
Wait!! Is This Naruto??

In the modern world, there existed a certain soldier. And he was a Gurkha. The same Gurkha to which a German general said "If I had Gurkha, I could win the whole world." From Nepal. A country which never celebrates independence day despite battling with British Army. It's not like British couldn't win. It's just that they were astonished by Gurkha's bravery so much that they included them in their army way back before. His name was Hindu Prasad Lingden. He was currently retired and enjoyed living his life with his precious family. He used to be a professional in getting his job done. From assassination of terrorist to guard to spy to infiltration. He gets his job done quick and fast. And he had a motto. "Simply being weak than others doesn't mean you aren't strong. To overcome that dissatisfying feeling you simply have to work hard and surpass others." Now at first glance you may think he is someone who is very strict towards others and himself and doesn't like something small and may force his dreams to others and a stiff old guy. But he is exact opposite of that. He didn't force anything towards his family of any of his ideology. He let them choose their own dream. And the most surprising part about him is that he is an otaku or someone says weeb. And his favourite ones was related to his job which he loved since he was a child. Like Naruto and many others. He truly was veteran in his job but surprisingly he was more veteran in anime than his job. He had decided to join military through watching those Shinobi who are dedicated their life to protect their loved ones. But sadly he used to belong to poor family. But one day his cousin introduced him Naruto and he decided to never give up just like Naruto. So what would happen if such a guy enters the Shinobi world? Find out here. By the way Naruto doesn't belongs to me. I only own the new MC and some changes here and there. Note :- The mc will be good but not completely. He will be unpitying towards his enemies but this will be unlikely on some cases. As Naruto's full of broken villains. Also if you are interested, then by all means please join my discord server where we can chat and all. Link :- https://discord.gg/FcZNYA9y

Gokage_Sensumo · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter-1 Enter Uzumaki Naruto Part-1.

Huh! Where am I? Oh! It seems to be a forest. If I had run faster instead of thinking anything could I had survived? Probably no. The distance was huge till the safe point. Anyway...

"Let's wander around a little in heaven."

Huh! This voice. Am I imagining things? Wait. Besides my body size seems too small.

"No way."

Wait!! Is this Naruto? But how? As far as I can remember I was dead due to my comrade no ex comrade. I guess somehow I must have transmigrated in Naruto's body. But why exactly?And who did it? Oh I think I remember this scene. It's the part where I meet him for the first time. But first let's meet another important guy.

Then I meditated for seven minutes forty nine seconds. I got it. This warm feeling. That's it. It's chakra. Huh! Ouch... Ugh. Those villagers. They really did those bad things to him. If someone could read my thoughts. And even if he was an idiot he could understand this situation. I just got the original memories of the Naruto Uzumaki. Or technically Naruto Namikaze which I am gonna get that name in the future. So let's meet the guy which is locked in me. Then after forty nine and fifty eight seconds I was successful in entering the sewer kinda thing. But luckily it wasn't smelling. Afterwards I followed the path same way like the anime and I reached my destination.

"So the warden of the jail finally comes to visit, huh!"

"Um what's your name and what do you mean by me being warden and what is it?"

"Now what kinda guy is he? All I can sense from is pure intentions like he wants to be friends... No don't let your guard down you are Kurama." He thought.

"And why should I tell you? Besides who are you to order me? Anyway come here rip this seal off and I can be free, you brat."

"Hmph. He is just a child seeing me he would fear me and obediently rip this seal off. My ass. And why is he looking like he is gonna say some daring thing." Thought him.

"Right back at you. Who are you to order me? From what I have heard jail is a thing where bad guys go. And I won't free a bad guy. But you don't seem like a bad guy except you seem to be a bit arrogant. And I am saying this last time. Say me your god damn name." I replied.

"What a intelligent child. As expected of genes, but it wasn't so before."

"Hey, right now you were thinking about my father, weren't you?"

"Interesting." Kurama thought.

"Yes about that annoying guy who sealed me inside you."

"So seems like my theory went right."

"What?" He thought.

"What theory?"

"No wonder they called me such things and it seems like he definitely was my father."

"It seems this time, I didn't got an dumb jinchuriki."

"So jinchuriki means people like me, correct?"

"Correct. And listen you are the jinchuriki of the strongest tailed beast the great nine tails fox."

"Hmm. First of all nine tails is your nickname because you have it and fox is your species. I think I want your name."

"Is this that guy, that father was talking about? The child of prophecy. No I must not make decisions rashly. Let's observe him for now. If it is so then first of all I must gain his trust. Although I killed his parents he doesn't seem to have any ill intentions towards me at all. This is the proof that he may be that so called child. And he may defeat that masked Uchiha." Kurama thought.

