
Wait, I can Warp reality?

Our Main character one day gained the ability to warp reality! The only problem being that he's not in a Fictional world with this power. No, he's in ours! What will he do with such an ability? What will he change? What Waifus will he create? Read to find out! P.S Oh and the girls on the book cover? Yeah they'll be in the story.

ForThe_Lolzs · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs


A/n: Warning this chapter contains some pretty depressing shit, so if you are sensitive to that stuff be wary.


Washington Dc was in shambles. The once-great city, home to the nation's capital, now nothing more than a war zone. 

All around the city Yinzea rampaged and slaughtered its inhabitants. Uncaring for position or rank. Men, women, and even children were killed in droves.

Blood flooded the streets freely. 

" Dammit! Those monsters made it past the barricade!  Everyone, scatter! We can't afford to face them in direct combat!" 

Yet some still stood against the unrelenting forces of the Xenos. Small areas cornered off from the rest of the city gave some measure of protection. They were heavily defended with heavy artillery capable of inflicting some type of harm on the Alien invaders.

One such area was led by a woman with the name of Shera Bravebird. She, like many in the rank of lieutenant general, had a strong disposition and held a tactical mind. 

Shera is a tall Native American woman in her forties dressed in traditional army uniform befitting her rank. She has long black hair weaved into a ponytail, brown eyes, and an hourglass figure. 

She, currently, was overlooking her section of the city from a tall building. From her position, she could see the carnage the aliens wrought. It sickened her to her core to see such monsters destroy all that they had built. 

All orderly systems had begun to break down, anarchy and chaos ran rampant. There was no stopping the inevitable downfall of humanity. They would need a miracle to survive extinction, let alone guarantee the survival of their government. 

Sighing, Shera took a seat in an armchair before pulling out a bottle of liquor hidden within her jacket. Opening it she allowed the sweet smell of Brandy to enter her nose before taking a sip. The burning sensation going down her throat both calmed her and clouded her mind.

A woman of her stature wouldn't normally be drinking at such an integral time, but at this point, it mattered little. It'd be only a matter of time before the barricades fell to the physical might of the aliens.

Even now she could see the soldiers under her throwing their lives away in a vain attempt to protect the civilians within their fortification. 

'I always thought it'd be our own hubris that would be our undoing. Never in a million years did I think aliens were real and hostile.' Depressingly mused the lieutenant general. 

Glancing at the gun attached to her hip the thought to end it all crossed her mind. While a dishonorable way to die, she'd like to go on her terms and not some Xeno's.

Unclipping the gun she stared down the barrel. Its smooth features tempt her with a quick death. 

She was the last of her family, the rest having died during the American-Russian war or of natural causes. Even her husband and child were no longer amongst the land of the living, leaving her the last Bravebird in existence. Sera had no reason to live nor no one to live for.

The urge was there. To be free of the responsibility, to rest eternally and see her family again wherever they were. 

And as she turned off the safety clip and put the gun to her head she couldn't help but find the thought more and more appealing. She'd see the love of her life again. They'd be able to reminisce about the old days when things weren't so complicated. 

Her son, ah her son, she could already hear the giggling innocent laughter devoid of the cancerous pain inflicted upon his small body in life, the pure smile that stretched across his face as they played the games they couldn't when they were alive, and of course the bundle of soft silky hair that she never got to ruffle while still living.

A peaceful smile found itself on her face at such thoughts.

As she looked at the ongoing chaos in the city, she gave a self-defeating smile. 

' Even if I tried my best to save what little I could, it doesn't matter. I'm insignificant in the grand scheme of things so why waste the oxygen of others?' Shera reasoned to herself.

Her mind made up, her finger gently touched the trigger of her gun, not yet pulling it.

Taking a shaky breath to settle her nerves, the last bravebird let her mind wander to the last happy memory she had.

The scene of her son's eye's being filled with wonder as he saw a playground for the first time in his very short life. The pure joy she felt at that moment was something that'd she never forget in this life or the next.

Feeling her eyes begin to moisten, Shera closed her eyes and took one last intake of air. 

She was ready.

She pulled the trigger.


A/n: Hope You all enjoyed the chapter.

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