
chap1: Shadows showdown

The heretic is awake, the world has lost his gears and heads towards its end

"What do you plan to do?"

* My role as an observer, * replied a mysterious voice

"Hahaha, be honest with yourself and admit that you were waiting for this moment, the birth of a being who will make the world move"

*..... you are well talkative Azaria*


Huff! Huff! I have to hurry and destroy it, if it's falls in evil hands, the world will be in danger

[ presidential palace]

"So how did the research go, you found my daughter?" asked a person in an authoritarian voice, recalling those of powerful politicians or great business leaders

"No, Mr. President, our agents patrol the city looking for her." replied another voice that seemed firmer

"" Bunch of incompetent, she stole the fruit of our 40 years of research, done everything to bring it to me, or you can already slice your throat ... "furious...The president violently cut the call

"What a band of incompetent, disgusting.... * Shadows Killers *" the close guard of the president..

According to world records, only one of them has the power necessary to destroy whole countries, no target escaped them, stealthy and discretely they are the most talented assassins in the world

"Bring me the Azure Zero ....."

*What do we do with your daughter ... Freya Wallenstein once she is in our hands*? asked one of the Shadows Killers

"kill her, an act of betrayal is punishable by death, such is the law of the family" replied the president firmly without an ounce of remorse, the burning look of hatred towards that called his "daughter"

* Well received .. * The Shadows Killers disappeared from the play without emitting the slightest sound proving there's talents of stealth *

"Azure .... so much sacrifice to obtain it, I will not let anyone take it to me, not even the devil in person" says the president himself, the body turned towards the huge glass window giving A magnificent view of the city


The sky is blue, the clouds thick but none of them is capable of arresting this weapon of destruction that is the sun, burning as if it had just woken up a bad night

"Hot, It's so hot, shit, can you tell me what we came to do here Kura"?

*Find the first piece that will lead us to the kingdom of Lucifer, now stop complaining Belial you are annoying*

"... why don't you open one of those dimensional portals , like the one you use to get out of the Abyss? ... Ah this warmth makes me crazy" (Belial)

* Is not as simple, the Underworld is not connected to the link of the worlds,

it's impossible to access it by that means ..* (Kura)

"Enough ..." howls Belial, continue if you want but I go to this store buy me drink, this heat drives me crazy! "She let go before heading to the mini store, without even wait for Kura's response

* sigh ... how do you go about it, ordinary people cannot perceive us* asked Kura,

"Ack ... Damm," Belial was shocked, being born of a spiritual entity made her a spiritual being also

"If you want refreshments, I always have water .." .. Kura sent her hand in what seemed to be the void, a luminous circle formed so early, his hand entered inside breaking the laws from space

"Here .." he launched a bottle of water towards Belial

"Jeez ... I'm tired of this water and how much you can store in that small space"? asked Belial, trying to catch the bottle recently launched by Kura, when a shadow cover her face, without having had time to see what it was to react, she was jostled and found herself on the ground, soaked by the bottle that exploded during the collision

".. I will pay you the clothes next time" howled a voice that seemed to be moving away

* Hey you .. don't think you got away like this * Belial start pursuing the girl, leaving Kura stagnating on the spot like an idiot

"Stop ..." howled Belial, running all her strength, seeing a girl doing a sprint in this way was not very girly, but it's stuck well with her personality

"Erk ..." let go of the girl.

doubling the power of her speed, none of the two at that moment was very girly

It was a dead end, the girl took the wrong path and found herself in a bag ass, she had no desire to show her gifts as an esper, after all they are put off from society

"I ..huff ... I finally hold you ..." Belial was breathless

* For a slicer of souls she does not have the endurance that goes with it ..* noticed Kura sitting on a building several meters high, he had followed Belial, not running like a beast but floating quietly in the tune

Belial stepped forward, towards the girl who seemed to hold a few things in these intertwined arms ...

"So how do you count my soaked shirt .."? asked Belial ironically

"I have no money on me, but I will find a way to repay you ..." replied the 15 years old girl with her back firmly glued to the wall tinged with black

"Ah? No, my cute you will take your responsibilities here and now" it was Belial personality, that of a martyrdom that loves bullying others

* I don't have time, they are after me, they'll get closer, if they put their hands on it , the whole world will be in danger ...* yelled the girl desperately

"I have nothing to ..." Belial had barely finished her sentence that she was interrupted by Kura, who had just used his "transfers skill" allowing him to instantly move from one place to another

"Wait a little Belial ...."

At first I had doubts but now it's certain, this young girl, her soul is surrounded by the same characters as those in the world records ...

"Blue and sparkling characters "

"being able to see and interact with Belial and me .."

"could you be ..."

"Found you" Kura was interrupted by a group of people dressed entirely in black , only theirs faces were uncovered

"Sh ... shadows ..killers" replied the girl with dread

"Mmmh?" Belial shoot a gaze to gauge theirs strength

"...." Kura remained silent, observing the movements of the people in front of him

They did not move or make the slightest movement but Kura could feel the pressure emitted by them, it was the feeling of having a blade under the throat

"Freya Wallenstein, give us zero azure and accepted your punishment" declared a person who seemed to be the leader of the Shadows Killers group

"Azure zero? .. the record star? thought Kura

"No, it is a power far too big for humanity, I will never give it to you, especially not to my father" replied Freya, tightening firmly between his body which would seem to be a red cube

"who are you ?" asked Belial

"Shadows Killers, this is the last name you'll listen to it " replied the leader

"Belial let go a smile of amusement" The SK disappeared, they had not volatilized, or become invisible, it was theirs stealth, a skill that surpasses invisibility, modifying the perception around, undetectable, imperceptible, more Quick that the light itself

it was the "Shadows Moves" the specialties of the SK,

Belial was strangely calm, despite their overwhelming speed , she did not drop a single drop of sweat, her pupils kept going in all directions to the ground, as if she observed the movements of flies .

She smiles ... with a violent and powerful step she stopped one of the Shadows Killers in his race, the impact was so violent and fast that he did not have time to react and walked against the wall leaving a Huge hole and a cloud of dust

"Hey hey ... is that all you can do? Running everywhere like insects?"

"Son of ..." sent the SK leader, theirs squad formation had been broken, as theirs speed as well

"Shadows Move". Kura had just reproduced the movement he had just seen and created a perfect copy

"How can he ... he only saw him once" mumbled SK's leader when his face was seized by Kura,

He had not been able to react at the speed of his own technique, the SK leader. pierce through several walls, his eyes turned white and faint out

"Leader! Leader!" The other two tried to escape using the Shadows Moves skill but they were instantly catching up with Belial who sent them fly away like bug

"The ... the Shadows Killers were defeated .." Freya was surprised, it was the first time that the SK the close guard of her father the president failed an assassination mission, she collapsed on her knees, When she saw the color of the of Kura's soul, it was filled with darkness and light at the same time, as if he led a fight against good and evil.

"They were really weak" released Belial

* Bang* The sound of a rejected weapon

Skill "Frozen world" Kura instantly set on his time stop skill , trying to stop the rampage bullet which had just been drawn.

it did not stop, the bullet penetrated Kura's frozen world , ignoring the time flow laws , it penetrated Kura's chest piercing his heart ...

without gushing, Freya was taken into the frozen world area, she couldn't move, her perception of time disappeared, slowly, gently, the bullet pierced the center of her head.

The frozen world shattered up, blood gushes, Belial who had not been affected by the frozen world , remained silent under the appalling scene which was before her very eyes ..

Kura's dead …