
Wake Up As Lord of Universe

Hadar transmigrates into the world where humans reach their greatest peak in the universe. Humanity returns to the aristocratic feudal system, and the warring leaders aim to unite the whole galaxy under one dynasty. On his tenth birthday, Hadar immediately inherits the remote planet from his parents as their last present. Then, they abandon him with a cursed maid, an old man, illiterate subjects, and undeveloped territory. Watch the untold story of the man, who is often the butt of joke of the nobles and the rising tiger who rises up from the lowest rank to the highest peak among them all, the Lord of the Universe.

RedAdam04 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Hadar, New Lord of Remote Planet

(Courier POV)

He was a delight to behold.

I couldn't help but smile.

Another man fell into my honey trap.

This man truly believed what I said before.

Will he live a normal life? The answer is no. What a shame indeed. Now what? Oh, should I check the current situation with his ex-wife?

I summoned again my [Mirror Mage] with one flick of a finger. The married couples appeared on the screen.

"Don't you dare lie to me, woman! That child ain't mine. Here," he tossed on the table the DNA test in front of her.

She gulped when she saw it.

"This ain't fake, bitch. The result shows that I ain't the father nor that poor man of yours. With this, you're proven guilty for all of your lies against me. Your confession proves to me that you're the worst of worst in this world, woman. How pathetic. I let myself simp with your beauty but your true personality was far worse than I expected. I don't want to become like your ex-husband. Let's end our relationship," her husband demanded. "Goodbye. Enjoy your meal."

"W-wait, what's wrong?" The woman stopped him, "Why are you giving up on me? I promise I won't even dare to cheat on you. I won't ever lie to you again."

"H, honey, I truly enjoy our time together, but to think you're on this level of pathetic shit is truly disappointing to see. T, to think you're sleeping with someone else other than me is really devastating. You, you broke my heart. You cheated on me behind my back. You just showed me who you truly are. Unbelievable."

"B, but, you're the real father of our child!" she stressed out.

"Shut up, " her husband slapped her cheeks, "The true father of that child was the handsome model of the New York Times Magazine. Don't you dare to toss that fuckin' child into my company! I can't believe you sleep with a stupid bachelor. How dare you do that to me? I gave you money. I, I gave you a house to live in. And, I gave you fancy clothes which no other millionaires could afford to buy. I gave you everything!"

The customers and the restaurant staff shushed the others when they heard his voice and their eyes looked disgusted at his wife.

"I don't want to end up like him this time. Oh, thank you for stopping me. I forgot to hand over this paper too. This, this is the divorce paper. Please sign these documents, as well," said the husband, leaving the documents on the table.

"P-p-please, I leave my husband just to be with you," she pleaded.

The new husband who was now her future second ex-husband pushed her away.

"Shut it, bitch. Who the hell would stay with you after what you did to your first husband? Are you a human or just an evil feminist? Do you have any seer of humanity inside? Have a shame, will ya. I've made my choice. Do your thing."

"W-wait, what about our daughter? Don't turn your back on me. You're the one who suggested me to file a case. Do you want me to do the same thing against you, huh?" she chided.

"So, you're going to do the same thing against me, huh? I was right! You're totally a bitch. You're really desperate homo sapien. Don't even think you can even win. Try to insert to your brain again that the attorney I lent to you was my best friend and I would use my money to bribe the authorities. You'll be laughable livestock if you do that."

The woman collapsed on her knees before him.

"No!" she screamed.

"Goodbye, bitch. See you on the court," he said, leaving her alone on the table.

In this scene, I burst into a laugh.

The unexpected turn of events made me laugh so hard. I loved despair and agony. She's really ripped what she sowed. This girl could entertain me more.

'Humans are really interesting creatures. No wonder they are always live in a pathetic and miserable life.'

"To be frank, if I'm in her situation and responsible for that man's tragic life, I will really enjoy his downfall until his death. Oh well, thanks to his juice of agony, I feel great. His despair makes me beautiful and his hatred keeps me healthy. Since he's my new toy, I need to make sure he'll enjoy his life before I set the play next round. I think I should put him first into a common family before I make a new arrangement for his new suffering. Oh, my, I almost forgot. Speaking of which, I need to trace his whereabouts or else I'll heavily face a hard time to search for his soul."

I opened a dimensional portal that connected to his new world and entered it.

(Hadar POV)

For a short period of time, I slowly regained my memories from the earth as Hadar.

I began to learn how to read through the textbooks and spell out some words properly.

Where were my parents? I apologized but I hadn't met them ever since I gained the ability to see.

But I heard some gossips that I was an illegitimate fourth son of a great family. That means I had three elder siblings.

I was raised by the servants of this mansion alone with no one to mingle with. Every servant was apathetic to my existence at all, with the exemption of my butler.

Looking at my situation, I tried to enlighten my mind. I asked my butler to tell me who we were and what was our purpose in life.

He told me some stories about the history of this universe and how the Empire established, but since I was still a toddler, I failed to understand the important words he's saying.

What I only learned from his side was, our current liege was Weiss IV. He's one of the important Counts under the current Emperor of all galaxy.

How cliche it was.

It was like the whole universe itself revolved into a feudal warring state of Japan and China. The emperor was just a symbol of unity, but he bore no authority to lead his territorial lords because he's only a figurehead.

I was reborn into an intergalactic world where humanity had reached the peak of their dreamlike world, in what the courier promised. She's really a benevolent benefactor.

I was now around ten years of age and finally, I regained my past memories. Sort of. Despite my age, I looked like a two-year-old child.

I was currently in my small room under the blue huge carpet.

There was a letter that came down on my forehead. I unfolded it to check the content. It was written in English so I was so glad to see a familiar word from my former world.

