
Wanting More (Naruto Fanfic)

Yoshiro - “Only with experiencing pain and anguish will ones true self come out.” Remembering little of his past life, The MC steps in the world of Naruto and adventures to put his name in the history of this anime world. Having to live alone and survive on his own. Hardening both mind and soul, Yoshiro has a decision. Live a peaceful life and harbour life or Live a chaotic life and eliminate life. Either choice has it up and downs but in the end, fate decides it for him. I do not own Naruto, I only own the OC.

TruckkunJr · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Leading up to the Chunin Exam (+18, Finally)

Four students were in front of him, unexpectedly quite. Even for the obnoxious and loud, blonde Stood currently in the middle. Hadn't spoke a single word. Looking down at his feet, motionless. Only, sign of movement shown by the loud mouth was the tightening of his fists. While the girls slightly a distance away beside him seemed, midly lost and.... distant?

The female on his right, blonde hair same as the loud mouth shared also his whiskers on either cheek. However, unlike their looks. Both sister and brother, were pollar opposites. While the brother was known for his loud, rash explosive antics. His sister held a more dignified demeanor. Reserve and smart out look on portraying her self.

As much as she wanted to deny it, she would go in the exact same behaviour pattern as her, best friend and love rival goes through when something affected them. Quiet and docile.

He understood. Quite a lot. But this wasn't his place to settle what has happened between team mates. As horrible as a teacher he sounds. Kakashi, wasn't here to baby him. They were shinobi's, something so small between one another couldn't compare to the countless death slain by their own hands. All for the sake of 'peace'.

'I wonder what you would do, Minato-sensei. In this situation.' Kakashi pondered in his, taking away his eyes away from his students to gaze out the clouds and deep blue sky.

'You have always been a bright light for younger shinobi's to strive to be. A hero, resounding in history for his glorious deeds and selfless actions....' Dazzing off in the sight, Kakashi had to have a minute to resurface, than when comprehending his thoughts, glanced at the blonde in the middle.

'He looks like Minato-sensei. Despite his... Unusual personality... Has the will of fire burning inside of him, striving to protect the closest things to him...

Exactly same as Minato-sensei. If only there was many people such as that in this world...'

Every child wanted to become a hero, striving to protect their loved ones from danger. Unaware of such a cold, heart-renching world which could make even the happiest of people cause mass genocide due to the loss of love. That was how brutal and dangerous this world was.

Kakashi had witness both, the dark, and light of living in the shinobi world.. Seeing the lying dead corpse of his deceased father at the age of six. If it wasn't for his close friend, he The blooded picture of his best friend, hanging on for consciousness, under a boulder because of him. There wasn't a day without his face didn't appear, tormenting him for days. Never gaining a wink of sleep.

It was like the goddess of death, didn't want him to live a normal life. Things became worst. On his dying breath, Kakashi promised his best friend before his meeting with death, asked pleadingly to keep their other teammate safe.

Even with the gift given by him, Kakashi still wasn't able to withold the promise. By killing her himself. Killing herself to keep the village safe.

Time went until Kakashi, now an Anbu member later captain, yet again, couldn't keep another love one safe. To say he was lost was an understament. Mission after mission. Murder after murder. Kakashi lost himself in grief. An empty shell cause by the cruel reality of being a shinobi.

Through some godly amount of determination, Kakashi didn't fully lose himself fully. Hanging onto the living loved ones of his sensei's wife and children by a string.

Now with the chance to repent for his past mistakes, Kakashi kept both eyes on the pair of blonde bundle of joys, from babies to now full flesh shinobi's. Hopefully, they'll not witness what he had. But, if they do, this was why he was giving them no training and more independence than a usual teacher would.

Cause, if they didn't train on their own than as hard as it is to swallow. They wasn't fit well to be on the battlefield. Being weak didn't mean also losing your own life, but also the people around you. Experience had gave him that harden out look on life.

This was now why, Kakashi saw himself in the oldest member in the squad. Growing up, watching his parents body slowly decay, he wasn't oblivious to the child who visited his parents almost every single day. Who couldn't, when the Uchiha's know for their familiar bonds, despised him

When the boys parents died, it was as if something snapped, completely went unhinged. The child slowly changed, his demeanour and personality grew colder and thick-blooded. Everything went to quick, as if a day went past, already the boys adopted sibling and parent was almost killed. Yet, despite his own bloody and mental state, his loved ones only had moderately deep, nothing major life threatening.

