
Wait!! Is This Naruto??

In the modern world, there existed a certain soldier. And he was a Gurkha. The same Gurkha to which a German general said "If I had Gurkha, I could win the whole world." From Nepal. A country which never celebrates independence day despite battling with British Army. It's not like British couldn't win. It's just that they were astonished by Gurkha's bravery so much that they included them in their army way back before. His name was Hindu Prasad Lingden. He was currently retired and enjoyed living his life with his precious family. He used to be a professional in getting his job done. From assassination of terrorist to guard to spy to infiltration. He gets his job done quick and fast. And he had a motto. "Simply being weak than others doesn't mean you aren't strong. To overcome that dissatisfying feeling you simply have to work hard and surpass others." Now at first glance you may think he is someone who is very strict towards others and himself and doesn't like something small and may force his dreams to others and a stiff old guy. But he is exact opposite of that. He didn't force anything towards his family of any of his ideology. He let them choose their own dream. And the most surprising part about him is that he is an otaku or someone says weeb. And his favourite ones was related to his job which he loved since he was a child. Like Naruto and many others. He truly was veteran in his job but surprisingly he was more veteran in anime than his job. He had decided to join military through watching those Shinobi who are dedicated their life to protect their loved ones. But sadly he used to belong to poor family. But one day his cousin introduced him Naruto and he decided to never give up just like Naruto. So what would happen if such a guy enters the Shinobi world? Find out here. By the way Naruto doesn't belongs to me. I only own the new MC and some changes here and there. Note :- The mc will be good but not completely. He will be unpitying towards his enemies but this will be unlikely on some cases. As Naruto's full of broken villains. Also if you are interested, then by all means please join my discord server where we can chat and all. Link :- https://discord.gg/FcZNYA9y

Gokage_Sensumo · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs


It was my first day after my retirement. Although I could had done it way back earlier. But I felt I had the responsibility to do my best to defend this world against those bad guys in any story you would find anywhere in any book in any bookstore. And there is a difference between real and fiction. In fiction, the hero always wins cuz evil is bad and hero is good. But things don't go well in real world. Winning is very hard for good ones also including many sacrifices in reality. Cuz seems like evil guys have more strength and intelligence compared to good guy. Just like this young man whose fight which, I am rewatching. Obito Uchiha.

At first he was very dumb and so so weak. But after that incident in which he turned like that it seems like his intelligence and strength skyrocketed. At minimum chunin and maximum jonin to straight Kage level. Sigh. And his rival kakashi Hatake didn't get stronger that fast. Oh! it seems they both stabbed each other. And for today this much I guess. I rewatched Naruto Vs Neji. Naruto and Sasuke Vs Momoshiki. And other few important battles. Anyway, today I enjoyed a lot. Slurp... Ahh So nice. To be able to watch a masterpiece and enjoy the elegant taste of coffee.

Ring! Ring!

Hmm?? Anonymous??

Anyway," Hel—..."

"If you want your children alive, come here with all your cash. And don't even think about coming here with even one buck less."

"But sir, what did I did? Can you please let my children go?"

It seems they didn't got the wrong person. I can hear my son comforting his sister in the background. It seems even he couldn't defeat those guys. So they must be armed. But with no guns probably. Because currently I am here. My kohais won't let anyone with such dangerous items run around here and there in this area.

"Hmph. It seems we didn't got the wrong person. I know your that habit of monologue. Don't worry you children will live but at a price, being fatherless and at road from now on. I think I don't have to explain any more than this."


As if you were gonna let them live in the first place. But they shouldn't have killed them till now.

Sigh! And next Sunday I was gonna watch Boruto Vs Kawaki. But it's not the time to think about that. I should guess those guys must be at minimum 10 and 15 maximum cuz the government won't let wander many goons here and there. I guess it's time for action. Then I took out all my cash, important documents and all then moved on.

Now I will let those goons know why people call me The Demon Of Demonic Gurkha.

"So finally arrived, huh?"


"Old man/ Dad." Said my children almost like the fear had gone away from their eyes.

Hey I am a normal human being guys. But as expected of them. They really have a lot of trust on me. So I must not fail that trust.

"What a arrogant guy. Didn't even brought a gun or knife, huh?"Random 1.

"You really expect to take us down alone, huh! Is this guy underestimating us?"Random 2.

"It's just that I am retired, you see."

"Besides here, these are all the things you needed. Now could you mind letting them go?"

