
Reporting to the family

After arriving at the castle, they found Wangzar's father and mother inside the garden. After his parents were done with the matters of the day, they met in the garden to talk yet again about Wangzar going to the academy.

"Hey our little Wangzar is coming, he looks tired and hurried…" Sidik, his father, said when he saw Wangzar and an unknown girl running towards them.

"Mother, Father, I have something urgent to report. I met a monster in the forest close to the castle I've never seen before…"

Wangzar thus explained what happened within the forest starting to when he heard the roar and explaining how Taenya saved him.

Sidik looked really concerned about Wangzar, glad he could make out of what happened in the forest without receiving harms. Wangzar's mother, however, is skeptical. She gazed deeply at Taenya, no one could know what is going in her head at this moment. She finally asked.

"Alright Wangzer, it's great that you're safe but you dared to leave for the forest again? What about your training with the sword? Your instructor is going madder by the days now, he only barely taught you the basics and you always dodge is training. And besides, could you explain to me who is your savior? I know you don't have many friends within the castle and I also never met this beautiful girl!"

"Is she your girlfriend?!" Sidik added, he finally set his eyes on the girl who is standing on the right side of Wangzar and half a step behind.

Since she arrived at the castle with Wangzar, Taenya's mind began rumbling at full speed. She reminisced the previous events within the secret room, about how Wangzar's summoning saved her. On the way to the garden, she saw how people looked at Wangzar within the castle. They met a few guards and maids but no one among them bothered to even salute him, who is the son of the Earl. Shouldn't someone from royalty deserve at least a bit of respect? She already hated humans but now that she witnessed how people treated Wangzar, her savior and young master, disgust and anger filled her. In fact, she also received strange gazes from the castle's member, but she couldn't care less about that. She was still deep in thoughts when Wangzar told the story and wasn't really focused on the conversation. Sidik's question took her by surprise.

Wangzar also had thought about many things on their way to the garden. He pondered whether to explain about is summoning. In the end, he decided to tell them everything since, for him, his parents are the only persons he trusts in the world.

So after Sidik asked the question, Wangzar began his explanations.

"Mother, Father, she is Taenya and comes from a special place. The reason why she is here with me is that of my power. Do you remember about the blue book?" Wangzar asked his parents, he didn't want to talk about his instructor and this was a good opportunity to talk about his new powers!

"Of course I do my son. You always have this book with you. Have you perhaps understood some part of it?"

"This book is called Way of the summoners. It describes how to summon helpers and how to make contracts with beings. I have two powers. The first one allows me to summon monsters to help me temporarily, see here, for example." Wangzar summoned a wolf, displaying his first power. The sight really surprised his parents and they both had different thoughts at the moment.

"Your daddy is so glad for you Wangzar, people will stop looking down on you now ahahahah." Sidik said loudly.

"So it comes down to this…" His mother muttered. Taenya has a keen hearing and she managed to hear it but decided to remain silent. As for Wangzar, he was completely oblivious to what his mother said.

"As for my second power it allows me to summon a specific monster, or I thought at first, and make a contract with it. The problem is that it took me a lot more efforts than what it was supposed to and it's wasn't a monster but a person that showed up. That person is Taenya and she accepted the contract, she made her pledge to me."

Sidik instantly went from happy to startled to angry. How could a girl pledge and take over his son? What kind of b*llsh*t is that?

"What, she pledged to you and I'm not aware of that! You didn't tell your father that you would ge-get m-ma-marr… Ahh just wait you girl, don't even think of stealing my son, I'm going to…"

Taenya was very annoyed by what the father of her young master is saying. How can he jump to a conclusion like that? She quickly used stealth, disappearing from his sight. She appeared quickly behind him, her dagger on his neck. Sidik gulped as a result, not daring to continue talking. Wangzar reacted quickly.

"Taenya please, he is my father. Let him go he meant no harm. And father, next time don't spit such nonsense. Why did you jump to conclusions like that? It's a summoning contract why are you talking about us going to be wed? It's so weird!"

Hearing Wangzar, she quickly became invisible again before becoming visible next to him.

"Sorry young master, this was very annoying, I hope he can restrain himself in the future." Taenya doesn't care if Sidik is royalty. She is a proud girl, but since she is with Wangzar now she knows that she can't act harshly and create a scene so she decided that scaring the man was the least she could do to vent a bit of her anger.

As for Wangzar, he knows something is not normal with her reaction, she just acted a bit too wild here even while knowing that the person is his father. He will discuss about this matter with her later. On another hand, he also understood some of the abilities the beautiful girl could add to his power and that thanks to her stealth ability he could even glimpse of many mischiefs he could do in the future. But there are two things more important for now so he restrained his wild thoughts and returned to the conversation.

