
Waifu Catalog: Power Trip

I never thought that a CYOA would be a hidden Job Application being made by a company that dwells in slavery across the universe, but here we are. After filling out that CYOA Waifu Catalog, I get transported into my favorite game with a chance of getting more powerful and visiting another world as well. Well, I will do my best for my new job. Author Note! It's a bit slow in action (Lemon Included), but it will get there.

LuxVonDeux · Video Games
Not enough ratings
88 Chs

Chapter 6

I smile a little at the notification that appears on my phone.

|Congratulations! You capture [Nikea (Suikoden) and are rewarded 6 points|

Currently, I'm lying on my bed while looking at my phone. It has been three days since I captured Nikea, and the points finally appear inside my phone. Six points might not be much, but it can be useful. For example, I can buy another [Body Defense] that further enchants my body to poison and diseases. This defense is to the point that even lethal or crippling affliction will only weaken me briefly before I return to normal.

The only thing that can pierce through this defense is a poison that can damage my soul, which can be taken care of when I buy a defense that protects my soul.

I will buy that, but it will take quite a bit of time before I can do that because I want to buy something to protect my mind first. A mind attack is more common in this world than an attack on someone's soul.

My soul is good as long as I'm not going to a seventh-tier or above world.

I snap from my thoughts when I hear a bell toll. That indicates that we have arrived. I get out of my room and see Nikea also getting out of her room. When our eyes meet, I can see her blush a little before smiling at me.

"We have arrived, boss!"

"It looks like it. Is that all your items? We don't want anything to be left behind."


She pats the small bag on her back and says.

"This is all."

"Good, come on. We need to buy the ticket for the Sacred Games. Do you know where it is?"

"Hmmm? Not really. However, we can ask around."

"Good idea, or we can just ask the attendant."

"Or that."

We approach one of the attendants as we leave the room and walk to the deck.

"Excuse me"

The young woman looks at us and says,


"Do you know where we can buy the ticket for the Sacred Games?"

"Sure. When you enter the main gate, go to the center and keep going until you reach the inner city. When you get inside the inner city, go left and continue to walk until you reach the wall. The building should be on your left."

"Thank you."

"However, I think the people have already booked the ticket for a regular seat. You need to spend more to buy the ticket now for the more expensive seat."

"I don't have a problem with that. Anyway, thank you for the information."

"No problem."

We wait a few more minutes for the ship to be safely docked. After returning our room key, we immediately left the ship and went to the location where the crew pointed. We walk for a few minutes; we find ourselves in front of a massive building with quite a bit of people waiting in line.

I wait in line and decide to ask the person in front of me for information.

"Excuse me, is this the place to buy the ticket for the Sacred Games?"

"Hmmm? Yes. This is the place."

"Thank you."

We wait in line for a few seconds before slowly, one by one, the people leave the line. I hear them talking about how the ticket is not for the regular seat, only the VIP and VVIP seats left or something like that because they did not say VIP and VVIP but rather something like Sun and Moon.

I see. Most of the people here want to buy the regular one. Oh well, that is good for me. I walk forward and arrive in front of a man who looks like he is ready to fall asleep.

"Welcome… What do you want? The regular seat is gone. We only have the Moon Seat and Sun Seat. Moon Seat costs you five thousand Potch and ten thousand Potch for the Sun Seat."

"I will take two Sun Seat, please."

I put the money on the table, and I could see him look at me in shock.

"Right! Can I ask the name of each seat?"

"Gerrald and Nikea."

"Got it. The Sun Seat is not a regular seat but rather a private room near the eastern side of the arena where you can watch from a comfortable seat and through a window that is already enchanted so you can zoom in on the arena where you can comfortably watch from your room. I guess you want to have a larger room for the two of you?"

"If you can."

The young man nods and says.

"Easy enough. As for the food and drink, what kind of drink do you want? We have Wine, Beer, and Sake from the Northern Continent."

I look at Nikea, who shrugs at my gaze.

"We will take wine."

"Very well. As for the food, do you want a seafood or meaty theme?"

"One seafood and one meaty."

The young man nods his head and writes it on a piece of paper. After writing what we want, he takes out two small metal plates, and I can feel him pushing his mana into the plate. A second later, I can see Nikea and my name appear on the plate.

Seeing our name on the plate, the young man nods and gives me the two plates.

"Take these plates to the guard in front of the arena. They will show you your room. The Sacred Games start in four days and last for three days. Unlike the regular ticket, which you need to buy every day for the rest of the tournament, you do not need to buy another one. Just ensure you do not lose those plates and are good."


"Is there anything else you want to ask?"

"No. Thank you for your service."

"Not a problem, and enjoy the Sacred Games!"

"Of course."

Nikea and I walked away from the stand. While walking, I look at Nikea and say,

"What should we do now, Nikea? Any suggestions?"

"Hmmm? I don't know, boss. I'm just following you. Hmmm, what about sparring? I hear you can use the public training ground during the Sacred Games. It is something about showing the noble your prowess and having a chance of you getting recruited by them."

"Really? Let's go."


|Freyjadour Falena - The Prince of Falena Queendom|

"And the place in front of us is the training ground that our soldiers usually use."

Gizel, the heir of the Godwin Family, takes us to walk around Stormfist after we arrive here for the Sacred Games, where people try to get the hand of Lym, my little sister. I don't like it. She is still a small little girl that should enjoy playing around and not thinking about marriage.

I want to protect her, but I know that my actions will not do any good.

"Used? Is it not being used by soldiers any longer?"

"For the time being. For now, we let the public use it for a certain amount of money."

"So you rent them."

"We did not rent anything, my prince. We let the public use them for a donation."


I look at the training ground and see two people standing in the middle of it. The first is a young man, around the age of Aunt Sialeeds, while the other is a woman with dark skin and by the look of just a year or two older than the young man.

"Oh? It looks like someone decides to use the training ground to have a spar. Do you want to watch them spar, or should we continue?"

I look at the duo for a second and say.

"Let's watch them."

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