
Waking up as a Ghallager (Shameless USA, 2011 SI)

guy got tortured died met a goddess got some wishes and reincarnated into Shameless as Issac Ghallager twin brother of Ian Gallagher. Tags: #Hire, #Loyal Protagonist, #Revenge, #Massive Crossover, #Possible Harem, #Wish Fulfillment, #Traumatized Protagonist On an Indefinite Hiatus (heavily inspired by relaxing in Shameless, some close similarities, that I didn't really realize until I re-read the beginning chapters.. Savannah and the Wrights were also inspired from it but they aren't exact copies. of that ff.)

Shane_Town · TV
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26 Chs


Walking into the house finding Fiona waiting for me with her arms crossed against her chest with a worried/angry frown maring her face.

"Everything alright Fi?" I asked her and she shook her head no, while biting her bottom lip as she looked between my face and that of Savannah's sleeping form being held in my arms.

"No, nothing is alright, Issac...I know you love her, but you have to end things...with her before, before she finds out about your secret. About how special you are." Fiona whispered to me while walking over to me coming to stand within touching distance of me, before reaching out and moving a few strands of hair out of my face as she started to cry.

"I'm sorry Izzy, I know you deserve to be with someone you love and who loves you back, and I trust you, but she isn't the one." Fiona continued to say through barely restrained sobs.

'Shit, Fiona...knows! Of course she knows she's raised me, took care of me and probably protected me from things I haven't even taken the time to think about…fuck.' I thought to myself while feeling my heart clench slightly at making this young woman worry so much about me as I moved and set Savannah down on one of the three new couches in the living room, courtesy of her grandmother.

"Fiona, I'm sorry I've made you worry so much." I said to Fiona softly as I pulled her into a tight hug and moved away from the couch slightly so as not to disturb Savannah, who cried herself to sleep after dropping a major personal secret on me.

"Everything is going to be alright, Fiona...i promise, just please trust me, I know I can trust Savannah and so can you, okay?" I contiued to hug Fiona and speak softly but surely to her to give her some form of comfort and surety.

'Izzy, you're not seeing her for who she truly is, it's up to me to protect you and our family like always...Izzy feels so strong and warm, he makes me feel like everything is going to be okay. I just wish I could trust these feelings and give a little bit of my burden to someone else.' Fiona thought to herself as a part of her she tried to burry after learning how unreliable her parents were started to grow and the feelings was greed to want something for herself.

"I trust you Izzy, I've always trusted you but I don't trust her…I can never trust her...or anyone else with you." Fiona said before pulling out of the hug, biting her lower lip and then leaning in to kiss me, of course I smelled the booze on her breath and tasted it on her lips...but I felt like this kiss went beyond the booze and her protective feelings towards me.

But I brushed off that feeling, chalking them up to my own desires for Fiona that were carried over from my past life.

"I can only trust myself." Fiona whispered as she pulled back from the kiss, before all of the little color she had drained from her face and she turned and bolted up the stairs, while I was left there bringing my fingers to my lips touching them in a state of shock standing their in the living room like an idiot.

'Let's just chalk that whole interaction up to Fiona being slightly drunker than she usually ever gets, while being under a lot of stress... because of everything that has gone on with Frank and because of Frank over the last couple of weeks.' I thought to myself, and relieved that most of my attraction carried over from my past life for Fiona had gone... away except for when I looking at her ass when she wore something tight.

"Haa, I really have one messed up life." I sighed softly to myself while moving to

scoop Savannah up off of the couch, before heading down to my room, setting Savannah down on the bed slipping the slightly heeled shoes off of Savannah's feet, finding that some blisters were starting to form on them from not being used to wearing such types of footwear.

Which made me shake my head at her trying so hard to impress me that she completely threw away her own comfort.

Going into the bathroom grabbing some pain relieving and antibacterial ointment from the cabinet, before sitting down beside her and applying the ointment to her feet.

Feeling a little bad that I had to rip her stockings that she seemed to really like at the store to remove them.

After finishing applying the onintment I grabbed some bandage wrap and tape I kept down her in case any of my siblings got banged up and wrapped up her feet.

Once that was done I headed into the bathroom washed my hands and returned to the bed, to remove Savannah's dress before tucking her into bed and peeking her lips in a goodnight kiss.

'Right, I should invest in Bitcoin before it really takes off.' I thought to myself, Grabbing my phone texting M and telling /asking her to set me up an online trading account for crypto currency and to invest 90% of the money from the Compose job into Bitcoin, so I could get on that gravy train.

[Sure thing Izzy, I'll send you your login information once I'm done. I hope you and Savannah had a nice date tonight.] M replied back to me and I smiled softly as I thought we had a great date.

