
chap 2: The gunslinger : take down my path

The sound of a weapon had just been felt, a bullet came out and pierced Kura's heart and Freya's frontal area

"What .. come to happen" Belial was distraught, her pupils kept trembling ~~~~

Kura was dead

anger! anger! anger! These emotions overflowed, a dark red aura surrounded her, little by little she lost reason and all morality, her gaze instantly went to the one who seemed to be the author of this crime

He was a young man of almost the same physical age as Kura, his short black hair floated slightly carried by the breeze of the West wind, he wore a school uniform, similar to that of Freya

Belial exploded with anger , when she saw in the hands of the young man the weapon of crime, two revolvers tinged with blacks, golden outdoors, it was difficult for anyone determined his veritable nature

"A human, a human" Belial had lost her morality, she rushed to the young man with a powerful and violent step, a huge cloud of smoke rose following her propulsion, in an instant, she filled the incoming distance

"Bang" a second shot strike down , Belial hit at full race which what seemed to be a protective shield,

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" Three consecutive shoots burst out, each of the bullets brought an attribute of nature [ wind, fire, and earth] , in an omnidirectional race difficult to anyone to predict, the bullets pursued Belial who had more and more trouble getting rid of it, infrastructures collapsed The one after the others due to the rampaging bullet, fortunately the place seemed deserted, a ghost city, after the fire cover of 9 pm, the law prohibits any external exit, that of the presence of "esper" ~~~ being endowed with supernatural abilities that defying the laws of logic itself

"Belial, rushed into the air, her right arm took the form of a scyth , several omnidirectional movements, she sent countless waves of dark energy in the form of blades

"Ray Blast" The young man finally opens his mouth, his arm stretched towards the attack, the end of his revolvers, multiples small light started to accumulate around, in a deadlock of a 0.001 seconds, a Huge white light ball instantly grown

"Bang" He pressed the trigger, in the form of a destructive radius, the laser flew at full speed against Belial dark blades

An explosion sounded in the air cleaning the night sky clouds

The moon shone in a crescent gray, it was beautiful, round and seemed so close

"who are you ?" asked Belial floating mid-air, she had regained her self -awareness

.... "Seth, an" esper "replied the young man in a monotonous voice

"esper...? What the hell is that?"

Despite his status as a soul slicer, despite having lived more than five hundred years, Belial was not the smartest spirit that exists,

* sigh* Seth sighed "you are not really smart for a girl aren't you? " he continued

"What do you mean by that? Do you want to fight is that it?" it was the first time that Belial girlyness was misjudged~``

"Said the one who attacks me first" (Seth)

"Close it, because of you, Kura died" furiously growled Belial

"My" Sourushīru "spell encloses a person's consciousness by forcing theirs expulsion of theirs own body, if the target does not have a physical body beforehand, it would just knock him out for few hours``~~

and by the look that 'His soul still here mean that he does not have a physical body, unlike this girl behind

"Geez, I don't understand anything about what you say"

* Let's just say that the boy was temporarily extinguished from this world and that the girl had her soul ..*

Seth advanced a few steps, crossing Kura's body lying on the ground, he stopped in front of Freya's body, he smiled, his gaze scrutinising Freya's body lying back to the wall, his hand advanced and picked up the bullet that was stuck in a huge crater on the wall

*... her soul sealed in this bullet ... or should I say, zero azure is sealed inside this bullet

The palm of Seth advanced and came into contact with the forehead covered with blood escaping from Freya's body

* Concealment* [A spell that transforms the body of others living beings into dolls..]

In a blinding light, Freya's body changed into a clay doll

"UGH! She became a clay doll" Belial who floated in mid air descended on land, observed Freya who had just been turned into doll,

she burst out laughing

" .. Hey how did you do that?" asked Belial Curious

"seriously? I am your enemy you know, do you really think I will tell you how my skills works? ,and more ...."

Seth instantly changed place by teleporting himself , not because he was afraid, or anything like that

just that

An overwhelming pressure invaded the surrounding area , as if he had just been brought back to life, Kura raised himself and standup , his chest injury closed immediately

"The effect of my bullet was enough to last at least 3 hours , what a freak .

Kura was standing, again, his gaze looking around the surroundings area , as if he were trying to pick up the data unrolled during his unconsciousness,

accidentally or purposely Seth met his gaze and freaked out , it was burning in flames, piercing and scary

"Seth ... give me azure .." kura mumbled

"Ha-Ha hahaha ..~~~~ isee~~~ So you have met him, the holder of all the data of existence, the observervator " Seth laugh at full lungs, his excitement was indescriptible, beyond craziness itself

"Azure, is mine ... Takamiya" repeated Seth outrageously

"You don't know it's true nature at all, you can't imagine what outrageous and unstable power it's hold ... it must be sealed away at all costs" yelled Kura trying to have Seth's opinion changed

"You know, I too have met him, the observervator of this shitty world, I learned the hidden truth of the world and Azure's true nature,

a power that can rewrite the records of the worlds, it will serve to rewrite the events of the past, this is my goal, Aria will revive, she therefore, that the gears of the world have denied her very existence ...

"I understand the reason of your determination, but .." Kura raised his hand towards the sky, a black lightning broke out, a Scythe appeared, Belial had been taken his original form, that of a scythe wrapped with darkness around it

"..... a soul should not be brought back to life regardless of its will, the azure ~~~ if you don't give it to me, I would have no other choice than to crush under my feet your determination ..

