
Waifu Catalog: Power Trip

I never thought that a CYOA would be a hidden Job Application being made by a company that dwells in slavery across the universe, but here we are. After filling out that CYOA Waifu Catalog, I get transported into my favorite game with a chance of getting more powerful and visiting another world as well. Well, I will do my best for my new job. Author Note! It's a bit slow in action (Lemon Included), but it will get there.

LuxVonDeux · Video Games
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88 Chs

Chapter 70

"Sir Gerrald!"

I open my eyes and look to the side to see one of the soldiers look at me. Today is a day for Chiyome and me to have a picnic. Well, we have already eaten all the food, and we are about to have a little nap. Sable might be a rocky mountain, but there are a couple of places with trees tall enough to cast a shadow on the ground.

We use that place to have a relaxing time and make sure to pamper Chiyome with the greatest food she has ever eaten using the [Faerie Feast] perk and give her an orgasmic massage using the [Sticky Finger] perk.


By the look of his face, it looks like my time here has come to an end.

"Sir Gerrald! A letter from Ceras Lake castle has come. It is for your eyes only, sir."

I nod and take the letter from him before reading it. After reading for a few seconds, I look at him and say,

"Can you tell the sailor to prepare a boat for me? I need them to take me back to Ceras Lake Castle."

"Of course, sir! Right away!"

I nod and see him run back to Sable.

"What is it, Lord Master?"

"Hmmm? Lucretia calls us back. We will continue our original plan by defeating the Armes Southern Mountain Corps."

"Ah, we will go on an offensive, huh?"

"That's right. We need to go back to the HQ so we can talk about which direction we should take."

Lucretia says that we will need more food and other supplies, but at the moment, she wants me to come and give my opinion on the next move.

"Should we prepare, Lord Master? You said that you want to ask me to do something, right?"

"Hmmm, I think so. Chiyome, when we are back at Ceras Lake Castle, I need you to continue the first mission. However, your main mission is to protect the Queen. I don't want Godwin to do something reckless as we push them to the corner."

"Of course, Lord Master."

"I also need you to prepare for Rainwall City at a moment's notice to start the plan's second stage. We need to weed out the bad roots to ensure this country stays intact. I am sorry for asking you this, Chiyome."

"You did not need to worry about me, Lord Master. I did not like wanton destruction and a fight without reason. However, I agree with weeding out a bad root to ensure the tree stays strong. That is a good excuse I can follow wholeheartedly."

I smile at Chiyome and say.

"Thank you, dear. You are truly the best."

I give her a hug and see her blushing. She was a married woman, but she blushed like a virgin at the sign of affection directed at her. Cute.

I release her and say.

"Let's go back and start our journey."


"Thank you for coming, Gerrald, Dinn."

I nod and take my seat next to Kisara. The servant places a cold drink for me, and Dinn then leaves the room, leaving the inner circle alone.

"Let's start this meeting. We first need to discuss our target for the next movement. Do we need to use our original plan of attacking the east to go to Lunas, or should we secure the western front and attack Doraat Fortress?"

The others look down and start to think. This is an important decision. If we attack Doraat, we need another time to liberate Lunas, but if we go to Lunas, there is a chance of Doraat attacking. However, we can send a portion of our force to defend that side. We have already fortified Lelcar, and it can defend against the incoming enemy. Lelcar is a great city to defend, after all.

"What do you think, Your Highness?"

The prince looks at Lucretia momentarily before looking at the table again. I release a sigh when I see that expression. Freyjadour wants to rescue his dear aunt, but at the same time, he knows that taking back Doraat needs to be done.

I look at Frey and say.

"You did not need to worry about your aunt, Your Highness."

The other looked at me curiously. Frey looks at me and says.

"What do you mean, Gerrald?"

"I will send Chiyome to guard your aunt and sister, the queen. She will never let anyone hurt them. I swear in the name of my family."

He looks at me for a second before nodding.

"Thank you, Gerrald."

Freyjadour and Sialeeds look at me with bright smiles. I wave my hand and say.

"It is not a problem, Frey Frey."

He nods and looks at Lucretia.

"Let's attack Doraat once again."

Lucretia nods her head with a smile and says.

"Very well. We are already preparing for an offensive campaign and ready to go. The only thing we need is food."

Lucretia looks at me and says.

"I am sorry for asking this, Gerrald. However, can you go and visit Nirva Island for me? Because of your power, Armes will let you go and visit that place. They only stop you when you are a merchant and bring a lot of supply to trade or gold to buy supply. However, with your power, you can hide among the people who want to go to Nirva Island."

"Wait a second, Lucretia. That is too risky for him."

Before I can say something, Sialeeds slams her hand on the table.

"He is already famous now. Godwin already spread his face and told the others about his ability to move goods from one place to another. It is true that the Godwin family have yet to know about his gift fully, but they must be already telling the Armes about him, and they will not let Gerrald pass their blockade of the port."

Kisara and Raja nod their heads in agreement, and Kisara says.

"I must agree with Lady Sialeeds in this, Lady Lucretia. We cannot send him to Nirva Island because Godwin will catch him."

Lucretia looks at them and says.

"Do you think I did not know that? I know that already, but attacking and defending are two different things. We need more food because we are moving. We can stretch the food we have thin, but it will decrease our morale. We cannot do that. I am already planning a way to let him sneak into one of the ships. There is a high chance he can move without them noticing."

"But there is a chance that they will notice him!"

I decide to interrupt them and say.

"I have a solution for this."

Lucretia looks at me and says.

"What do you mean, Gerrald?"

"I can do something that satisfies the two things you are talking about."

I snap my finger, and a fifty-kilogram bag of rice appears and lands on the table.

"Did you guys forget that I have an emergency supply of food in my pocket dimension?"

Sialeeds looks at me for a few seconds before saying.

"How much do you have, Gerrald?"

"I have enough food to feed us for a year or two in my pocket dimension."

I smirk a little at their shocked expression. What? I need to prepare in case I get thrown into a place with a lack of food. There is nothing wrong in preparing for the future.

If you want to read more and support me, you can visit my P@treon: P@treon.com/Luxvondeux

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