As I wasn't tired yet I decided to do some reading, As I walked over to my work bench grabbing my backpack off of the floor grabbing out the Advanced Placement class text books from the bag, pulling out the stool stashed underneath the table and started reading the AP book on Chemistry.

At around 4am Savannah got up to use the bathroom hissing with almost every step, before coming over to me and leaning against my back.

"Come on, Know it all...come to bed." Savannah whispered tiredly in my ear and I found myself letting her guide me to bed.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

I couldn't help the soft smile from breaking out across my lips while watching Issac as he opened a text book while sitting at his work bench.

I woke up while he was taking care of me his hands are so big and strong but he can have such a gentle touch.

I don't understand why but watching him reading was one of my favorite things to do though I'd prefer it if he didn't read instead of coming to bed.

Of course my own thoughts had to turn from him and onto myself like they always did when I wasn't in his arms.

'I'm not good enough for him…I'm just some worthless Southsider trash, a worthless drug dealer, and momies favorite little enforcer, with no future besides a 6x6 cell, a shallow grave, or to spend the rest of my life in a whore house with a needle constantly pumping poison into my arm...I can't, I can't even do the one thing all other Southside trashy hoes can do.' Savannah thought to herself as she put herself down and fought back against the urge to cry, and completely crush the pleasant feelings from her and Isaac's first real date.

Savannah managed to shake off her negative thoughts and emotions with a bit of will and Isaac's pillow that smelled like him.

'How...does he make studying look so sexy?' Savannah thought to herself as she started to get that feeling while watching Issac slowly take off his shirt in between flipping pages in his text book revealing his sexy hard muscles.

'Haa, why did he have to say "we could break up tomorrow" I know he's right but still, Know it all sometimes you know nothing…come on Hannah just enjoy the time that we have together, and not worry about stuff that could happen in the future.' Savannah thought to herself as she came to a conclusion while continuing to pretend to be asleep as she admired Issac from her place on the bed.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

'Oh god, what did I do?' Fiona thought to herself as she threw herself onto her bed the sensation of her little brother's lips still against her's.

'I kissed Izzy...what is wrong with me?' Fiona continued to think to herself before screaming into her pillow.

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'I kinda wish we could stay like this forever.' I thought to myself sleepily as I used Savannah's breasts a pillow.

"We should get going, I have to meet my brothers and you have to get to school before you get ISS." Savannah said to me bringing up my risk of getting in school suspension if I was late or absent for school again, as she ran her fingers through my hair.

"Mmm, it can wait." I replied to Savannah before taking the nipple closest to my lips into my mouth rolling it around with my tongue and softly sucking on it making Savannah let out breathy moans.

"Cheater-ahhn." Savannah moaned as she clutched hold of my hair while I slipped my middle finger inside of her already wet cunny, slowly rubbing circles around her clit.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

"Mr.Ghallager, how nice of you to join us today." My homeroom teacher Ms.Hendrix greeted me.

"Nice of you to notice Miss. Hendrix." I greeted, while I stopping myself from sitting at a free desk by the door.

"To the office Mr.Ghallager this is your hundredth tarty this year. It'll be In school suspension for you." She said while smirking victoriously at me as she showed me out of her class.

'Bitch.' I mentally called her and flipped her off once the door to the class shut.

'I should just head home and not deal with this bullshit, their are plenty of successful highschool dropouts, but then again if I do that it'll cause more headaches and problems for Fiona.' I thought to myself as I made my way to the disciplinary office where the vise principal of the school worked and dishout punishments for things that weren't server enough to warrant the Superintendent or the Principal.

"Issac Ghallager, I can't say I'm surprised to see you here we usually have this meeting once every year." The vice principal Numan said to me and I found the slight blonde woman to be slightly attractive as she looked like the actress from the second Santa Clause movie.

"Hey vice Principal Numan, you're looking as beautiful and stern as ever." I greeted with a smile that made the woman scoff and roll her eyes.

"Thank you Issac, now you get three weeks of ISS instead of two as punishment for flirting with me." The vice principal told me while a little smirk played at the corner of her lips.

"Jeez lady if you just wanted to spend more time with me you could have just asked." I replied to her while shooting her a smirk as her assistant led me into the the bad kid room, bad enough to be punished but not bad enough to be expelled.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

"Haa." I sighed as I sat in the room connected to the disciplinary office, for the first day on my three week ISS, as punishment for missing the past couple of days, finishing all my late or pass due paperwork with in an hour of my seven hour stint.

"Look, Miss... I'm done with my class work can I go speak to the school counselor please?" I asked the woman who worked the front desk of the office who also happens to be my jailor.

"I will send him an email Mr.Ghallager, now please return to your desk and make yourself busy." She replied to me which made me roll my eyes in exasperation.

'If I could keep myself busy, do you think I'd be asking to go speak to the counselor?' I thought to myself before replying to her.

