
At the library

Inside the library of the Delainess castle, there are a few wooden tables. Wangzar brought Taenya to sit at the furthest of them from the entrance, shelves are hiding the table from the entrance and, with the door closed, they can easily know if someone is coming to the library. Wangzar has a lot to talk about with Taenya and some of it shouldn't be known by everyone. Now Wangzar and Taenya are sitting on each end of the four-person table. It's also the first time Wangzar went there for something other than read a book.

"Well then, Taenya. There's a lot I want to talk about tonight but the first thing I want to talk with you is about the way you acted with my father. I understood how you feel, and if I am not wrong… You hate humans, aren't you?" Wangzar asked, fixing Taenya with his eyes.

"Your understanding is accurate, I despise humans. But I understand that what I did was inappropriate, I'll restrain myself in the future, you can believe me… And you need to know that even as I dislike humans, for some reasons, this doesn't extend to you." As for Taenya, she's surprised that Wangzar was able to guess about her hate for human, she didn't want to talk about it at first. But now that he guessed it she could as well admit to it.

"This is good that you understand, and I am glad that your hatred doesn't extend to me. But you know, as I saw your power, I realized how useful your powers can be to my goals. I'll talk about them a bit later. But for now, there's something I want to ask you. I wish for you to remain low-key. I need your power for revenge and to increase my own strengths. Are you willing to help me? There will be many hardships as I am not someone society respect, but I can tell you that I am determined." Wangzar said seriously.

After looking at the table for a while, Taenya asked in turn.

"That's something I don't understand, why would you ask for my opinion? Not even talking about the matter of the master-servant contract that wouldn't permit me to disobey you, my life was saved thanks to you, so obviously I would help…"

"Well, I want us to have a good relationship. If I need your help I better have you do it on your own volition. You can become invisible and there is so much we can do if you keep your powers secret. What do you think about it?"

"If this is what you wish for, I'll keep my stealth ability a secret from others and I am ready to help." Taenya said resolutely, she grabbed the table with both of her hands and leaned toward Wangzar.

"Ahah" Wangzar smiled then said with a more serious tone. "It's okay you can remain sit. There's a lot of persons in this city that looked down upon me and I want to teach them a lesson they'll never forget for their whole life. Your stealth ability sure will be handy. Also, I asked in your stead to join me at the Striould academy because it will be better to have you with me there. This academy. I plan to become strong enough to have my name resound across all Ellundril! All those years I didn't mind them and their bullying and it's not because I'm stupid. I never stopped to learn, I wanted to increase my strength and make them pay. This book that made me able to learn how to summons is truly a blessing for me, I know my parents expect a lot of me and they worry all the time because they are powerless about what I have to endure all days… I want them to be proud of me and I will do all I can.

"I want to make use of the next two months to increase my power and train. The mountain close to the city is a great place for that. there's a lot of monsters at the bottom of the mountain that we can use to train. Tomorrow we will get to the town to buy some supplies and we will head to the mountain in the morning. In one week time, we will obtain a status plate and thereupon able track our progress. I've never killed a monster before so I think my level is still low overall."

In the world of Ellundril, people have levels. There are two ways for them to achieve level up. The first one is by increasing experiences over the course of time. People will naturally gather experiences and their levels will increase accordingly, there's one downside about gathering this way, it is slow. People are usually level 10 at age 20. Level 20 at age 40 and level 30 at age 80 if they ever car reach this age. It's possible to naturally gather experiences faster depending on one's ability and one's way of training. Everyday practice can make natural experience increase faster.

The second way to level up one's level is to kill monsters. Every monster killed increase experience and with each level up people see an increase in their stats. There's usually a fixed rate for each stat when someone level up and this rate is different for everyone. It's also possible to raise stats temporarily or definitely with consumables such as potions or medicines. Gears are also another way to increase stats. Not only are gears important for defense and offense, they can also bring a rise in stats when worn. The more powerful weapons and armors are enchanted and bring a whole new level to a person's fighting strength.

Skills have a level of mastery. The more someone is proficient with using a skill or an art, the more his level of mastery will be higher and the potential of his skill will increase.

There are different classes in Ellundril. They aren't defined by birth but from abilities. Someone who wields a sword and can unleash sword skills will be called a swordsman. Someone focusing on fire magic will be called a fire mage and so on. There are many classes known among people of the world. Some eviler such as hex mage or necromancer some rarer such as seer. But a class called "Summoner" was never heard in this era. There's barely any book talking about this art anymore so Wangzar case is special.