Whatever happened inside of the Genjustu, made him go into a complete panic attack, gasping for air for a week, shouting his lungs to the heavens, clutching his head. The tears leaking profusely, made his whole pillow and covers wet.

Lost wasn't the word for the child now. The young boy right now has been swallowed like many before. Before the massacre, he showed evident love for his loved ones.

Currently slowly that love started to twist unusually. Very uncharacteristically of his genin to have sudden change of heart for them. Especially what Uchiha's were known for. Their deep love. Yet that could also be the reason.

After all, no one loves more than an Uchiha.


Walking past shops, eyes lingered on her from both females and males. She always prided and loathed her looks. Her smooth black hair and unusual Ruby eyes, drawned attentions to her wherever she went.

This grew more evident the older she got. Her body started to grow in certain area's. While not as gifted as Kushina or Mikoto in the book category, they were still relatively big. Although her greatest weapon was her ass.

The opposite sex didn't hide away the lust ful gaze to her behind. She hated it, yet, Kurenai at least felt relieved. Despite being somewhat cold, she was still a women and cared for her appeal.

That's why now, walking to the direction of Yushiro's apartment, she was perplexed. One could say angry, by her furrowed eyebrows.

It was well hidden that she was dating her childhood sweetheart, Asuma Sarutobi. No one knew except her close friend Anko. That's how hidden it was. She didn't want anything negative to be said about them. Of course since she is known as one of the Ice Princess and Asuma is the son of the renown Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi. If it was spread, she didn't know what would happen.

Lately, that didn't seem to matter though at least for her. They were dating for two years now, she wanted to finally go public. No longer did she want to keep it hidden. What was the worth dating if you had to hide it. She wanted to hug her man wherever she wanted.

Asuma had denied it despite her persistent asking. Using excuses like it was too early, or caring about other people's opinion. The only good one was if it effect his father. Why couldn't he understand!

She couldn't bare the looks females gave him whenever she was around him! She soo yearned to grab their hairs and drag them away to give them a taste of her fists. Luckily he was always there.

If not, she'd already be put in jail for assaulting citizens. What made everything worse, causing her to feel even more riled was the constant arguing recently they've been having around the situation with their hidden relationship.

'When was the last time did we have sex...' Kurenai sighed, feeling the aftermath of their arguing.

Since their arguing, they stopped sleeping with each other together. Maybe it was her pride doing the speaking or her stubbornness, but she couldn't willingly spread her legs apart. She put her foot down. Now they hadn't slept together for around two months now. And she desperately needed it. Most men didn't know but kunoichi's after certain strength grew in libido.

Kurenair desperately wanted a family. So going through what they were now was the polar opposite to what she wanted, but, still. People have to sacrifice things for others.

Although she had did everything to put it down. Rub her self, use a dildo, all sorts of things. Yet, no matter her method nothing itched the sensation in her pussy.

The pain they must be going through. Mikoto, Kushina even Lady Tsunade... Hopefully, she doesn't have to wait that long and Asuma finally become a man and take what was his.


As expected, when he got to Kakashi he announced about the Chunin Exam starting. Going furthur to tell him about them participating in it along with some other teams. Although there was a but... Since it was forbidden for a four man team to participate, there was a twist to get around this.

He was to be on his own against other three man teams. Yet again... No surprise. Clearly there some other reasons as well. He wasn't stupid... There had been rare cases like Itsuka...

Well... It wouldn't matter anyway. As long as Orochimaru doesn't brand Satsuki or kill any of them, everything will go to plan. He'd most likely face him in their as well, the man-snake wouldn't run away from the opportunity to gain a pair of Sharingans and a new body.

As sly and sneaky as he was. He'll always be ten steps ahead. No matter if it was Madara or Obito. I'll always be... one... step... ahead.

But for that... He needs Satsuki and Naruto. They'd be a key part in his plan. Their achievements made in the future explained their involvements.

When he came out of his planning because he was finally outside his house. He went to unlock it but it seemed to be already open. Unusual. Before he went inside, he tried to sense if someone was hiding in his apartment. When he did, he found a very familiars signature in there.

'What i-Nevermind.' He opened the door. Like if the person was high alert, they turned to him.

"Yoshiroooo-kunnn~!" Her voice was slurred and face blushing. Her smooth black hair now hanging down her face unlike her usual hairstyle.

