
Waifu Support

Catalog fic go brrr. Getting into some shady deal is never a good idea, more so when it involves beings beyond our imagination. So how did I get a job from the company? I have no idea. Fun for the whole family, especially when the smut rolls in. Cover Photo isn't mine btw. Support me on pa treon: pa tre on.com/balls1124

balls_1124 · Video Games
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13 Chs

First Fight, Angel

Ah the elevator, a gateway to another world it seems. The damn thing set us to a small part of amala… I think, very confusing when you button mash your way through the lore.

And right in front of us was the true demon pair, a lady in black and Hellel. "Well, well, well. I never expected Baal to be here." The little kid turned old man spoke in a raspy voice. "Hm, it also seems like Aradia's here to join him, how interesting." The lady in black remarked, moving a hand over to her cheek.

""Show us your true strength, dragon!"" Both of their voices echoed through the labyrinth.

"What do they mean by dragon?... Hey Ms. Takao, do you know anything about this? It also might explain how we got these weird powers." Chiaki questioned her more knowledgeable teacher.

"Unfortunately, I neither know nor have the slightest form of an answer, at this point in time, we are grasping at straws. A theory as to our situation could be that we merged with some random demon while the conception wrought the world of any life. Though, it's just a silly theory, nothing more." She replied calmly, raising a hand to fiddle with her powers.

"But, this entire thing is a test of power. If the old man's words are to be followed, then we might have to fight, maybe even kill a demon. To make this easier, why don't we share what our powers do. So that we can perhaps use them to complement the other's moveset." I interjected, adding my own two cents to the matter. We took a moment to consider our options, but, a demon found it's way behind us, striking me in the back.

"No time! We'll have to deal with this guy first." Looking back around, two demons jumped from the shadows. The first was seemingly made of green paper with a couple of spiral drawings strewn about, lazily flying in the air. While the other was a low level angel, standard white wings on her back and BDSM gear.

"Why would anyone wear that to a battle?" I heard one of my companions comment, but I wasn't able to give a response as the piece of paper lunged at me without a second thought.


Holy shit! That wet piece of paper hits like a punch to the face. "Yuko hit it with fire, Chiaki, do whatever you want to the other one, just don't kill it." I sent out those commands to both of them, buffing out speed and attack while doing so.

In an instant, the air around both enemies condensed and combusted, leaving one dead and the other very weakened. Walking up to the injured angel, I initiated negotiations.

"It seems that your little sneak attack failed, I wonder what the little birdie will do now."

Hearing my taunts, a bright green light shone from her body, healing the damage that was previously done to her. But it wasn't very effective when an angel's only mode of attack was something I could entirely nullify.

"Sad to say, but that won't do much against me. You'd have a better time just running away than trying to fight. So what are you supposed to do, I hear you say. Well, I'm a relatively kind man, so you'll have two options instead of one. The first ends in you dying and my group moving on, destroying many of your kind. And the second option is where you join me, growing stronger, stronger than even your employers. So how about it? You have 10 seconds to choose before we finish you."

The angel's eyes darted across the room, her mind certainly going a mile a second. Panic and despair quickly rooted themselves. In the heat of the moment, she practically blurted out the words. "I-"


It just wasn't her day today.

To start, she was late for her first day of work, and now the delay caused her to be teleported to another location in Amala. And had only one option, to choose either life or death. She was always clumsier than the others in heaven, but she had never thought that it'd get this bad.

'Betray the Holy Father, or condemn hundreds, maybe even thousands…'


Clutching onto her blindfold, the thought of taking one consumed her, the guilt weighing down her decisions.


"I'll join you!" She blurted, lowering down to the floor to kowtow. She more or less smashed her forehead with the speed, a slight amount of blood spilled from a small wound.

"Good, now just hold still. This will only take a minute or so." A cold wet feeling strapped itself onto the exposed portions of her skin, which was most of her body. Following that, a burning sensation raptured the surface of the organ, contrasting itself from the cool.

It was like a war broke out, the angel could feel bits and pieces of her essence decaying, but she endured, pushing through the pain. Soon, appendages stretched her weak limbs out, exposing her loosely clothed body.

She tried to resist, but they were just too strong, it was only a matter of time before a meaty shaft had formed itself on her lips, forcefully prodding its way inside her mouth. She tried to ignore it, but the thing was just too big, coupled with the fact that her lower lips were being teased by similar objects.

Not like she could tell what was going on. The blindfold was always a hindrance that the higher ups forced everyone in the first rank to wear.

A tinge of regret reared its ugly head, was she really going to allow her body to be defiled in such a manner? But another came to justify what she had done. "Why stop now?" It just started so why not follow along. If the man's words are to be believed, then, the strength that she would gain from following him would be enough to put her at the top with the seraphs.

Releasing any sort of resistance, she let the things do whatever they wanted to her body, giving complete reign over the god given vessel.

POV returned

That was surprisingly easier than I thought. Though, some random demons jumped from the woodworks to surprise us while the capture was ongoing. All of them weren't that much of a threat, going down in a hit or two.

On the topic of level ups, it's just weird, like a furnace was just shoved into your stomach and lava poured straight into your veins. Even weirder was the unknown knowledge that just shoved it's way into the depths of my head, gaining mastery on the basic move 'lunge'.

Quite interesting, I know. But the whole damn thing was so specific, down to the last detail, foot placement, and force applied. It was almost like someone made a cookie cutter outline on how to become the demi-fiend.

Moving on to Angel's capture (I should probably give her a name), she stood at an okay t4. Not great, but it is to be expected. And while I could help her by buying any one of the talents, I'd rather hold off on that until she fully evolves into her god tier form.

Now that I think about it, the three starter waifus, angel, lilim, and pixie, all have endgame evolutions… It's about time I start a genocide.

I'd like to reiterate that mapper is a godsend in these types of worlds, no longer will you bumble around for 50 hours wondering what the hell was going on, now I had a map I could actually read.

Going through another large sliding door, we were greeted by old man Lucifer accompanied by the old not old lady in black. "Congratulations, you made it. Your strength is outstanding, and your ability to recruit beings with that Thing is even more so. Continue impressing me and I will give you the answers you seek." The fallen angel's voice echoed.

And just as quickly as they appeared, so did they leave, just another passing memory that will inevitably reappear to remind us of something important, to guide us in some weird direction.

With their disappearance, we were once again dropped back into the basement, in the same place we left, this time, with a new member to our little group.

Filing inside, we took our time to unwind and decompress, after all, we just experienced our first fight that could end in our deaths if we weren't at all careful.

"So, are you really an angel?" Chiaki asked, her hand brushing over the feathers on the wing.

"Yes. And if you could, please stop touching my feathers. That would be nice. Heaven culture only permits our wings to be touched by a superior. And while I'm not questioning your rank in this… harem," As the word left her mouth, she nervously scanned the room, seeing if what she said was wrong in some way. Getting no response or violent reactions, she continued on. "The only person who I'd perhaps allow is the man. I'm sorry if this offends you in any way."

It was then that my brain finally caught up with me and I introduced myself.

"Now that I think about it, I never did tell you my name, right? Well, my name is Sora, though if you insist, then you can call me whatever you like. As for the others, we'll do that later, we should reach the first floor in a few seconds." While I was bound to be called by such a title eventually, it'll need some getting used to, not too long though.


With the elevator doors closing behind us, I directed the group to the boss room. On the way there, we encountered many souls, all of them clamoring to get out of the hospital. Though, after all of this, we found our second new addition to the crew, a pixie.