"I have seen the way people inside the castle were looking at you today. Honestly, I don't know how you endured all this, I feel sympathy for you… Okay, so tomorrow it's shopping! Since you want to have a good relationship with me there's also something I want to talk about, is that okay?" Taenya asked, one hand on her heart.

"Go ahead and tell me. If you help me I will naturally help you."

"Do you remember how you saved me from someone? Gaemnihr, This guy is planning to overthrow my father and rule the demons. I didn't know about his plans but he told me how he wanted to fight in order to increase our territory and that he needed my help. I believed him at first but I didn't know it involved my father. He is useless and depraved but still my father… I hope you can help me in the future as I want to kill Gaemnihr."

"When I become stronger I can help… Wait!? What did you say? To rule over the demons? Does that mean your father is the current Demon King?"

"That's right, my father is the current Demon King. Surprised?"

"F*ck I'm not just surprised… You mean the girl I summoned and eventually saved is, in fact, the daughter of the Demon King? And you want me to help you eradicate someone who is planning to kill the Demon King? How crazy do you think this is!?" Wangzar was taken aback, he knows something crazy happened on the other side of his summoning portal, but the Demon King? It's something he never imagined.

"But it's the truth. It's not as if I have chosen my father and I really hope you will help me kill Gaemnihr or that, when the time comes, you will let me exert revenge."

Wangzar sighed and thought for a while before answering.

"Alright, I'm not someone ungrateful. If you help me I will definitely return the favor plus I want to be the strongest in this world so I shouldn't fear someone wanting to kill the Demon King. This matter, we will talk about it again in the future. The most important thing, for now, is to go to the academy and become stronger."

Taenya was curious about the academy so she quickly asked.

"I can wait for my revenge, I don't think he will be able to kill my father so quickly anyway since you broke his plans when you summoned me. Why do you want to go to the academy so much? Will it truly be beneficial to you? Aren't you afraid that it will instead hinder your progress especially because of your blue hairs?"

Wangzar wasn't surprised about her question and didn't mind. After all, this academy is truly something special.

"You need to know that slavery exists in our country. It concerns mostly criminals but also many beastmen races. Our family never bought any but there are many families in our city that did to raise an army of their own or for some weird fetishes. In fact, every race that isn't human can be subject to slavery. The director and creator of the academy appeared 5 years ago. He is an archmage and his name, Robem Nisk, is known all across the kingdom. He is so strong that he made all slave dealers leave the capital. After what he created his academy and even invited recruits from all races over the world to join. That's why it's so special. The students, teachers and teaching materials are all special and unique in this world! I think it will be the best place for me to learn more and become stronger."

"If that's the case it is indeed a great place for you to learn. I'm amazed someone can do that. I guess he isn't strong enough to abolish slavery in the whole Kingdom. It's too much for someone alone."

"That's the reason why slaves are flourishing in this city."

Taenya seemed to think about something, she then made a suggestion.

"If you need more strength, why don't you buy slaves, train them and make a contract with them just like you did with me?"

"I didn't think about that but it's not something I will do. I wanted my summons to be monsters and train them until they reach spiritual wisdom. I don't actually want to use people for that… I was so surprised when you showed up. The summoning should have brought a monster of my level. After what I would need to beat it before I could pass a contract with it. I won't carelessly use my summoning circle in the future. "

Spiritual wisdom for a monster is a state when its intelligence reaches or surpass that of a human. Some monsters are even able to speak. It's a rare occurrence but Wangzar believes that, with enough nurturing and the right method, his monsters would be able to reach spiritual wisdom and he dreamed of having a big army of intelligent monsters to obtain respect from the world. That being said, he would still need to obtain a monster first. Taenya sure was a surprise for him that disrupted part of his plan. But Wangzar isn't dissatisfied with her at all, she's a great surprise and a great addition to his assets.

After a while and some casual talks, Wangzar deemed that is what time for them to retire for the night. After washing his face and tooth, he wore his pajamas and went to bed. Tomorrow is going to be a long day. This night, Wangzar didn't need long to fall asleep.

Taenya is in her bedroom, it took her a long time before she managed to sleep. She thought about the events of the days. Before the summon she didn't really have a goal. Sure, she wanted to be strong. But so what? For what reason? She didn't really think about it before. Now she has two goals. She wants revenge for sure. Gaemnihr is going to die from her hands, she swore it. But now that she met her young master and knows about his life and his goals, she genuinely wants to help him. So before sleeping she made a vow. 'No matter what happens and what I need to do, I'm going to help Wangzar reach the apex!'