"It's Kurama."

"I see. It's a nice name. So Mr.Kurama why the hell did you kill my parents?"


"Because I was angry, that Masked Uchiha guy had controlled me. And when I was free. That guy tried to seal me again inside you."

"I see Kurama, even I wouldn't love loosing my freedom."

Afterwards we talked for a while and he revealed a lot of things to me about Shinobi world after I successfully manipulated him but ofcourse I didn't had any bad intentions although I had to give my 100 percent cuz he is the most strongest tailed beast and he is way more smarter than me as he has lived for thousands of years. Now seems like I am gonna pass History easily. Then I went out of my inner mind.

"For now let's catch some fish and eat it. And meet the second guy."

Afterwards I easily captured four fish then....

"Who is there?"

I suddenly sensed someone very strong and panicked.

"Ho!. How were you able to detect me?"

I wondered who was near me and yelled as I panicked. Cuz it might be Tobi. But it seems I didn't encountered anyone dangerous. The one I met was none other than The Third Hokage. Hiruzen Sarutobi. I must remember this presence.

"I was able to just like that. Anyway I think I have never seen you before. Hmm. Oh I got it. You are the one whose face is on the mountain. Are you someone important?"

"Oh! why do you want to know?"

"Cuz I also wanna be someone like that and be acknowledged by all villagers. And to make your face mountain, it means you are someone really important, right?"

"Yes. Also sorry to make you repeat your question young boy. I am Hokage the leader of the village and the strongest Shinobi. By the way, what is your name?"

"Me? I am the future Hokage Uzumaki Naruto."

"I see. I see. But why do you want to be so?"

"Because I was thinking of becoming a Shinobi past few days. But I didn't even recognized the strongest Shinobi the Hokage. I guess I have a long road ahead."

"Yes you are certainly correct. But don't lose hope and remember the road to Hokage isn't a easy one."

"I know if it was that easy then it won't be worth it. Cuz then there would be no difference at all."

Then after that we talked a lot. Like about the stars up above the sky which is way bigger than our sun. And how the world was so huge, and human's existence was very small compared to it. And maybe I was a child again, his stories seem pretty interesting to me. And also I gave him some of my fish.

"Hey gramps, you seem to know a lot."

"Yes. That's true being Hokage isn't a easy task you see. So I need to know a lot to protect the village."

"I see. So what should I do to become Hokage?"

"First of all, you need to unlock your chakra and then learn Ninjutsu, Taijutsu and Genjutsu using it. Hone your skills and get acknowledged by the village."

"It seems it's gonna be way harder than I thought. Because right now you are the only one I get along with. But honing my skills should be easy."

Hmm. I can think about the meaning of his first sentence easily, it seems that guy is spreading rumours about Naruto. As there were no one except me, my Anbu and his Anbu during the that time. And I am pretty sure I and my Anbu didn't do anything. But did he actually did it? I can already sense a little chakra in his body, hmm he probably should be unaware of it. Hiruzen thought.

"Naruto okay first of all I shall teach you how to awaken your chakra. Which of course won't be done right away. It may take up to few weeks considering your age."

"So you mean that warm thing I just felt currently was chakra?"

Impossible so he already did it huh. Minato Kushina you would be very proud if you heard your child's accomplishment. Also he may surpass you because even someone like strong as you didn't achieve this feat so early. Hiruzen thought.

"So Naruto, can you show me what did you just unlock?"


Then I pretended to medicate as if I wanted I could easily feel my chakra but let's take some time so that he won't find me suspicious. After one minutes. I did what I did before. And he was astonished. Probably thinking something like he really did it at a very young age.

"Okay Naruto it seems you really unlocked your chakra. For now I am gonna give you a simple chakra control training which won't harm you but still you must be careful about it. And remember this is way harder then unlocking chakra so don't get discouraged if you didn't get it for a few days, okay?"

Then he explained me the leaf sticking exercise. I guess this is where we part ways.

"Okay. Thanks and bye gramps."

"Yeah goodbye Naruto."

Then I trained a lot day by day and in my third day the results were shown. I was able to stick a leaf in my head using chakra.

"Yay! By this way I would really be strongest Shinobi earlier."

Then I couldn't sense him watching me with his mysterious ball. So I decided delay telling my results a few days. As I was currently just four years old man. Although not mentally, but still physically it's near to impossible in achieving what I just achieved I think. As I don't know what's normal here.

Then after four days, I was planning on telling him about it then I heard a knock. Then I was gonna op—. Wait let's try it. Then I closed my eyes. Yes it's definitely him. Although it was vague I was able to detect him. It's gramps. Then I opened the door.

