
Waifu Catalog: Power Trip

I never thought that a CYOA would be a hidden Job Application being made by a company that dwells in slavery across the universe, but here we are. After filling out that CYOA Waifu Catalog, I get transported into my favorite game with a chance of getting more powerful and visiting another world as well. Well, I will do my best for my new job. Author Note! It's a bit slow in action (Lemon Included), but it will get there.

LuxVonDeux · Video Games
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88 Chs

Chapter 71

|3rd POV|

Another meeting happened in the war room. This time, there are only seven people in the room. Lord Boz, Admiral Raja, Kisara, Lucretia, Freyjadour, Sialeeds and Lyon.

"Are you sure this is not a trap, Lord Boz?"

Raja looks at the general in front of her. Boz shakes his head and says.

"I want to say one hundred percent it is not a trap, but I am proud of my ability to read someone. Shula Valya was not lying when he said he wanted to ally with us. Also, I don't think the stamp on the letter is fake."

Currently, they are discussing the letter from the New Armes Kingdom. The letter's content is about how they want to join the loyalist army after knowing Godwin wants to brainwash them using the power of Sun Rune.

The New Armes' King is angry at the betrayal of Godwin and afraid of Chiyome and Gerrald. The two of them might not know it, but the news of their legendary feat has already spread across the continent. The mind of a merchant that can feed the entire army on his own and his bodyguard that can destroy a literal army.

They did not know that Gerrald and Chiyome were not the citizens of Falena Queendom and were afraid that the queen of Falena would order the two of them to attack the New Armes Kingdom just after they lost one of their biggest army divisions.

Because of this, the king decided to swallow his pride, ask for forgiveness, and offer a temporary alliance against Godwin. He makes sure it sounds as if this decision is because of revenge so he can ensure his image stays as clean as possible.

"I still did not trust it."

Raja shakes her head and looks at Lucretia.

"What do you think, Miss Tactician?"

Lucretia thinks for a few seconds before saying.

"I think we should agree with this."

The other looks at her in confusion.

"King Jalat is afraid. He is afraid that we will attack his kingdom after we are done with Godwin's force. After Gerrald and his group defeat the Armes Southern Mountain Corps, there are strange movements from the other countries bordering them. If we attack them, the other countries will also use this chance to attack. He did not want this, and to prevent this from happening, he would rather give up his thinking of taking Falena's territory and offer us a temporary alliance."

And Lucretia nails it in the head. She already thinks of several reasons for King Jalat to give up supporting Godwin, and this reason makes the most sense to her.

"Because of this, I think we should accept their invitation." Lucretia looks at Freyjadour and says. "Your Highness, please visit Yashuna Village and meet with the representative of the New Armes Kingdom. I will also come with you to this meeting alongside my bodyguards. What do you think, Your Highness?"

Freyjadour thinks for a few seconds before saying.

"Very well. Let's meet them and listen to what they want from us."

"Good. We will depart in two hours. Take the thing that needs to be taken, but make sure not too much. Raja, I need a couple of boats that will take us there and a sailor that can take us out of that place as fast as possible in case of emergency."

Raja nods and looks at Kisara, who says.

"I will prepare our best boat and ask Logg to take you there."

"Thank you, Kisara." Lucretia then looks at Boz. "Boz, I have some news that people from the Island Nation Federation will soon arrive at Estrise. Can you welcome them and make sure they are well-fed?"

Boz nods and says.

"Leave them to me, Lucretia."

"Thank you."

Lucretia nods and gets up from her seat.

"With this, the meeting is adjourned."

Freyjadour, Sialeeds, and Lyon leave the room and get to the fifth floor, where their rooms are located. When they reach the fifth floor, they can smell something delicious coming from the roof. The three of them see Gerrald and his usual group having fun while Gerrald makes a burger on a grill he takes from his pocket dimension.

"Oh! Frey! Sialeeds! Lyon! You guys are here! Take a seat! I make a lot of burgers before I go and do some trade."

Freyjadour wipes the drool out of his mouth and says.

"Sadly, we cannot do that, Gerrald. We are about to go to Yashuna Village and meet someone from Armes. They are offering us help because they realize that Godwin wants to brainwash them."

"Ah, I see."

Gerrald nods his head and takes out a wooden box.

"Take a seat then. I will prepare food for you. You can eat them on the road."

While Freyjadour hesitates, Sialeeds happily sits next to Nikea and takes some of the food the martial artist is about to eat.

"Hey! Give them back!"

Seeing his aunt happily eat one of the skewers, Lyon and Freyjadour sit on the ground and take one of the skewers. When the food touches their tongue, the two of them moan in pleasure as the Faerie Feast does its magic.

It has been over a week since they tasted Gerrald's cooking, and they are glad to eat some of his cooking before they do their duty.

Seeing from the side, Gerrald smiles a little when he sees Freyjadour's face. He is glad that his cooking can make the prince relax a little. He is a little bit sad for Freyjadour. It is hard to have the fate of an entire country on your shoulders when he is this young.

At the age of seventeen, he needed to fight in a war. Freyjadour could not even drink alcohol in his previous life, but he already participated in a war and needed to lead an entire army to take over his country.

After he is done cooking the burger and skewer, he puts them inside the bento box and gives them to Freyjadour.

"Here you go. Take this and enjoy it when you are on the boat. Be careful out there."

"En! Thank you, Gerrald!"

If you want to read more and support me, you can visit my P@treon: P@treon.com/Luxvondeux

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