
Wanted stories

Hello, these are some ideas that stick around in my head long enough for me to write down or some requests that I got. These are mostly one shots, a place to dump some of my ideas. I hope you enjoy!

0BunnyRabbit0 · Others
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4 Chs




you can make hirano from the HOTD series get mind control powers at the beginning of the apocalypse, being able to control 1-10 zombies, but with humans he can only implant ideas, not too exaggerate or out of character, but plant suggestions that for example when takagi greets him, kisses him, or however you think is better, more mind control content is needed here xd, or drastic changes in common sense like the series of normality earrings from CHYOA, any of them would make me happy..


All things considered, Hirano was having a pretty normal day. He was sitting in class listening to his teacher, but suddenly he got this unbearable feeling like his head was split open. With all his self restraint he managed to not shout out because of the pain, he just put his head down on his desk and focused on breathing. It took several minutes before he calmed down, and he immediately noticed something off. He felt like he could… influence people. Sure, he had some fantasies, but this felt real!

He glanced at his teacher who was busy reading from a book. Hirano with a bit of concentrated effort, commanded in his mind "{Drop the book}". And nothing happened. At least, his teacher didn't throw down the book. A thought to drop the book did appear in his teacher's head, but all they did was scrunch up their eyebrows, understanding that dropping their book was a stupid thing to do they dismissed that thought just as any other intrusive thought.

Seeing an expression pass through his teacher's face, Hirano made a suggestion, not a command. "{I should sit down, my legs are killing me}" And the next moment his teacher sat down in their chair, not even pausing his reading. Seeing his suggestion work, Hirano couldn't help a slight grin crossing his face at the possibilities this presented. Another thought prevalent in his mind was the reason he got these powers.

As he was thinking that Takashi barged into their class. This wasn't the first time that Komuro skipped class, but it was unusual that he barged in like that. After taking a quick glance at him, Hirano immediately noticed that he looked quite stressed. Having just gotten powers, Hirano couldn't help but think that this was connected somehow.

Paying close attention Hirano clearly heard Takashi say that someone got killed at school gates. He watched as Takashi grabbed Rei's hand and tried to lead her out. After a slight argument and a crisp slap to Rei's face, Takashi, Rei and Hisashi ran out of the classroom. Murder in the school? Hirano looked around in his class and immediately noticed that almost no one believed Takashi. Hirano thought for a few moments before standing up and going out the doors, seeing his teacher look Hirano quickly exclaimed "I'm going to the bathroom" not convincing anyone.

As he got out of class Saya fallowed after him. "And where are you going?" She asked as soon as they left the classroom. Hirano looked at her, she was quite cute, but her personality was something to work with. "{I should be nicer to Hirano}" he suggested before answering "I'm going to check out where they went." He said, continuing to walk. He saw Saya start to say something when a school broadcast came on instructing them to evacuate.

As soon as that broadcast came on they looked at each other, both seemingly coming to the same idea and running to the woodworking classroom. As they were running they passed by droves of people running the opposite direction to the front entrance, it wasn't long before screaming was heard through all of school. When they got to the classroom their eyes initially drifted to a screening girl being ravaged by two other students.

Seeing this Saya froze up, a bit horrified of the sight. Hirano noticed this and grabbed her hand, sending her a suggestion "{I should listen to Hirano, he'll keep me safe}" and he quickly dragged her to the classroom. He was happy to see no protest from him dragging her. Once inside, Hirano started to look around for a weapon, preferably long range one, to defend himself. It wasn't long before he found a gas powered nail gun.

"Oh, what did you find?" Saya asked, coming closer to take a look. "This is a gas powered nail gun. It's about the same weight as a handgun, but I'll need to make something to help me keep it stable." Hirano said, walking over to the wood planks and making a makeshift stock out of them. It wasn't the most comfortable, but it did improve his accuracy.

"Good, that should help us! Good job, stupid!" Saya said. Idiot? Hirano felt quite outraged, has she no respect for other people? In his slight anger, a devious idea came to him. "Who said anything about 'us'?" Hirano scowled at her, "Why would I help you for free?" He said. Saya was taken aback, what does he mean 'why'! "Of course you'll help me. I am a genius, where would you be without me? Stupid!" Saya shouted, outraged. Of course, her shouts attracted the three zombies that were outside, scaring Takagi.

