
Wandering Phantom-A Shadow Slave Fanfic

After Dane completes his First Nightmare and receives a mysterious divine power, he is overjoyed. But, said joy is short-lived as he finds himself cursed by a divine being, literally. Follow Dane as he wades through the Dream Realm and fights for the survival of his legacy clan, which is at risk of falling due to the pressure of Great Clan Song. Art created by catphine on discord. Disclaimers I do not own anything but my created characters. Everything belongs to Guiltythree and/or his respected publishers.

FieryBaldachin · Book&Literature
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81 Chs

Spoilers and an Edit.

Huge Shadow Slave Spoilers ahead - Read at your own risk

In the latest chapter of Shadow Slave, the knowledge of how people transcended without the Spell was revealed. In a nutshell, they had to get their soul to fuse with the world to a small extent.

As you can tell, it conflicts with Dane's Aspect. I will revise the Aspect and its description and tinker with it a bit to get this obstacle out of the way. I will post another notice like this when that happens. The updated Aspect will be posted in an auxiliary chapter and the Aspect description will be edited wherever it is mentioned.