"Hahahaha Hahahaha Hahahaha Hahahaha Hahahaha Hahahaha Hahahaha" Seth laughs broke the silence of the wonderful night, calm and sweet

he raise his two revolvers towards Kura, with a quick and repeated movement of the trigger, he pulled several bullets simultaneously

"Avoid takamiya, but if one of them touches you ... Your whole existence will be wrapped from this world ~~~~ your will is nothing compared to mine, to save Aria I would sacrifice this entire world "

The bullets of an esper are not ordinary, each of them can be accelerated,

much faster,

hundreds of times faster than sound,

hundreds of times faster than light,

~~~ Kura instantly teleported from one place to another, hundreds of times, thousands of times, the Bullets seemed to be infinite, defying the law of time.

"Tch .. There is so much, it's annoying" Kura rose in the air, higher, much higher, but with each direction and turn that he made the bullets followed him

"They will chase you, no matter where you go, you have nowhere or run away, accept your destiny, and fold your determination

* What are you playing Kura? Do you plan to play dodge for a long time? *

"shut up ... Belial ..." Kura who flocked in the sky, was instantly teleported behind Seth, firmly grabbing his shoulder,

"Ugh! What are you doing? ~~~~ asked Seth Confused

"It will follow me no matter where I ran off right? ~~~ I wonder ~~~ if ~~~ you can take up the effect of your own ~~~ weapon" Kura had barely finished his sentence than the Bullets were after him


they were fast,

even for Seth, he knew that if one of "em ran through him, he'll be gone as good ...

"Dammit ~~~

s..stop "

The Bullets stopped instantly, ~~~ just in front of Seth, who had act just in time

"You ..." Seth had barely finished his sentence that he found himself in an unknown place, filled with darkness ...

"where am I ...? What is this place ..? What did you do? ... I ... I see nothing, I don't feel anything, no light ...

"The Abyss, a place separated from the world, where no light penetrates, no perception of time, and the mind corrupt by incessant whispers

listen to me Seth, I need the azure records to join the Lucifer dimension your friend is surely trapped in that place, help me look after all the pieces to open a the underword's gate

I'll fight Lucifer, once the fight is all settled , the capturing souls will be released, ~~~ Azure devours life force to maintain his existence , you will not be able to bear such pressure and will make yourself consumed, you and Freya

"Bullshit" retorted Seth

" if no one is able to take such a burden in this crappy world , then I can sacrifice my self to brought aria back "

me.. I can

" my existence is mixed with shadow and light, the effects of the Azure will not affect me , because I'm an irregular

" Seth...I need your help"

The space changed instantly, the Abyss had disappeared giving way to the magnificent smile of the moon under a starry sky

"..... help me "

Seth remained calm for a moment ~~~

"Sigh ..." My determination was not strong enough ~~~~ Sorry aria, you may wait a little .... until I find a gate

A light enveloped him, it was warm, soft and full of tenderness ~~~~ _aria "pronounced Seth

a flaky luminescent body formed in the night vacuum, she smiled, Seth cried, the light dispersed, letting back the silence of the night


After losing against Kura, Seth raised the doll spell on Freya's body which resumed its normal form, his soul which had been released from his seal joined it as if it has never been out ,


"Oh ... she regains consciousness, so still alive?"

"Oh Shut Up Belial ... What happened? Ugh my head killing me" (Freya)

"Nothing at all" they all repeated at the same time, at that moment, with a simple gaze, they all knew that Freya should never learn the truth about what was inflicted on her body

"You act strangely ..."

"What are you talking about ... Ah more important about my clothes ... how do you plan you to pay it back ?" (Belial)

"Ah yeah .. hahaha .. I don't think I have presented myself ~~~~ Freya Wallenstein happy to meet you all

"... Kura enchanted"

"Seth .. delighted" replied embarrassed ~~~

"Belial for me"

ah ahah, I feel like I am forgetting something important

"Schock" Kura, Seth, and Belial were crossed by a state of shock, because they knew the truth about the partial loss of Freya's memory

"Hey Seth, it has what efficiency rate your memorial spell ..." whispered Belial

~~ 100℅ (Seth)

"Are you sure? Because it's very doubtful ~~~" teasing Belial

* Shut up you bitch .. ~~~ "(Seth)

"You're Dead Meat, Damm Bastard"

Belial and Seth bicked like garments, while Kura was approaching Freya

"It's okay? Can you get up?" He humbly asked her

"Uh .. Yes," replied Freya all embarrassed, his face slightly red

"Thank goodness" Kura smiled, a smile that did not fail to affect Freya

Seth and Belial were still bickering, nothing seemed to be able to hold them~~

Again, the moon is really beautiful to night


[ presidential palace ]

"This concluded my report, president"

* My daughter ...no~~. Azure merged with Freya's soul, but was extracted by this man named Kura, the Shadows Killers were all beaten ~~~~ Sigh they are all pieces of shit *

The president of turn his gaze to face the glass that showed the city, his hand entered the pocket of his jacket, a stick came out, fire, he slammed his fingers and fire sprang lightening up his smoke stick , he pulled a large bite then expired the smoke

"Call for the mercenaries guild and placed an extra large amount on his head as well as that of his little friends ..."

" Azure is mine"

Circus Code