"I'm already done with those…can I, like pull a fire alarm and get oss? I really don't need to be here." I replied to her but went back to the desk and pulled out a pack of smokes and started smoking a cigarette, waiting to be chastised but instead the woman took the papers called a truancy officer and had him take the papers to their respective classes.

"Mr.Haely has approved a meeting with you Mr.Ghallager, please go directly there if you don't I'll have to inform on you to the Vice Principal." The vice principal's assistant told me as she waived me over and handed me a hall pass.

I took the the long way around the school to the where the counseling office is located, which was about ten minutes if you drag your feet.

Ten minutes later...I was greeted by the woman that runs the counseling office who guided me to my counselor's office.

'Seriously the dickhead isn't even here.' I thought to myself as I waited for Dr. Dick Haely in his office.

"Issac what a pleasant surprise." He greeted me though I knew it was fake as fuck just like his usual attitude.

'How could it be a surprise when you were told I was coming, fuckin tool.' I thought to myself while putting out my cigarette.

"Save it Dick, I'm here because I want to graduate early, so set the shit up for me. That I need to do…if you do you'll get a bunch of recognition for helping a fourteen year old genius graduate from the projects early, plus this." I said to him as I stood up from the chair and set down a cool 5k stack on his desk, to grease his wheels and for him to grease the wheels of others.

'Look at this greedy prick, drooling over five grand.' I thought to myself as he gobbled up the money.

"Mr.Ghallager, I always knew I liked you." He said as he took the money and started filling out a bunch of paperwork.

"I'll have your exams setup for you by tomorrow." Mr.Dick finally said as he handed me a hall pass.

"Whatcha ya doin?" Savannah asked me as she slid her arm into mine as I was exiting the guidance room, falling into step beside me.

"Graduating early." I replied to her which had her missing a step and nearly falling only for me to catch her.

"You're leaving…" Savannah stated in a small voice.

"Only the school for now, there's a lot I could do in the time I waste sitting at a desk and this is your last year here so…" I replied to Savannah who recovered and started walking with me again.

"Wanna, smoke a bull with me before you go back to ISS?" Savannah asked while pushing me into the girls bathroom and kissing me fully.

"Nah, I'm not feeling it right now…how about some more kisses like that last one though." I replied to her and pressed her up against the bathroom wall.

"How about a quickie before history?" Savannah whispered naughtily to me while freeing my cock from my jeans, and I locked the deadbolt on the bathroom door.

'Thank you tv-world that has lockable locks on main doors to bathrooms.' I thought to myself as Savannah let out a giggling cry as I pulled her jeans down and pressed her chest against the wall.

"That was so not a quickie." Savannah whispered to me as the final bell of the day rang and we were sitting in the principal's office.

I shrugged as the principal entered his office and saw him looking at Savannah like she was a steak dinner, which she definitely is.

"Hey, get your eyes off my girl." I said to him which made him jump slightly, while Savannah rolled her eyes at me.

'Pussy.' I thought to myself as I planned on putting a little package underneath his car hooked to the ignition, since this guy was a grade a fuck wad that liked to take advantage of young girls and because he looked at my girl who had gone through a major attitude change at school as gone was the sneering and unapproachable attitude.

"I have half a mind to contact your parents." He started to say.

"Right, and I have half a mind to call the cops and claim you tried touching my dick and see which one of us ends up in worse shape." I cut him off which made him flush in rage as Savannah giggled.

"Two weeks suspension for both of you aught to teach you some respect." He huffed as he went to type it out on the computer.

"Actually I already have three weeks of iss so why don't you make it five weeks of oss." I replied to him and he nodded and changed it to five.

Savannah and I were sitting in the chairs in front of the office when Frank showed up to the School with, followed by Elizabeth.

Savannah and I were sitting in the chairs in front of the office when Frank showed up to the School with Karen hanging off his arm, followed by Elizabeth.

'Wait is tonight the open house, shit that means Carl is also going through some shit too…sorry Fi.' I thought to myself as Fiona came into the room with Steve holding one hand and Carl holding the other.

"Really, Issac?" Fiona said to me which made me feel a little bad for her and for causing more problems for her to deal with.

"Sorry Fi." I said with a shrug.

"Frank, What are you here for?" I asked the man, noticing him being the cleanest I'd ever seen.

"Daddy Frank is here for me, isn't that right Daddy?" Karen asked in a sickeningly sweet way as she rubbed herself against Frank.

I looked at the awkward smile on Frank's face and shook my head.

'So they've already fucked…poor Lip.' I thought to myself while Fiona forged Frank's signature stating that he acknowledges my suspension.

"Have fun with that bag of daddy issues and crazy Frank…I know Lip has." I said to him as he walked away.

