
Waifu Support

Catalog fic go brrr. Getting into some shady deal is never a good idea, more so when it involves beings beyond our imagination. So how did I get a job from the company? I have no idea. Fun for the whole family, especially when the smut rolls in. Cover Photo isn't mine btw. Support me on pa treon: pa tre on.com/balls1124

balls_1124 · Video Games
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13 Chs

Pixie, Soul of the Depressed


Why does this sound like a One Piece thing?

"Ooh, quite the unique appearance you all have. A silver woman, a demon with a human exterior, a human wearing a demon's body like a suit, and an agent of the ones above. What a bunch all of you are." Pixie pointed out, giggling to herself.

"Speak for yourself, it isn't every day that we get to see a fairy flying around like this is some sort of Disney movie." Chiaki stated in an amused voice.

"Besides calling us wolves in sheep's clothing, what else are you here for? Because if I recall, the fae were very well known for their tricks." Yuko asked, making the rest of us weary of the little fairy.

"No, no no. I was, in fact, just looking for someone who could take me to Yoyogi Park. The outside is very dangerous, especially if you're alone. " She clarified, waving her hands wildly in the air.

"Alright, you can tag along. But, you'll be the one guiding us there. That shouldn't be that hard, right?" Now I hear you saying "Capture her dumbass!". We can do that later, relax. Either way, who wouldn't want to capture a girl's heart in the relative peace of a park?

"Yup, though, I should tell you, a strong demon blocks our path. Should we be weak enough to fail, then we're as sure as dead." The previous atmosphere was murdered, and replaced by one of dread.

"You guys shouldn't really worry that hard, I'm pretty sure that both our resident angel and this pixie have a heal spell of some kind, so any injury is but a second away from disappearing." Trying to ease everyone's minds, my words had the slightest effect, at least now there was some hope of beating the giant ray.

"How can you be so calm? It's like the prospect of death doesn't even phase you. Almost like you're playing a game and we're just characters you move around without a care in the world." Chiaki criticized.

I don't think this was supposed to happen… How did people in fanfics do it again? Because usually people just fuck their problems away. And I don't necessarily want most of my days to be filled with women's bodies stacked on top of each other. A problem for later I guess. We can just explain things when we get to the save point up ahead, bullshitting something for that shouldn't be that hard since the amala boxes are used for teleportation.

"I also wonder about the same thing. My mind is a confusing mess of jumbled up cogs and wheels, you don't know what it is, and you don't know where it's going, but it somehow functions. But I guess that can go for anything else." I replied in a bored tone.

Philosophy or whatever refers to someone's mentality was never my strong suit, though it was fun to use when you are very bored and want to piss people off.

"Then let me guess, you're going to say 'no one can understand me'? Cut that chunni stuff out, I thought most people got through that phase years ago."

Surprisingly, while all of this was happening, the rest of them just stood there, laying idly while fiddling around with their thumbs, unable to pick a side.

"You know what, I'll just lay it straight since you want the answers so badly. I started working for a company that sells anyone and anything that people want to get their hands on. Hell, there could even be copies of me in there if you look hard enough."

"I seriously thought you were better than this Sora, human trafficking? Really? What would happen if your parents found out." Yuko pointed out a threat that didn't particularly matter nor had any weight to me at all.

"Screw it, let's just get this part over with and we can all talk about this when we find a better place, I bet all this talking is bound to attract at least one demon." Plan B it is.

"That would be most appreciated, thank you. Acting like a third wheel to an arguing couple is entertaining at first, but gets dry after they start reiterating points." Pixie exclaimed, likely recalling from experience.

"You better not forget." Chiaki grumbled, not noticing the shape of her hand changing slightly.

Grabbing the various healing items on the way, we sparingly used them, as we slowly made our way out, killing most of the fodder demons by exploiting their many elemental weaknesses. Hooray for early game logic.

Running around the halls again got a bit boring but multiple souls and non-hostile demons did spice things up even if it was just a little bit. Though there was one thing that I certainly didn't expect.

Going alone, I took the ladder up to the courtyard area from the basement. The first thing I saw after feeling the hot air for the first time was a soul, blankly staring at a window. "Hello? Do you need anything?" I asked it, moving over to its side.

"My fiance died right in front of my eyes, ripped from my grasp by a big bird monster looking thing… Do you think I'm fine?" What the fuck did I just stumble into?

I could brush it off as a random encounter, or I could try to console the man. But, the only thing I can do at this point is give the man solace for his beloved. My eyelids felt heavy, and taking a shaky inhale, I said. "I might have a way to return you to your wife and for both of you to leave this place."

That was able to instantly grab his attention, some light returning to his blue shell. "Are you really sure? You're not pulling my leg, are you?" Small tears ran down his face as asked these questions.

"Yes, and I'm sure I can find your wife, all you have to do is close your eyes, and I'll take you with me." Whether out of sheer desperation or some other emotional factor, he believed me, resting his eyes for but a second before my shroud manifested and sucked his soul into my body, a feeling of relief passing through me.

Anything for some power, right guys? We'll find her... one day, not today, but soon enough.

Reversing my steps, I got back down the ladder and I didn't utter a word unless it were for combat. The rest of the trip was mostly quiet, but I tried to lighten up the mood by cracking the occasional joke here and there, but it did nothing to break the somber atmosphere until we got further ahead anyway.