"I hope that you can send an envoy to the forest, this place is dear to me and I'm afraid the monster will rampage and destroy the scenery. Also, I have another important matter to ask. You already know of my wish to go to the Striould Academy and there are two things I am in the need to ask you. Can you arrange for Taenya to accompany me to the academy? Also, I wish to obtain a status plate so that I can track my progress."

"This…" His father hesitated for a moment "If Taenya is below 16 there is no problem for her to accompany you. We can arrange her entry with our status in the kingdom as we have two entries every year but as for the other matter… Our treasury is low and I am not sure we can afford one at the moment. "

"Sidik, I know you are dotting on Wangzar a lot, yet he never asked you for anything. And now you are going to refuse him? Our daughter Lucretia asked you last month for a new necklace to increase her magic power and you did agree without batting an eye. Let's not even talk about the money you are giving to our useless son Orton. This time we should be able to give him what he wants, we could even take the one in our treasury out for him if we don't have enough money for now. Furthermore, it's his twelfth birthday soon..."

"Alright alright. Fine. I guess I have to give in. But we won't take the plate out of our treasury this time. There's a merchant from the mage guild coming to our city next week. I will see him and buy one for Wangzar.

"So my dear Wangzar, your daddy is a bit sad knowing that you will leave the family for the academy soon. I was afraid that you would get bullied at first when going to the academy. But now that you have discovered your power and with the help of… This explosive girl, I'm reassured. It's true that we haven't given you enough all those years compared to Lucretia and Orton but you never asked for anything from us. So if you need anything before going to the academy, don't hesitate to ask us." Sidik said with a solemn expression, according to his senses.

"Don't worry Father, there is nothing I really need. I have enough savings to take care of my needs once I reach the Striould academy. The only thing I wish for is this status plate. In the next three months before Taenya and I leave for the academy, we will regularly train in the mountain close to the city, I need to improve my skills."

"The mountain next to the city, alright…" Sidik was helpless at the mention of the small mountain standing at the opposite side of the forest from the city. There's a lot of monsters there but he has to let his son go.

"Wangzar, you have read the book called Way of the summoners. How far are you with your comprehension of the book?"

"Mother, there are still many things I don't understand in the book, I understood the two first chapters and there are many chapters I have yet to comprehend. I think the next one is talking about elements but I'm not sure."

"Great, you should keep studying the book. I think it will be your greatest asset in the future to reinforce your powers! There are many mysteries around your magic and since this book helped you to gain new abilities, you definitely have to try hard. Your Mother is proud of you..." His mysterious mother continued for a while, seemingly really interested in his progress.

This mother has always been kind to Wangzar but he doesn't know her name, in fact, no one in the whole city knows about her name. Sometimes, Wangzar finds himself having doubts about her origins and about the Dawnbreak family.

After the report, Sidik got someone to ready a room for Taenya close to Wangzar own room.

The first of Wangzar's sibling, Lucretia, is a really scheming girl. She is only 17 yet she wishes to attain the top of the world and for that, she didn't even hesitate to frame her own father. She made use of one of the maids of the castle, Sienna, a beautiful girl in her late twenties with an outrageous chest. Lucretia made Sidik drunk and sent the maid to charm him while his wife was away for family matters. Since then she is threatening her father saying how she will say everything to mother if he doesn't give her what she wants. Only she doesn't know that Wangzar is aware since the beginning of her act with their father… Lucretia is also going to the Striould academy since she is 15 so she will be in the third year when he will enter the first year of the academy.

Orton, his second sibling, is more than happy with his sister Lucretia. Despite him being 3 years older, his sister is the one who asked Sidik to give him pocket money every month for him to squander in the castle's city. What a great sister she is! So thoughtful of him. But this sister of him is, in fact, more than happy to have him on this depraved path, this way she won't have any problem to inherit the family's assets in the future. Sidik also wanted his first son Orton to practice the sword and later inherit the family but Orton truly is a lost cause, no matter how he or any instructor tried, Orton had never managed to hold the sword properly.

The city around the castle is called Bisanthe and is the second biggest city in the Kingdom. Wangzar in fact rarely goes there even when he leaves the castle. The intelligent boy found a secret passageway when he had wandered within the castle when he was younger and the passage directly leads to the forest. Only he knows about it, that's also why everytime he leaves the castle he gives a headache to the guards. More than once the Earl's guards were spotted running within the castle and the city like madmen in the previous years, in search of something, or someone.

After dinner Wangzar brought Taenya to the library to discuss his plans and what they are going to do from now on.