"I don't need you freeloading on my efforts. If you think you'll be alright on your own then leave" Hirano pointed to the doors with his makeshift gun. "If you're such a genius, you don't need my help surviving, yeah?" Hirano said, looking straight into Saya's face. As soon as he finished talking he sent her a suggestion "{I should stay with Hirano, he'll protect me}" because he was uncertain if she was stubborn enough to actually walk out. He could clearly see indecision on her face so he repeated his suggestion.

It took a few moments before Saya let out a sigh "I do need your help." She said, clear reluctance apparent in her voice, she didn't like admitting that she wasn't perfect. "But I don't need yours" Hirano flatly said, gesturing to the doors where a few zombies could be heard banging on them. He sent her a suggestion "{I need to stay with him. Hirano can protect me}".

Hearing Hirano's words Saya started to internally panic. Hirano was her ticket to a safe passage through this zombie infected school, so she did one thing she rarely does - bargain. "Hey, we are classm- friends! We are friends and friends help each other. Help me get to my family and they'll reward you for helping me" she said, pleadingly.

Hirano put on a show of thinking about it before responding, "Hmm, a tempting offer. But there is no way of knowing that they are alright, so I would still have nothing but a promise. But I have another deal." He said, amused at seeing how Saya deflated at the first part, but perked up at the second. He instantly sent a suggestion before continuing. "{I should agree, Hirano will protect me}"

"I would be willing to help you if you gave me some liberties with what your uniform is hiding" Hirano said with a smile, looking at her impressive breasts. Saya put her hand protectively on her chest "How dare you even suggest that! No, I would never…" Saya said, her cheeks gaining a rosy colour. "{I should agree, it's a small price to pay for my life}" her thoughts started to sway towards agreeing, but she wasn't willing to listen to her logical thoughts.

Hirano looked at her defensive pose and held up his hands, "I am not forcing you to do anything. It's just that if you want me to help you survive, I think that some liberties with your body would make me more willing to help you." He said, playing up his indifference. "You could just leave if you want, I'm not keeping you here" he said, looking at the doors, clearly seeing that they won't hold much longer. "{I should accept, it's better to let Hirano grope my body than die}"

Seeing no big reaction from Saya, Hirano moved towards the doors with his 'gun' ready. Seeing that he was intending to really leave her, Saya caved "Okay! Okay, I will let you touch me! But in no way, and I mean no way, will I have sex with you!" Hirano stopped and looked at her with a smile. "Who said anything about sex?" He said, loving the way her cheeks heated up. He made his way over to Saya and stopped right in front of her, having put his 'gun' on a nearby table in arms reach. They were in the furthest corner from the door, but Hirano wanted quick access to it if they broke through the door.

Seeing the slight fear in Saya's eyes that went against the brave face she was putting on, Hirano used all his willpower to stop himself from immediately going for her chest and instead asked her "Are you sure you agree? I won't force you if you are really against it, we can just go our separate ways if you don't want me laying hands on you" he said, adding "{I should agree, Hirano's hands are better than death}". Saya was surprised by Hirano's words, having expected he would go directly to her chest.

Seeing him waiting for her answer, she took a few moments to reaffirm to herself that she really wanted this. "Humph, I already said you can touch me, stupid!" Saya said, putting on a brave face. The banging that's getting louder by the minute was starting to really scare her. "I was just making sure, next time I won't ask for permission" Hirano said, not forgetting to send her "{It's better to give my body to him that die}".

Without waiting any longer he gently put his hands on her breasts, enjoying their plumpness and softness. Slowly massaging her boobs for a few minutes, he was not only enjoying the feeling of Saya's breasts but also the expressions she was trying to suppress. Saya was trying to put on an indifferent, a bit annoyed face but because of the close proximity Hirano could hear the soft sighs that were escaping Saya's mouth at an increasing rate.

Wanting more, Hirano unbuttoned Saya's top uniform and lifted up her bras in one quick motion. Saya didn't even have time to protest as Hirano's hands started to lightly explore her bare breasts. He quickly felt her diamond hard nipples and started to lightly tease the area around them, drawing light circles around them. He heard a quick intake of breath from Saya as he did that, but not seeing any expression change from her, Hirano went a bit further.

Hirano released one hand and placed it on her perky butt and have it a squeeze. At the same time his other one took her nipple directly and started to lightly roll it around, giving Saya much more direct stimulation. "Haa~" a quiet and short moan escaped Saya's throat that put a big smile on Hirano's face.

It took a moment before Saya realised what she did. With a horrified expression she put up her hands and covered her face, not stopping his hands like Hirano expected, which made his smile bigger. "No need to be embarrassed! I, for one, am glad that you are feeling good" he said, feeling satisfied.

