
Waking up as a Ghallager (Shameless USA, 2011 SI)

guy got tortured died met a goddess got some wishes and reincarnated into Shameless as Issac Ghallager twin brother of Ian Gallagher. Tags: #Hire, #Loyal Protagonist, #Revenge, #Massive Crossover, #Possible Harem, #Wish Fulfillment, #Traumatized Protagonist On an Indefinite Hiatus (heavily inspired by relaxing in Shameless, some close similarities, that I didn't really realize until I re-read the beginning chapters.. Savannah and the Wrights were also inspired from it but they aren't exact copies. of that ff.)

Shane_Town · TV
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26 Chs

[12] R18 The best way to get over somebody is to get with somebody else.

"What happened?" Elizabeth asked as she followed her daughter into her room.

"We broke up." Savannah replied though her voice was slightly muffled by the pillow her face was buried in.

"Are you stupid?" Elizabeth said to her daughter as she sat down on the corner of the bed.

"Fuck you mom, I'm not in the mood to hear your shit right now." Savannah replied to her mother on the verge of breaking out into tears again.

"Fine, tell me what happened." Elizabeth replied and laid down next to her daughter who moved closer to her mother for warmth and support.

"Well, I told you how…since I've told him I can't have kids, I've felt like I'm not…no I've always known I wasn't good enough for him…" Savannah replied while trailing off.

"And he mentioned the other woman, when you asked him about something and it made you feel even more insecure." Elizabeth stated to which Savannah nodded to.

"And then he just shows off how smart he is, graduating highschool earning college credits owning an operating a business through someone else, helping us establish a refined product catalog…and then tonight he automatically says I'll be there for you when she calls him." Savannah whispered.

"What else did he say?" Elizabeth asked her daughter feeling like she wasn't getting everything out of her.

"He said he owes her…and then we started arguing and he brought up how I've been pulling away from him, and that he's sick of it…and then I started throwing things at him before I knew it we were ripping our clothes off of each other and." Savannah replied.

"It sounds like you too are still very much in love, I wish I had someone to fight with and hate fuck me afterwards that I'd cry about when I'm alone…I guess now that he's single I can take a shot at him I know he loves my big tits." Elizabeth replied to her daughter before turning teasing.

"Do you really think he still loves me?" Savannah finally asked her mother.

"Hannah honey, I know he does…people don't fight like that when they fall out of love, that young tight little stud is at home alone crying to himself right now fighting with the urge to come here to fight with you and then fuck your heart out before you both make up and go back to that sickening puppy love phase." Elizabeth replied to her daughter as she kissed the back of her head.

"I don't think I'll ever be good enough for him, I don't want to drag him down or hold him back mom." Savannah replied to her mother only to end up with her mother straddling her waist and gripping her face in a harsh grip.

"Then make yourself better, stop living in the way you think you should go out their and conquer the world become a queen fit to stand by his side or wait around to hear about the woman that does so. But don't mope around here and expect sympathy from me." Elizabeth snarled at her daughter in a shocking display before getting up and leaving her daughter alone to mull over her words.

"Thanks mom." Savannah whispered to the empty room as her Stormy gray eyes seemed to have a thunderstorm raging inside of them as Savannah got off of the bed and did something she hadn't done since first grade she picked up a book opened and actually started reading it.

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"You two stay out of it." Elizabeth said as she looked at her two sons that had been gearing up for war, or Ghallager hunting.

"B-but mom, he made Hannah cry." Adam stutterd as he was forced to look at the floor under his mother's stare.

"Y-yes mom." Both boys stuttered and started putting everything away.

"I'm going out, don't bother your sister she has decisions to make…that will decide the fate of this family." Elizabeth continued before entering her room and finding the sexiest outfit she could.

'Oh yes! mama is getting some tonight!' Elizabeth thought to herself as she admired herself in the full body length mirror.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

I was just finishing packing up some guns, ammo and other supplies since M had booked me on a private flight that didn't care what you traveled with, when the doorbell rang.

'Fiona and then have a key…so I wonder who that could be.' I thought to myself as I grabbed my trusty Infinity 1911 and tucked it away behind my back.

While at the same time I got an alert that Bitcoin has just reached $47.00 dollars and from my previous knowledge I knew it would drop down to 4.07 by the end of the year so I quickly sold off my original stock that was purchased at .30 cents and watched my balance skyrocket to 32,613,300.

"OH YEAH BABY, JUST BECAME A MILLIONAIRE IN THREE MONTHS ! ! !" I cheered as I started doing the Bully Maguire dance on my way upstairs to open the door.

Sliding the little metal blocker that covered the peephole before looking through it, finding that Elizabeth Wright was standing on my porch wearing a women's business trench coat and shivering slightly since it's early November.

Unlocking the door and opening it.

"If you're wondering about our contracts, just because Savannah and I broke up, doesn't mean I'll end them." I said to her but was surprised when she just smiled at me and rested her cold hand against my chest, her piercing blue eyes smoldering with lust and desire, as she pushed me into the house, my feet carrying me backwards as she wouldn't have been able to move me without my compliance.

"Honey, I'm here for you, not business." Elizabeth whispered huskily as she kicked the door shut and undid the belt holding her jacket shut with her free hand.

'What's that saying? Best way to get over somebody is to get into somebody else…not sure banging the mother of your ex is really moving on though.' I thought to myself as I took in all of her milfiness.

Elizabeth leaned in to kiss me but I moved my face to the side so her lips landed on my cheek.

"No kissing." I said as I spun her around and helped her out of her coat before bending her forward so her hands rested against the door.

