
Wake Up As Lord of Universe

Hadar transmigrates into the world where humans reach their greatest peak in the universe. Humanity returns to the aristocratic feudal system, and the warring leaders aim to unite the whole galaxy under one dynasty. On his tenth birthday, Hadar immediately inherits the remote planet from his parents as their last present. Then, they abandon him with a cursed maid, an old man, illiterate subjects, and undeveloped territory. Watch the untold story of the man, who is often the butt of joke of the nobles and the rising tiger who rises up from the lowest rank to the highest peak among them all, the Lord of the Universe.

RedAdam04 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Courier's Resolves

(Rodrick POV)

On the deck, Leni and I were watching the stars on the terrace. It was located in the expensive garden of the cargo spaceship. It was rigid and old. The metals made during the pre-colonial period looked like pieces of the shipwreck's materials.

"Honey, are you sure he can take care of that planet? After all, it was one of the dirtiest places in the whole universe," asked Leni as she gulped her glass of wine.

Her slim outfit showed some curves of her body.

"Naah, he won't. He's the talentless nobody anyway. His brothers and sister voted to kick him out when he's still a baby. Not only that, his relatives told me that he doesn't possess any talent in terms of magic. Oh, I forgot to mention, he has a blood of commoners, so he's really done for. I wonder why that fuckin' old butler opted to stay with that fuckin' bastard child. Oh, well. He's a by-product of a serf, so it's natural for him to feel sympathy, lol. Man, that Hadar is the true embodiment of impurity, ugliness, and a bad influence on our society," I replied.

"I know. But he's still a toddler who couldn't even speak properly. A child who has no enough experience ain't suitable to rule it alone. And also, you're the acting guardian of that child until he reaches his adulthood," she placed her palm on her forehead as she recalled the innocent face of Hadar.

"Honey, try to remember your position. He's a commoner. We've been ordered to let him loose. Besides, that territory is the end of all useless people, so whether he live or die is not in our jurisdiction, though. He's already born to live like an illiterate child, think like a stupid kid like his kind, and died on that ugly planet. It is beyond our help, to be honest. Remember, we agreed to use him as a scapegoat in that place. Global warming is driving me nuts. Who would even survive in that kind of environment? No one. A noble like us should always live in a good environment, unlike those commoners who still living in the slums that are still searching where they could get the basic needs they want." I explained abruptly.

'Hadar will fall into an abyss of despair too,' I smirked.

She clasped her hands together.

"I, I'm sorry, darling. Indeed, it's truly a heartbreaking moment to let the talentless and uneducated child rule that abandoned remote planet. Everything ain't born equal. By the way, I'm surprised to see that those commoners are still surviving despite the harsh environment and low quality of living. The education system is lame and it is beyond our help. No wonder the excellency and his children abandoned it without hesitation," she heaved a sigh.

"Needless to say, he wouldn't be able to escape because he's now the Baron of that planet. No other nobles besides the Emperor and his true family know his existence. Oh, well. He's lucky that his father agreed to rule it as the Baron. Maybe out of pity since he still has the blood of the royal family, so he literally gave it to him as the last present. Oh, poor Hadar. He'll suffer a lot before he reaches his communal age but that's life. He's our only gateway to heaven. He has no right to complain because he should remember, without us, he's still living in a poor environment, and a perk of dirt would be on his menu if he rebels. He's lucky that he will rule a world with nothing to lose," I chuckled, taking a sip on my glass of wine.

"I agree, lol. I wonder how long should he live in that place. Twenty or fifteen years, maybe. He will die as the ruler at a young age. Besides, his majesty told me that he's possessed of bad luck too. He's been prophesized to live like a commoner and die as a penniless ruler," she chortled.

"Oh, well. We've accomplished our mission. We gave him all of the presents from his family, and we gained a lot of money. I'm so glad that our work has finally done," I sang.

"But, honey, will he going to get mad at us?" asked Leni, worryingly. "Naah, he won't," I assured.

"If he learns the real condition of our planet and found out his true identity, will he take revenge against the royal majesty?" Leni fretted as she imagined the worst-case scenario. "Well, it is now his problem. Not ours. If he truly found out his true identity, it's already too late. He's just a cockroach in their eyes to stomp on the ground. Besides, I don't want to go back to that undeveloped trash. If he would ask me to give it back, I'll just refuse. Easy. I rather choose to live in another state than to live in that kind of place," I declared.