Sadly, before he could push any more boundaries the door to the classroom couldn't hold it anymore. Hirano didn't hesitate for even a second as his hands left Saya and grabbed his gun. Turning around, he was grateful for his training as he put nails through the heads of several zombies. By the time it was done, the ground was painted red as corpses littered the ground.

As he looked at Saya he could see a wondrous look cross her eyes as she looked at him. "{It is worth giving my body to Hirano, he can protect me}" Hirano added a suggestion just in case they found another group. If they join some group, it will become hard for Hirano to use the excuse of 'protection' to feel up Saya's body.

Hirano carefully made his way to the doors and looked outside "It seems that the cost is clear for now. Hmm" he said, thinking were to go next. He looked at Saya who was looking at the corpses that were on the floor, her breasts still out in the open. "I think you can cover up now, not that I'm complaining" he said with a smile at the slightly flushed look of Saya as she hurriedly fixed her bra and buttoned her uniform. "{I enjoyed that. It wouldn't be so bad if Hirano wanted to do that again}" Hirano suggested in preparation.

"We can go to the teachers lounge, as far as I remember there should be a small kitchen there and water" Hirano said, feeling quite hungry. Seeing her give a nod Hirano moved out, keeping his 'gun' at the ready. "Take that bag, there's extra nails in there" he said to the fallowing. "You better be grateful, idiot! Don't expect me to fallow your commands, humph!" She said, not happy that she hat to fallow orders.

He looked at her with a frown, stopping her in her tracks, "{I should fallow what Hirano says, he will protect me}" was what her mind was telling her, and Saya knew it was the logical thing to do. But her mouth moved faster than her sensibilities stopped it. "W-what are you looking at?" She said, her voice growing quieter the longer she spoke. By the end, the fear that Hirano will abandon her became quite prevalent.

But Hirano just stared at her for a few moments and said "Fallow me. Hopefully there won't be many zombies on our way". Hirano started walking quietly, trying to not attract any zombies. Making his way through several corridors they encountered a lone zombie walking down the bloodied hallway towards them. A sudden and insane thought struck Hirano.

If he can influence normal humans, could he influence dead ones? With high hopes he suggested "{Turn around and walk full speed ahead}" he commanded. All that happened was the zombie stopped and started to look around. Hirano was unsure what happened, but he tried another time, this time a simpler command "{Turn around}" and the zombie did just that. "{Walk at full speed}" and the zombie hobbled the way it came from.

"Phew, I thought we would have to fight him" Saya said next to him. Hirano wanted to facepalm as the zombie he sent away turned around and started to walk to them. Saya let out a small yelp which didn't help. Hirano grabbed Saya's hand and started to run as fast as he could towards their destination, taking quick shots at the zombies that were in their way.

It took a few minutes but they arrived at the teachers lounge. Quickly taking care of the surrounding zombies they went inside and locked the doors. Finally relatively safe Hirano couldn't help but turn to Saya with an annoyed expression "Really? Not managing to keep quiet for a few minutes to save your life?" Hirano said, after a slight pause the idea of how to take advantage of this came.

He put on a frown and said walking a bit closer to Saya "And you were wondering why I was hesitant to take you with me. You may be cute, but this is a life and death situation" Hearing his words she had an embarrassed expression on her face. She looked up at Hirano who stood right in front of her and expected his hands as 'punishment' for putting their lives at danger. But all she got was a sigh from Hirano as he took a step back from her and walked the other direction to look around the room.

"{I hope he isn't too mad. Maybe we could continue where we left off in the classroom and he'd forget it}" Saya thought to herself, looking for any way out of her predicament. If Hirano really abandoned her… no, Saya refused to entertain the thought. "Look, I'm sorry for that! It's not everyday something like that happens" Saya quietly said walking to Hirano. "At least we are safe for now." She said a few steps from him. "{Continuing where we left off will definitely improve his mood}" Saya was sure of her thoughts.

"Yeah, we are safe for now" Hirano said, turning around to face her. Seeing her flushed cheeks he couldn't stop a smile from appearing on his face "Why are you so red? Expecting something now that we are safe and alone?" He said with a smirk. "{I should lift up my skirt}" a voice inside her head said, and trusting herself she complied. But still, even with her lifting up her skirt and exposing her striped panties, Saya said "N-No! Of course not! I would never do those kinds of things! I'm not a pervert like you, idiot!".