"Hey hey, did you really expect me to believe you. Surely you must have an idea of this situation. We don't want your DNA to ever exist in this world. So good bye. The so called demon. You three get him."

Then soon after one of those three underlings I assume threw a knife at my face aiming for a headshot. Do they play PUBG? But still it's advantageous for me. Easy to predict. I easily catched it. And...


All of them seems to be surprised as the knife was in my hand.

"You arrogant bastard."he yelled.

And in the process of yelling and hitting me with taking another knife and was about to again repeat then...

"If you are gonna attack then don't shout you scum."

I quickly threw the knife in my hands at his lower leg.

"Urgh!!"...he fell down as he yelled.


"Don't repeat the same mistake." I gave a tip.

Another underling proceeded to punch me in the face then I dodged to the opposite direction. Then catched his hand and threw him few metres away using a Aikido move using his hand.


Then one of them tried to stab me in the face. So if throwing doesn't work then close combat huh. But I simply put my body down and back kicked at his head. And boom...


He was down unconscious.

"Hey you one who is struggling to take out knife from his leg, I didn't hit any vital part so you should be fine so fast take that knife out and you also the second guy I beat run away from here fast. If you want to survive."


They both ran away leaving their comrade. Sigh. They must be anti kakashi.

"So now what? You mentioned no hinted me to probably bring cash only, not any weapon but this knife is your underlings' so hope you don't mind."

"Also I am disappointed in both those underlings and you guys. I was expecting 10 at minimum but you are exact half. Are you underestimating me or is it there is something I am not expecting."


No wonder I thought it was familiar.

"Hindu, you always never fail to amaze me. Nice meeting you comrade."

"What do you want?"

"What do you want, my ass. Of course revenge."

"Now stop being Danzo. And accept the reality. It's not like I wanted that position. Besides you already kne—"

"Know what? Let me guess your pathetic story. In which you decided to join military just because of that crap called Noruto or Neruto."

"It's Naruto."

"Yeah whatever. And this danzo shit is also from that, right?"

"Yes you are right about that shit."

"Huh! Anyway today I shall have my revenge. Don't worry like I mentioned before I won't take anything, nor kill you or your family. But today here right now you must fight me fair and square. No disturbance no rule. But must stop when the opponent is about to die. As I don't wanna die nor "

"So then here you go. Is this method okay?"


"Then come out all those who are hiding. Cuz if no then this liar is really gonna die."

"Wait how did you know?"

"Natural instinct?"

"Anyway let's start."

Then the fight went similar to a action movie I watched way back before. It had one of the best battle scene with knife. And I was standing alone with blood scattered all over my body. All the rest were lying down. Even I was breathing very fast. Although I am probably the world's strongest soldier. I am just a normal human being plus a retired one. So taking out this force I had to go all out even after retiring. (A/N The fight scene's link is in comment. And you will not regret watching it. It is from a Indian movie called Rocky Handsome. And the main character is none other than John Abraham. Btw ignore the story for now just focus on fight as the situation in that movie obviously is different from the fanfic's.)

"Hey you two idiots, run away from here fast and call Alex uncle. This is a very serious condition. Although you guys got some real skills you are just teenagers."

"Okay dad you were cool and thanks for saving us."

"Yeah. Thank you very much. We will return fast."

It seems that idiot son is thinking about how cool I am while my intelligent daughter is thinking on bringing help. But he is matured I guess. Cuz he was comforting his little sister.

"Hey, stop doing that."

"Now, what do you want? You guys are caught red handed. Even with someone like your rank propably would go to prison for whole life."


"Now what?"

I am getting bad vibes.

"Do you think we came unprepared? In case we failed we had plan B."

Then I realized their trick. I surely overestimated their strength but surely underestimated their number and resolve. They were willing to die if it meant my end.


I couldn't stop them. Then the hidden bomb blasted. Sigh. Atleast those two got a brave mom. And with this incident my juniors will focus on their safety very seriously. So I mustn't worry about regarding that matter. Goodbye my family. I love you.

As soon as those thoughts crossed my mind the whole building had already collapsed. And I was


AN So sorry guys I didn't include any Naruto world scene. In chapter one it will be done. And If the YouTube doesn't open from comments you can just search Rocky Handsome last battle scene on YouTube. If you love action hand to hand then you won't regret watching that video. And it is not like those type in which villain dies from one punch.