"Good morning Naruto. Oh! it seems you have finally paid attention on cleaning. It's good to see your room clean. Here take this although it's small amount. You may use it to buy whatever you feel necessary."

"Okay, thanks a lot. By the way I was coming to you to report that I finally mastered leaf sticking exercise. Look here."

Then I put a leaf in my head and demonstrated the leaf sticking exercise.

"Ho! I am really impressed Naruto. I didn't expect you to master it this easily and not to mention in such a short time. You really are a prodigy of once in a generation."

"Thanks a lot, gramps."

Deep inside my heart I really felt happy.

"By the way do you have a paper and a pen Naruto?"

"Yes, I have it."

I quickly went and searched it and brought it. Then he wrote some basic exercise like push up, squat, plank, sit up and all. And he parted his way after we had a conversation about some things. And during that I asked about my parents to him and he replied that they had died during the nine tailed fox attack which happened four years ago. And somehow I made him spill their names to me but only after I became a chunin.

Also during past week. I planned various things. The matter regarding the Uchiha clan. I decided to follow the original plot but still I feel very bad about it. But still deep down I know I can't do anything. As even if I trained hard to avoid that tragedy at best I would be at jonin level. Plus my reputation in the village is way worse. And the Uchihas are very angry at me cuz of nine tails. As they were isolated due to Kurama's attack. Sigh. And also back then I sure was strongest but wasn't the smartest one.

And one day I decided to explore the village. Currently it was snowing. And I was roaming around the village ignoring those stares and glare. And at a deserted place I saw three boys bullying a girl. The victim was none other than the shy Hyuga heiress Hyuga Hinata. C'mon you have the basic dojutsu of the otstsuki clan plus you are from the mighty Hyuga clan. Sigh. Let's save her. I quickly transformed into a normal civilian and went forward. How did I learned it? I already knew the hand signs and even Konohamaru was able to atleast do a decent one within a day I guess in second episode.

"Hey you guys knock it off." I said.

"Huh! who are you? Never seen your face before." A punk replied.

Although there were three of them. Their total power was lower than my seventy Percentage full power plus I have my experience.

"My name is Nar-Naoto. And it seems you don't know to whom you are bullying. She is the heiress of the Hyuga clan. If her parents find about this you would be in serious trouble."

"Hmph. Someone with these weird ugly eyes couldn't be from such a prestigious clan."

"Yeah. Yeah."

"And now you too are added to the list."

Sigh." It can't be helped then."

Then one of them came shouting at me with the objective to punch me in the face. How many times I gotta say this.

"Don't shout if you're gonna attack."

I catched his hand and put him down. And applied a little hand force.

"Ugh. Aargh. Stop it. Time out."

I then kicked him in the stomach with my middle part of leg. He was easily knocked out. Then two of them ran from two sides at a high speed one of them jumped and kicked me. I simply catch him and throw him far away. Then another one tried to attack me in the gut. I stepped side to the right then hit him with my elbow plus front kicked him in the stomach. He flew few meters away. Perhaps they weren't expecting to lose despite having number advantage.

"Now. Scram fast."

"Tch. We will surely get you next time."

Typical bad guy line.

"Hey you. Are you alright?"

"Umm. Y-Yes. I am f-fine. And t-thanks for saving m-me."

"Okay. Bye. And since you are the Hyuga heiress. You should have one or two guard or caretaker. Ask your father for it. It should be easy If you explained the current situation of yours."

"O-okay. Bye."

"Yeah. Bye."

Afterwards Hinata talked to her father about it but hesitantly. And he assigned a clan member for it. Perhaps he may try to find me. But it's impossible. And I continued doing my training plus practicing different martial arts as I knew a ton of it. And then time continued to pass on as I did my training and when I was six I entered the academy. But something was different.

I had totally changed my appearance. My hair style was little tilted towards left and I had a mask just like Kakashi. And I was wearing clothes similar to boruto with black colour as main just like him but instead of pink there was orange colour. And I wasn't wearing a jacket. But was wearing a hoodie. And it seems I was assigned to Iruka's class just like in the anime. Then my graduation exam was about to come. Everything was same as the original timeline. Everything except I trained real hard. Which only Hiruzen knows but not my full power. And today I had to inform him something important so I visited him. And I transformed into a normal civilian and made an appointment. My turn came after few hours.


"As expected, it was you Naruto. So what do you want?"

"But first can you do that? I want some privacy."

"So it's that serious huh? Okay fine."

Then he did that which we did only one time before when I had to inform him something important just like today. It was to tell all Anbu to go away and put some privacy seal. Although he wasn't good as my father and Jiraiya he still was the Hokage and God Of Shinobi.

"So what did you want to talk about?"