According to the letter, 'Happy tenth birthday. I'm so happy to feel that you finally remember your past. It's been a long time since we meet. I hope you're fine and great. For your birthday, I have presents for you."

"A present? Oh, that too nice of her. She's really benevolent girl, huh." I commented.

Suddenly, there were two figures that appeared behind my back. One of them embraced me. A soft two lemons cuddled my face.

"Lord Hadar, this is your parents," the butler introduced them to me.

My eyes finally saw the face of my parents. Or should I say, my foster parents?

Oh, right. I was adopted by these nobles. According to his fake story, I was originally found in the slums by our butler and he tried to ask for their permission to let me in. To his surprise, these parents of mine went to the Count's office to adopt me as their son.

Of course, the court was against it. Totally.

"W, where are my siblings?" I asked, sincerely.

Everyone flinched when I asked it, but they kept smiling without answering my question.

"L, lord Hadar, you're the only child in this family. Please don't say something too absurd to your parents," said the butler, smiling.

"He is just a child, Francis. He must be reading too much fantasy so he asks it," the mustache man who was proclaiming himself as my father said.

'Why the hell are they lying? Well, whatever. Ooh, so you're name is Francis, huh. I won't ever forget your name, butler.'

These foster parents of mine simpered and gave me a hug. This made me feel uncomfortable. But since they told me that I wasn't their child, then so be it.

I might be jumping to the wrong conclusion, I guessed.

"Lord Hadar, this is a gift from me," said Francis, a small box placed on my tiny hand.

Out of curiosity, I shook it to measure its weight.

"L, lord Hadar, please be careful. The gift inside is a very precious gift from our benefactor," said Francis after he took his gift from my possession.

"Oh, my. What a wonderful child. He's really my son," my father chuckled whilst holding his stomach.

"Indeed," my mother giggled.

'What's so funny about it? What a bunch of weirdos.'

According to what I heard from the gossips, both of them had already reached one century years old despite they looked like a thirty-year-old couple. Behind them, there was the butler who saved me from that hellish place when I was still a toddler.

My father's first name was Rodrick while my mother was Leni. Both of them had blonde hair and their looks blinded my eyes. How elegant.

'Foster or fake parents. I don't care. I don't mind at all.'

"Hadar, my cute little boy. I have a surprise gift for you," said my father as he gave me a tablet.

"Honey, tell him quickly. Tell him," my mother chortled in joy.

"Right, my son. Please sign this one and make sure you won't leave any blank," he asked as he grabbed my hand and gave me a pen.

I signed the documents that I couldn't read at all.

"Nice, good job. You're really my son. Now, we can now fully enjoy our lives to the fullest!" he exulted, pumping his fist in the air with delight.

"P-p-pather, whut's guing on?" I asked with a stumble tone. He answered with confidence, "Son, you successfully become the owner of this planet. This is my gift for you!"

"Oh, that's great," I heaved a sigh of relief.

"Honey, we're running out of time. Our flight for the Diamond Planet will depart soon. We need to make haste. Oh, right. I almost forgot. Son, thank you for sacrificing yourself for us. This is the last moment we'll meet each other so please sign this one, as well," my mother placed down a tablet on the table. "We are going to live there for the rest of our lives so please make sure you always send us some allowance every month."

I tilted my head with confused face. Why were my parents were so desperate to leave? I thought we've managed to upgrade our lifestyle. We've become a noble family though.

"Son, this is our farewell. Don't worry, the Emperor will send here a young maid who'll become your aide," my father and my mother kissed my forehead and rubbed my cheeks before he left me alone.

"Francis, make sure to take good care of our child," my mother talked to the old butler. Francis lowered his head and pressed his hand on his chest with respect, "Yes, madam."

Afterward, the room fell into silence. The old butler looked at me with pitiful eyes.

"Mr. Francis," I called his name. His face flinched when he heard my voice, "Yes, milord. What can I do for you?" he asked.

His noble aura made me feel comfortable.

"What are these things? My apologies, I couldn't read anything here," I inquired, showing the tablets at him.

The old butler covered his mouth and almost ready to cry.

"Milord, what have they've done to a child like you? They didn't even explain everything to you. Lord Hadar, the first tablet you've signed was the transfer of title of all properties, territories, and right to rule under your name. You're now the new Baron of this planet. And this one, the blue color you're looking at contains the finances for the national defense, royal funds for infrastructure, and the central command key of this planet that should be protected at all cost. Once this is stolen by someone, you're going to lose your authority in this world. This is your lifeblood and most valuable treasure, milord. And this, this white tool you've signed is consisting of your eternal obligation to pay the outstanding debts, the external debts, and the parent's obligatory funds for their journey. By the way, these are the transfer funds for your parents and other relatives that should never fail to be left untouched. You are obliged to do it, mandatorily," Francis explained carefully.

'So, so heavy. These tools are too heavy to bear,' I gulped.

"O, oh, thank you very much, Francis. I will keep it in mind," I handed over the tablet to this old butler and returned to my playing ground.

"Poor child, so innocent. All of his brothers and sister's mismanagement turn this planet into a mess," he covered his mouth before he left.

My eyes glistered when I heard about it. Baron? I was now a Baron of this planet, huh. I clenched my fist and looked up at the ceiling. I had never thought that my beloved courier gave me a splendid gift.

"Everything on this planet is now in my hands," I said with a smug face.

Then, my eyes turned sharp like a villain. Now, I fully understood the rise of a rising tiger in the film like my idol Gus Fring, one of the main characters of Breaking Dawn series.

"Watch me, courier. Watch the beginning of my journey to the villainy. Hello, universe. The new evil lord will rise from the ranks in this intergalactic world," I declared with a crescent moon smirk.

Lord Hadar is now the new lord of remote area. Oh, well. Let's see what should he do next.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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