He looked behind her and saw the bottles of alcohol on his table. Yoshiro guessed right their, she was drunk. He shook his head and let out a bit of his building anger out.

"What the fuck are you doing here Kurenai." His low voice snapped her thankfully out of it, well as much as possible.

He couldn't say they were close, but he guessed through the constant irriation of therapy. He got to know her surprisingly well. It really wasn't something he was doing with intent. Like the way his body would heat up around her presence.

"You know *burp* girl's... don't like a angry man~" she tried to tease, edging closer just to get dragged and pushed on the sofa creating a small eep to escape her mouth.

"Sit down. I'm getting you a drink of water than you can fuck off." Despite how he didn't want to admit it, she looked kind of cute with the blush on her face.

When he came back, he handed her the drink and within a span of ten seconds she gulped it down relatively quick. it didn't take long before he sat down beside. Not before checking the time on the wall. 8:37pm. In between the curtains, he could already tell the light was almost out. It was basically night now.

He didn't say nothing. He really didn't want too neither. All he could do was sit in quietness and grab her drink of water until she would open her mouth. One thing he didn't understand was the slow scooting to him. She got that close, they were basically touching each others legs.

"Are you trying to suffoca-" Yoshiro annoyed tone try to say until it was cutter off by one of its own.

"Shut up... Kid..." Kurenai said, Whispering the last part.

Being exactly the same height, Kurenai very unlike herself put her head on his shoulder. Yoshiro breathed out a tired sigh, he couldn't read her sometimes like most women. He wasn't even sure if his Sharingan could.

Like previously, silence happen again. At this point, Kurenai simply closed in her eyes basking in the warm of the boy she had her head on. Yoshiro although, had some problems of his own. Unlike before where he could control himself, when she put her head down like something tapped the switch. His body went inflamed with his body being dwarfed in the weird tingling sensation.

Still oddly despite their current predicament. The aura in the house felt peaceful and cozy, for the first time since the massacre. The light breeze of the slightly open window touching their skin making the moment even more intimate than it should be.

After a couple of seconds of basking in it. Kurenai took her head of his, to look at him. Instinctually, Yoshior did too. She didn't know why, but, unlike his usual blank onyx eyes. Yoshiro's eyes were red, with his sharingan on. Almost as if printing this moment in his head.

When she gazed deeper in them, she couldn't help it. She felt like she could gaze at them for ages. Unlike his normal eyes, it felt like she was seeing inside of him and his thoughts. This was bad, she had a loving boyfriend that cared dearly for her. Yet. She felt drawn unlike Asuma.

She knew everything about Asuma since they were Childhood sweethearts, however, her and Yoshiro barely knew each other, but despite this fact, she felt connect spiritually, on another level to him compared to Asuma. There was also the fact she felt intrigued.

A boy almost half her age had caused her feel this attracted to him felt mind boggling. She didn't feel disgusted, Shinobi's grew up faster than your stereotypical person especially in Yoshiro's case. None of this helped since she was quite a bit under the influence of drink.

Her misty, absent-minded eyes gazing in his eyes intently felt odd so too say. Something inside of him was basically screaming him to do anything. Her eyes would occasionally glance at his lips with interest.

Gulping down some saliva. The sexual tension was increasing gradually, at some point Yoshiro felt it and when both of them caught each other down at one another's lips. Slowly both of them leaned together, Kurenai's eyes closed embarrassed to look in his eyes.

'soft.' both of them though. This only last a minute until they separated and both of them gazed back. Blush on her face and a steamy look from Yushiro.

"Fuck this..." Yoshiro whispered underneath his breath. Grabbing the bottle of alcohol on the table, downing it not before saving some and smashing his lips with Kurenai's. Sharing the liquid goodness.

She took no second gulping it down after going to the main course. Yushiro's tongue.

Shivers went down her spine when she felt the rough yet gentle actions by his tongue. She couldn't think straight. She couldn't do nothing but allow him to do as he want. Gradually lay on her back while his one of his hands tilted her chin for more access and his other hand working on her thighs.

'MMMMM~! ...W-What am I d-doi-' "FUCCKK~" Kunerai shouted out feeling a cold pair of fingers play with her slit and clit like she was just a sex toy.