Noticing Lip walk by a few seconds later while clenching his fists and trembling while Savannah and her mother talked about why she was getting suspended.

"Hey bro." I greeted as I slung my arm around Lip's shoulders.

Lip took out his flip phone and showed me a short clip of Karen bouncing up and down on Frank's dick.

"Sorry Lip, want to hit Frank with a car or something?" I asked Lip who nodded and took off, while I just noticed Mandy watching me from around a corner.

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Three months later

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

"I have to say…I really didn't expect this place to do so well on opening day." Savannah said as we tallied up the day's profit for Pillow Fights.

"Yeah, buying those Russian whores and paying all of those hot seniors and college students to help us advertise was a stroke of genius…my genius." I joked as I'd used all sorts of Social Media to advertise Pillow Fights arena and indoor trampoline amusement park.

"Oh, piss off." Savannah joked teasingly as she threw a stack of money at me.

"I still can't believe you organized a Russian prostitute revolution." Savannah groaned as she massages her temples.

"I wouldn't go that far, I just promised them they could keep any money they make with their bodies, as long as they worked for me loyally and that I would provide a place for them to live and health care." I replied to Savannah while Fiona walked into the room in the sexy uniform that consisted of super short and tight jean shorts with denim suspenders and a white tube top shirt.

"Totally a revolution." Fiona joked as she leaned over and kissed the top of my head.

"Nice job Izzy, I thought this was a childish idiotic idea…but then I forgot how childish and stupid most people are…" Fiona said while shooting a glare at Savannah.

"Thanks…I think." I replied to Fiona as I saw that I'd made 357k from one day of operation before taking out operation costs and salary.

'I made about the average yearly income of a paintball course in one day, and with having my liquor license and food service ability I'll be able to cater to all sorts of parties.' I thought to myself as Svetlana entered carrying the cost of operation book.

"Dah, made a profit of 90 thousand Americans dollars today after subtracting initial startup investment and employee salary." Svetlana said to me as she sat down on my lap trying to get a rise out of me but failing as I wasn't the least bit attracted to anyone who sold their bodies for money.

"Thank you Lana, now get off my lap." I thanked the woman who I made the manager of the business before even opening it.

(Ring ring Ring ring)

"Hello?" I answered my phone questioningly.

"Hey, it's me Gisele…M gave me your number, I'm in Rio…my friends and I could use your help…I'll even owe you a favor." Gisele replied her voice carrying a bit of unease.

"I'll be there asap Gisele." I replied to her without even thinking it over.

"Thank you." Gisele replied and hung up and I received a glare from both Savannah and Fiona.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

Back at the house.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

"I don't understand, she calls and you just drop everything to go help her, what about your business? What about us?" Savannah shouted at me while tears streamed down her face as we stood in the bedroom or my house which was right next door the house I grew up in.

"I owe her, and I know the business is in good hands…and I thought our relationship was stronger than this." I replied back to Savannah.

"Fuck you!" Savannah shouted at me.

"Right back at you…you know what I'm sick of this and I'm sick of you, ever since I started working to improve myself you've started pulling away…" I said right back to her even though it hurt to do so first loves were hard to end when combined with teenage hormones.

"FUCK YOU." Savannah yelled at me.

"FUCK YOU." I shouted back and things were being thrown at each other until our hands were in reaching distance of one another we ripped each other's clothes off and compared to our usual rough fucking there was no love only rage, hurt and anger as we bit and clawed at one another.

By the time we were done there was no doubt in either of our minds that our relationship was over with as the wounds we left on each other were much deeper that the bruises, scratches and bite marks…of course mine healed almost while they were being made but Savannah's didn't.

I watched her back as she packed everything she kept at my place in a bag…before leaving I wanted to stop her, I wanted to say I was sorry and that I love her, but I didn't as I knew this day was coming, ever since the night I decided to improve myself.

"Bye Princess…" I whispered while trailing off as I heard the door slam behind her, as tears ran down my face before I got up to take a shower.

'I don't remember my first break up hurting this much in my past life.' I thought to myself as I rested my head against the shower tiles.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

Stepping out of my shower seeing that M was calling I picked up the call and was surprised M didn't immediately say anything.

"I'm sorry Issac…I know you really loved her." M finally said and I wasn't the least bit surprised by her knowledge.

"Thanks M, so are you calling to tell me that there's an op connected to Gisele's call…and does it have to do with a priority alpha target." I thanked M her voice a steadying/comforting presence.

"Yes…Hernan Reyes, is a priority Alpha target and is also the target of revenge for Gisele's friends. All of your travel documents can be found in your mailbox…be careful on this one Izzy it'll be even more dangerous than your assault on Compose's building." M said to me before hanging up.

"Sometimes I think you're the one I'm supposed to end up with M." I sighed softly while getting dressed.

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