Hirano smiled, his hand going down and slowly caressing Saya's thigh "No, of course the amazing, genius and model student would never want for her friend to caress her secret garden and help her see stars" Hirano said as his hand started to caress Saya's pussy through the panties, immediately felling a slight wet spot. His other hand didn't wait for invitation as it quickly unbuttoned her uniform and removed her bra and took the quickly hardening nipple in one hand.

"Yeahh~" a slight moan escaped Saya's lips. She had touched herself on a few occasions, but that didn't compare to another persons touch. She was enjoying the mounting pleasure when her panties were quickly removed and hot fingers directly touched her lower lips and a wet sensation enveloped her other nipple. "Haa~~ more~" she softly said before she could stop herself.

Hirano used his tongue to tease the area around her erect nipple, lightly grazing the nipple itself time to time. Down below, his hand was gently caressing Saya's labia, his thumb circling her clit but not directly pressing it. Feeling his fingers becoming wet, he gently and slowly put one finger inside her eliciting a cute moan from Saya as she hugged his head closer to her breasts.

Hirano continued to work steadily for a few minutes, adding another finger to her pussy once she got comfortable with one. It didn't take long until Hirano noticed Saya taking quicker, shallower breaths and it was clear what was coming. Giving the nipple in his mouth a delicate lick, Hirano started to lightly grind the nipple with his teeth, nothing hard but more stimulation than the tongue. At the same time the thumb teasing the clit moved to directly stimulate it.

With her nipples and pussy receiving more pleasure that Saya has ever felt, it didn't take long to reach her climax. She has cum from her own hands, but those times couldn't compare to this. Saya's legs nearly gave out from the orgasm, if not for her hands holding Hiranoshe would have fallen down. Not stopping his hands movements even when a clear liquid exploded from Saya's secret garden, Hirano continued to prolong the earthshaking orgasm that Saya was experiencing.

It took several long minutes until Saya returned from her high. She looked around her surroundings noticing that her head was laying in Hirano's lap as he was softly petting her head. "{I should return the favour to Hirano. He deserves a reward}" Saya thought to herself.

"Good to see you're okay. How are you feeling" Hirano said with a smile on his face. "I'm great, idiot!" Saya said, turning on her stomach, not rising from her position "You better be grateful for this!" Saya said as she started to unbutton his pants. It didn't take long until Hirano's full 17 cm of meat were out in the open.

Saya looked up at the mast in front of her, admiring it for a few moments before taking a tentative lick from the bottom of the shaft all the way to the tip. After several more licks, Saya gave the tip a small kiss and slowly enveloped the head. She worked her tongue to bring as much pleasure as she could while bringing her head down and taking in more of the dick in. Hirano couldn't stop the grunt of pleasure that escaped him, half from the sensations he's feeling, half from the accomplishment of convincing Saya to do this 'of her own volition'

Saya had a bit of difficulty fitting the last couple of centimetres, but with the 'helping' hand of Hirano she took the full 17 cm in her throat. Slowly she started to bob her head up and down, using her tongue to give more pleasure. It lasted for a few minutes, but Hirano couldn't last much longer of the heavenly pleasure Saya was giving him "I-I'm close. Don't stop!" Hirano said to Saya. Hearing that, Saya put all her effort into sucking him off. With the added pleasure Hirano didn't last much longer and blew his load inside Saya's mouth. It was the best but of his life.

With a content sigh Hirano looked at Saya "Thank you, you did great!" He said with a smile while standing up and fixing his pants. "Humph, of course it was great! I did it, and I am a genius so what else could you expect?" She said, but a smile could be easily seen from the praise. "Yeah, yeah. Put on your clothes, genius, I'll look if the is something to eat in the fridge" Hirano said and went to the small kitchen that was attached.

It wasn't much of a kitchen, just a fridge, table and a skink - a place for teacher to keep their lunch. Finding some snacks and a bag of takeout they sat down to eat. After only several bites, the door handle rattled scaring Saya and almost making her choke. "It's locked?" Hirano heard a faint female voice outside. He took his 'gun' and opened the door to see a girl with a practice sword and the school nurse. Looking them over he gestured them to come inside.


Hello! I hope this was at least something similar to what you envisioned. While your request was appreciated, it was more of a premise for a story.

I didn’t really have anything - kink, pairing, story - wise to go off of, so it turned it pretty tame with no concrete direction. Mostly the first few episodes with a bit of ~spice~

Well, I hope you enjoyed this! This is, practically, the first story that I’m sharing so please don’t be too harsh.

0BunnyRabbit0creators' thoughts