Leni took a sip on her glass again and she heaved a sigh of relief.

"Well, I know he would curse us someday for what he did, but he won't be able to do anything anymore. He has a lot of things to fix and he needs to discipline a lot of misfits, as well. Oh, well. I pray that he'll feel obliged to send us our obligatory funds in our new account in the 'Diamond Planet'." I raised up one finger on my hand. "Not to mention, it was very common from the very start of the history. Some noble couples like us who wouldn't be blessed anymore with a child adopted some children in the slums to use as a scapegoat. There's nobody will criticize us for what we've done. We're just following the traditional law by our hands. You know, humans are radical and relative creatures that are one of the reasons we shouldn't regret it," I reconfirmed.

Leni simpered and she turned her gaze at the stars through the large window. She raised her glass onward.

"Let's just enjoy our lives to the fullest then. Cheers," she said, smiling.

"Cheers!" I responded.


(Courier POV)

"What a wonderful surprise," I chuckled, holding a glass of despair in my hand.

To think that I hit a jackpot this time. I had never thought that he's an abandoned child of the Emperor. I'm really blessed with good luck. No wonder his affinity was chaotic hell.

He would live in poverty and die poor. Gosh, what a great revelation.

Hadar had no fuckin' idea about his true identity. What a poor little man. I couldn't wait to see his doomsday period.

He's the fourth son of the Emperor, but since the council found out that he's a talentless and unblessed child, they abandoned him.

Oh, well. They were right. In my opinion, he's not even a genius. I won't hesitate to join hands with his siblings who told to their parents he's a disgrace to the family, so he must be disinherited.

What a silly man.

He's the new ruler of a poor planet. Gosh, I couldn't stop laughing too much. That place was home to all garbage from different terrestrial territories. Like a huge dumpster site for everyone, no one but unlucky people could afford to live.

"Come to think of it, he did not even ask for a blessing. What an idiot. Maybe, he's really born as an unlucky bastard from the very start. Oh, humans are truly an interesting subject of fun," I chuckled.

He's dumb and naive.

Meaning, he's easy to manipulate into my palms like the others.

My [Jugar], the jug of vainglory, gradually poured with his stress. Oh, I almost forgot that I was still connected to this man. He's my new toy, so I had to make all of his negative emotions transferred to me.

"Oh, my gosh. He's starting to stress out from his work, I guess. I wonder what he's been doing so far. But I have to check the remaining dimensions and my old toys today. Maybe later," I titled my head on the side and sighed.

As a courier of the sinners, I must maintain a status quo thus far.

I checked on my [Mirror mage] and looked at the photos of my toys, or more commonly known as my victims.

Oops, why were the photos full of boys? Simple, they were all easy targets to orchestrate for entertainment. And also, they were simps and poor virgins who had lost their purpose in life.

"Oh, my, number 88 to 97 died today. Gosh, I lost a lot of important laughing livestock. All of them believed that they would live a normal life, but screw them, they are not," I giggled.

Men could easily manipulate in your hands if you're a girl. They loved beautiful, sexy, and little girls so I chose this form. Plenty of these silly goods were desperate dogs who wanted some attention because they were single and afraid to mingle.

"Gosh, I wonder what should I do next. Number 98 has been betrayed again and he's going to commit suicide in front of his enemies, and public execution for number 99 is about to start. I guess I need to add more flavors to the seasoning. More despair and agony. Should I pay a visit to their world? Right, I guess I have no other choice but to show up," I smirked.

Silly introverted humans. Despite being overpowered individuals and played a major role in their new world, they forgot to face the reality. They thought the girls there were going to love them and these idiots formed a harem without thinking about the consequences. Those girls were a by-product of jealousy and the other men envied their achievements.

'No matter, idiots are idiots.'

Weak and virgin men were easy prey. I guessed there's nothing worse than death if they learned the truth. That I, Courier, was responsible for their unfortunate life so far.

I opened my portal to number 98's world and stepped in.

I left behind the card on my bed related to number 100, Hadar. I placed my parasol on my shoulder and closed my left eye.

"Fu~Fu~Fu~Fu~, I can't wait to see their death," I said, disappearing into the Gehenna - The world of Hell.

Man, the courier is really a bitch, lol.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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