As if she was a dog, she simply panted like a whore while her body was toyed by a boy half her age. Yoshiro felt a new kind of ecstasy from her current form. A bright blush, misty eyes. Biting her left hand trying to hide her pants, while right hand played with his hair as he sometimes kissed her nape.

He was liking this too much because before he knew it he was smiling down at her. She recuperated it back with a soft, nervous smile. He leaned down to her tab and blew on it, causing her shiver right there while he still played with her wet pussy.

"Your soo hot~. What a lucky man I am tonight." kissing below her jaw, Kurenai didn't know what to do. Her mind was that overloaded by his words and actions she mindlessly obeyed him, tiling her head for him.

When he came out to stare at each other again. This time she went up to him, put her hands on his cheeks and kissed him lovingly like a housewife greeting her husband in ages. The kiss was different as well, before it was rough more beast like. Now it was more loving and endearing.

They stayed like this until, Kurenai felt herself get invaded by two digits. Spearing constantly, sometimes wiggling in a unqiue rhythm. It didn't take five minutes before she arched her back and practically screamed out.

"OH LORD~! IT'S CUMMMMMINNGGG!" Kurenai shouted cross eyed.

Went she shouted, like water gun. She squirted everywhere. On her pants, legs and mostly Yoshiro's fingers. Yoshiro got curious and licked his fingers, and when he did he muttered something on the lines of oranges. Kurenai face miraculously gained its colour back and went tomato.

She couldn't do nothing because before she knew it, her pants were already off, her legs in a M. Her gaze at the body of Yoshiro's. More importantly the thick meat in-between his legs eager to spread her open for some rough and exhausting sex.

'H-he's only thirteen.' She whispered in awe of his spear.

For a thirteen year old, he was definitely packing something. No wonder loads of women and girls fawned over the young stallion. Who wouldn't go for young lad the bigger than her current boyfriend and definitely thicker. (7.5 inches length, 4 inches width)

"Be careful... I-I haven't had it in ages." She said nervously. She expect him say something, all she got was a small kiss to her lips.

With one good thrust, she was filled in missionary by one of her companions genin. She couldn't think about the fact she was currently cheating on the son of the third hokage. The man she always envisioned to settle down with and start a family together.

Right now, that seemed to be thrown at the window by the young Uchiha plowing inside of her. Smirking down at her while gritting his teeth in pleasure. His sharingan never leaving her lovely white creamy skin. His hands constantly pinching and palming her breast.

After getting used his cock. Before she knew, Kurenai was wrapping her arms around his neck, smothering him with kisses. All she could do was release cute moans. That was for now.

Ten minutes later in cumming already once. When she got her breathing back, she was attacked yet again but more ferocious.

"FUCK FUCK FUCCKKK~! Y-YOUR GONNA M-MAKE... ME CUMMMM~!" Kurenai Yelled out eyes rolling at the back of her head. A trail of saliva down the corner of her mouth.

Even while she was in the midst of cumming, all that could be heard was Yoshiro's ball bags smack against her ass. She had already cummed twice, while he hadn't cum once.

Kurenai couldn't do nothing because sooner than later she was standing up with one of her legs above Yoshiro's shoulder while he ravaged her cunt into the wall. Cum already leaking out of the wood from where he had already released inside.

She had no power anymore. At this point all she was able to do is embrace probably the best sexual experience ever. When he grabbed her hair back and linking her ear to neck. Cumming again there on the spot making it 5 to her and 1 for him.

After 4 hours of fucking like rabbits in heat. Kurenai could only remember before passing out was her head in the pillow and ass in the air getting creampied. She didn't take the pill or anything, but currently that didn't matter even the fact she cheated. Laying on his chest, entwined with his legs. All she did was bask in the glow before going asleep in utter bliss wondering about the high chance of getting pregnant.

She was certain she was pregnant. He was an absolute animal in the bed. She had cummed 10+. She stopped counting at ten. While he only cummed 4 times and each one of them was a lot, almost like a hose.

She'd think about later what she should do with it. She definitely wasn't gonna abort it, she could especially when she wanted a baby. Maybe from the wrong person but she was sure Asuma wouldn't mind, he'd be a great dad. Although if she was hopefully, Yoshiro would try and have a active role involved.

But he was young. He has soo much more too do than be a father. She won't make feel obliged to look after them.

Hopefully things will work out in the end. Now she need to go asleep while gazing at the man who was combing his fingers in her hair.