"Fine baby, fuck your sugar mommies pussy nice and hard." Elizabeth moaned as I released my already hardening dick from my jeans. I'd started going commando under my clothes.

Rubbing my length that had grown a bit over the past few months against Elizabeth's already wet lips, which made her release needy sighs and whimpers before I reared back and slammed myself inside her.

"OHH FUCK, BABY…YES !!!" Elizabeth cried out as her entire body shook and trembled from the force of my initial thrust.

Reaching around grabbing her breasts that were only being held up by a hall bra enjoying the way my hands sunk in to the soft boob flesh of the mature beauty.

Elizabeth was throwing her hips back in time with mine while flexing her inner muscles that were making her silky folds do amazing things to my cock.

"OH OH OH OH FUCK BABY I'M CLOSE, HARDER BABY FUCK ME HARDER." Elizabeth moaned while at the same time her inner walls hugged down around my cock tighter than before but nowhere near as tight as her daughter's did. It was like comparing a tight loving hug to that of a head lock of someone who was trying to make you pass out.

I found myself pressing my face into the crook of her neck breathing in her mature scent that was so much like Savannah's I found myself licking and sucking on her neck as her pulsing, twitching fold milked a powerful release from me that had me grunting and biting down on the tender flesh of her neck to stop myself from moaning.

After that I made it my personal mission to fuck her in every room of the house I'd ever fucked her daughter, going to the living room, the dining room, the basement, the kitchen, the guest bedrooms, my bedroom and finally the shower before tossing her still wet from the shower body and mostly out of it mind onto the bed and fucking her big full tits and painting her face white and taking a picture of her with the camera kept in the night stand beside the bed.

Before laying down on the bed turning over onto my side facing away from her feeling a sense of vertigo and nauseousness at smelling Savannah's scent as my head landed on her pillow.

Feeling a fresh surge of turbulent emotions that had my eyes stinging slightly before shutting them to sleep.

Waking up to the back of my head resting against two soft breasts as I was being held by Elizabeth.

'Damn, why does it feel so damn good to be spooned by a woman?' I wondered to myself as my eyes started growing heavy again and I figured a few more minutes of sleep wouldn't hurt.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

This time when I woke up it was due to feeling a soft warm weight pressing against my thighs while a warm wet sensation came from my cock.

Opening my eyes, finding Elizabeth deep throating my cock while looking up at me expectantly pushed me right over the edge.

"I better get going." Elizabeth said after swallowing my entire load, licking my cock clean and kissing the tip of my cock.

"Yeah, you should. I have places to be." I said to her and she nodded but gave me a soft smile anyways.

"You still love each other." She suddenly said as she got off of the bed.

"I hope you both pull your heads out of your asses." Elizabeth said as she left my bedroom.

'The fuck is that supposed to mean?' I thought to myself as I got out of the bed and looked around to see the mess that was left by Elizabeth and I.

"Fuck it, I'll worry about it when I get back." I muttered as I looked at the clock and saw I had an hour until the plane was scheduled to leave, grabbing a quick shower, packing some clothes and other things before going downstairs and grabbing my gear trunk and picking up my phone and infinity 1911 from their resting place on the floor of the dining room.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

Walking into my garage throwing my stuff in the trunk of my 67 Chevy Impala with a 454 big block blacked out with black chrome and led lighting leaving the garage for the airport.

'I probably should have let my family know I was going somewhere.' I thought to myself after the fact while grabbing my phone and calling Fiona.

Since she didn't answer I left a voicemail letting her know I was going to South America to get over my break up with Savannah.

Arriving at the airport being waved right in by the security guard, pulling into the parking hanger finding a person waiting for me with a luggage carrier/golf cart.

"Mr.Ghallager." he greeted me as I opened my trunk which allowed him to load the freight cart with my stuff before he drove me over to the plane.

"Mr.Ghallager, the plane is ready to take off when you are." Pretty woman in a sexy stewardess uniform greeted me, while I handed her the papers I took out of my coat pocket.

Boarding the plane, finding it was completely empty except for me and an additional stewardess who looks at me and blushes slightly while doing so, before looking away again.

'Is she one of those plane bunnies?' I wondered to myself as I took a comfy seat.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

Looking at my phone as it buzzed.

[Congratulations on becoming a millionaire Izzy, I'm so happy for you! ! !] M texted me which made me smile softly.

[Thank you M, I couldn't have done it without you…literally thank you, you're the best.] I shot back at her and smiled.

[I'm sorry about Savannah…I wish I could come give you a hug..but company policy.] M sent back to me and I could feel her genuinely sad/happy mood.

[I wouldn't mind if you broke a rule or two, I'd love to meet you in person someday.] I sent back to her in reply while smirking slightly.

[:) When all priority Alpha targets are eliminated.. I'll come see you in person.] M replied back to me which made me even more curious.

"I'm sorry, Mr.Ghallager but I'll have to ask you to enter airplane mode or to turn off your device." The attendant who greeted me at the door said.

"No problem, thanks Miss." I replied as I turned on Airplane mode and plugged in some earbuds and started watching Bakugan that I downloaded.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

Stepping off of the plane seeing Gisele waiting for me while leaning against a Nissan 370Z with her foot resting against the tire, her arms crossed over her chest with a little smirk on her lips.

"Thank you for coming." Gisele said her slightly exotic accent makes it sound sexy.

"How could I refuse?" I said back to her jokingly with a smile and she helped me load my stuff into the car.

"Easily." Gisele replied with a teasing little smile at the corners of her lips.

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