto's jaw, wanting, needing to see this boys painful face. And it was everything he ever wanted to see. Naruto face was scrunched, jaw tightened and eyes that portrayed the pain he was going through.

"Teammates this, Friends this. You are annoying." Yoshiro said emotionlessly.

"You believe everything is soo simple. You need to sooner or later come to realisation everything isn't simply rainbows." Yoshiro said, his eyes never leaving Naruto's.

"Family can kill each other. Teammates can betray each other. How do you know if the person you believe to know isn't just using that sense of comradery to get closer and at the right time betray you." Yoshiro said clenching even harder on his jaw.

"Life is unpredictable. One day you can be chatting happily with a friend than the very next day you are forced to take the others life. You never know what might happen in the future, it's only by opening your eyes can you see things truly and comprehend foreseeable things to come. But how can you do that when your sense of reality is possibly an illusion created by another."

"That is why, friends, lovers, teammates cannot be trusted. Anyone can put up a front and make you believe something that is only a lie and deceit."

Giving his last words. Yoshiro allowed Naruto's head to go and disappeared. Immediately all the pressure that was formally there had gone when Yoshiro went. No questions needed, both females went to a knocked out Naruto.

"He's alright. I think being so close to killer intent caused him to black out." Sayaka checked his pulse and explained to Naomi. Breathing a sigh of relief, Naomi turned to Sayaka.

"What happened to him? I-It was like he suddenly snapped." Naomi fearfully said.

She should of been angry at Yoshiro for what he had done to her brother and she was, yet, she was still worried about him even when had said and done horrible things to Naruto.

"I--I do not know... He could be just angry, maybe." Sayaka said hopefully.

Like Naomi, Sayaka had emotions going through her. Anger, fear, pain, confusion and worry. Too much things was happening and Sayaka knew she needed to explain to her mother about all that is happening specifically Yoshiro's sudden actions.


After the events yesterday, Sayaka had loads of things going through her teenager mind. Her feelings for her 'brother'. His words. His actions. Also how was she gonna explain this to her mother. Her mother cared quite frankly lots for her 'son', you can say she spoiled him out of the three kids.

She wasn't blind, after things spiralled out of control. Yoshiro being isolated. Itsuka killing the whole clan. Mikoto despite being a strong women had limits, right now, Sayaka knew she had almost hit that limit. To take care of a child, another one possibly mentally unstable and last one being the one to kill the clan. Would be unbeatable.

Sayaka didn't want to put the nail in the coffin. Still, she had to say what happened. She was afraid maybe Yoshiro had finally lost the plot. She didn't want to lose him. Also, she didn't want him to cause more pain like he did with Naruto.

Sayaka steeled herself, she waited after eating her breakfast with her mother than when she was cleaning the dishes. Sayaka spoke up.

"Kaa-san." Addressing her mother nervously, Mikoto hummed.

"...How much do you care for Yoshiro?" Pausing out of nerves, Sayaka asked her Mikoto finally.

When she heard her daughter ask about Yoshiro, she got the feeling something happened to him but she guessed she can play along with her. So, Mikoto stopped and to think. To her, Yoshiro was no different to Itsuka or Sayaka. He was still her son even if he didn't have her blood in her veins

She cared for as much as her other children. Maybe more since he always seemed lost as a child. He was unlike normal children his age, a little more mature and didn't moan or argue when something didn't go his way.

Honestly, when he was younger she really wanted him to be engaged to one of her children to keep her best friend and her family closer. Plus, she saw how both her children look at him.

Now she got an older, when talk of marriage with him as a subject arose she would feel her heart fasten and her chest felt like it was constantly pounding.

She was conscious of what was happening to her because she has felt this way before. Mikoto though wouldn't agree with the feelings, she had dignity and knew the boy was one of her best friends child.

"You know I love him as much as Itsuka and you. Why are you asking me anyway sweetie?" Mikoto smiled at her.

"It's because... Yoshiro beated up Naruto." Sayaka confessed warily, quite afraid of Mikoto's reaction.

When she stopped, placed her hands on the edge of the counter. Sayaka knew it had caught her mothers attention.

"...Why." Mikoto asked, clearly in her tone slight fearful for what she might hear.

Explaining to her mother about what lead up to the events, meeting the sand ninja's than confronting them because Naruto. She told her mother about Naruto being beaten up and how she was stricken in fear. All while explaining, Sayaka gave glances to her mother seeing her tighten her grip on the counter edge. There tears their as well.

As much as she really don't wanna say this, she even feared if it was true yet she had to ask her mother for confirmation.

"Kaa-san... C-Could Yoshiro of Lost his Mi-"

"SAYAKA!" Mikoto immediately shouted in anger. Her eyes being overshadowed by her hair and head facing down

Sayaka went quite. she didn't wanna make it worst than it already was. All she could do not was meet up with her team and allow her mother to call down.

When she got up and about to leave all she could hear from behind her was quite sobbing. Just hearing the state her mother was in caused herself to shed a few tears.

'Yoshiro-kun... Please get better... For me.... And Kaa-san...'


I was thinking of starting the chunin exam's this chapter but than I suddenly thought of starting some plot so sorry for all the people wanting to quicken the story. Also, if you don't like a story with characters that are likeable dying than it really isn't your type of fanfic.

Plus, in the future I'll admit things will be depressing. Some people will die, the MC will have mental break downs, Emotional moment's and start to lose his identity. No one will like where going with this but I'm tryna be different and more in depth in the depressing part of being a Uchiha honestly.

Keep in mind, some characters in the harem will take time to build a romantic relationship. As well, Yoshiro won't start relationships out of love, more like to occupy his mind so he doesn't lose himself.

I've given warning, although I'm not good at writing or constructing plots, hopefully you'll feel it's worth the wait. Keep in mind I have the plot down and what I want to happen, only problem with me is I lose my writing inspiration.

Anyway, hope everyone's having a good day and bye! ✌️✌️✌️

P.S. Editted it and I'm saying can people Calm tf down. Stop using words that are banned and express your problems because I love it 😈😈

None of you know where I'm heading with the fanfic so all this talk of him being a Dhead and emo is great! Yes! Hate him! All that matters is if you can actually cope with reading it because of the dislike of the character.