
Waifu Catalog: Power Trip

I never thought that a CYOA would be a hidden Job Application being made by a company that dwells in slavery across the universe, but here we are. After filling out that CYOA Waifu Catalog, I get transported into my favorite game with a chance of getting more powerful and visiting another world as well. Well, I will do my best for my new job. Author Note! It's a bit slow in action (Lemon Included), but it will get there.

LuxVonDeux · Video Games
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88 Chs

Chapter 4

I open my eyes and get out of bed. I do a little stretching and walk out of my room. As I walk downstairs, I can see Nikea already waiting for me. When she sees me walk down with a key, her eyes light up, and she says.

"You have the private bath, boss?"


"Can I borrow yours?! The public bath is great and all, but I want some private time. I don't have enough money to rent the one with a private bath."

"Sure. I don't mind. Speaking of money, why did you decide to rent this place? This place is great, but it is rather pricey."

"Because of the food and the bath. Unlike many women, I like to bathe before sleeping."

"Huh? Why did many women not want to bathe before they went to sleep?"

As far as I know, taking a quick bath before sleep helps you sleep faster.

"There is a famous saying that taking a bath before you go to sleep will make you infertile."

"What? What kind of stupid saying is that? No! Taking a bath before sleep does not make you infertile. It does make you sick if you take it too long and too late at night."



"That's good then."

I can see relief on her face at that news. Ah, it looks like she also believes that word and is glad that she is not infertile.

"Anyway, you can use mine after I'm done."

After saying that, I walk to my private bath and unlock it. When I open the door, I see a small room with a box full of water ready for me. It looks like a Japanese private hot bath but without hot water.

I ask the owner not to warm the water because I want to test something. Chrodechild is a swordswoman, but she also knows how to use basic magic because she is a princess of the magic kingdom.

I take a deep breath and feel the raw mana around me. Magicians in this world cast spells not from their bodies but rather molding the mana in the air using their own mana. I move my mana to connect with the Fire Nature of the mana in the air and place my hand inside the water.

I can see the water getting warmer and warmer. After a few seconds, I stopped to avoid getting too hot. With that being done, I take off my clothes and store them inside my inventory, which I will clean later.

I'm lucky there are quite a lot of clothes inside my pocket that I can use and a washing machine to clean them.

~Two hours later~

"So, boss. When are we going to go to the Stormfist?"

I look at Nikea, who wipes her mouth after eating a lot of food.

"In a moment. I already booked a ship to take us to Stormfist in an hour. However, before we go, I need to buy some supplies."

I look at her and continue.

"Are you done? I need your help in buying some supplies."

"Yup! Lead the way, boss!"

"No. I want you to gather something for me while I buy another so we finish faster."


I give her a hundred thousand Potch and say.

"Here. You buy as many food ingredients as possible with that money."

"Eh? Are you sure?!"

"Yup. However, make sure to buy the basic ingredients like salt, flour, and the like."


After saying that, she quickly runs away and buys the thing I need.

With Nikea taking care of the supply, I can now go and visit the local rune shop. While leaving the inn, I quickly exchange another thousand USD into Potch and open up the map. I learned something last night while playing with my phone.

The map app will automatically update itself when I reach a named city in the game. The map now shows notable shops like potion shops, rune shops, blacksmiths, and armor shops. The rune shop is in the city's central district, where the richer people live.

I walk for a few minutes and arrive in front of a three-story tall building. When I get inside, I can see six people inside the building. Four of them are beautiful women wearing some kind of uniform, while the other two wear expensive-looking clothes. They are customers just like me.

"Welcome to the Pink Flower Rune Shop! What can we do for you?"

One of the women approached me and greeted me.

"I want to attach a rune to my body."

"Of course. Have you checked your affinity? Or is this your first time?"

"First time."

"Do you want us to check your affinity? It will cost you seven hundred potch."


"Then please follow me."

I follow the woman to one of the tables in the room, where she asks me to wait for her. A few seconds later, she returned with an orb in her hands.

"Do you know how to push your mana?"


"Then please pour a small bit of them inside this crystal."

I nod, put my hand on the orb and push a small amount of mana into it. A few seconds later, floating letters appear above the orb.


|Fire: 100%|

|Water: 100%|

|Lightning: 100%|

|Earth: 100%|

|Wind: 100%|

|Void: 100%|

|Dark: 100%|

|Light: 100%|


I can hear the woman gasp at the sight in front of her.

"T-This is impossible! Sir, please wait a second. There must be something wrong with the orb."

She quickly returns to the room and brings out two more orbs from the backroom. She asks me to pour mana into them, showing the same result.

"H-How? Do you come from some kind of famous bloodline? Only someone from an ancient mage family can have this kind of affinity."

The woman cannot help but ask me that question.

"You can say that."

Chrodechild is a princess from a kingdom founded by a mage whose magic is powerful enough to unite people under one banner, and her bloodline must be powerful because they are still the ruling family for who knows how long. The only reason why she was not in the line for the crown was because she wanted to be a knight.

That and there is my [Soul Talent] that lets me learn ANY magic in the universe. Well, as long as anyone in that world can learn that kind of magic. For example, if I'm in the Harry Potter world, I can learn their magic as long as I have mana inside my body. The same with the one in this world. This world's magic can be used by anyone with mana inside their body, so I can learn it.

"I see! That makes sense. Anyway, I'm sorry for my previous outburst. What kind of rune do you like to purchase?"

"Can I see your catalog?"

"Of course."

She gives me a piece of paper full of their list of runes. I read it for a few seconds and said,

"I will take the Flowing Rune and Thunder Rune."

Flowing Rune is the upgraded version of Water Rune, a support rune that can heal and freeze my enemy. Thunder Rune is the upgraded version of Lightning Rune, a single-target attack rune that can deal significant damage to a single target.

"Ah, a perfect combination. Flowing Rune will handle the healing, while Thunder Rune will do the damage."

"Yup. Aside from the rune in this list, do you have more?"

"We did not, sadly. However, we can look out for a certain rune if you want."

"Darkness Rune."

"Ah, that one is rare. However, we already have a lead for it. We can get them in about two weeks."

"Perfect. I will be back for it next time I'm here. Anyway, how much for all of this?"

"Ah, right. Flowing Rune will cost you three hundred thousand Potch, and Thunder Rune will cost you five hundred thousand Potch. As for the attachment process, you will be charged ten thousand potch."

"So all of them are 810.700 Potch, huh?"

"That's right."

"Alright, let's do this."

"Then please give us half the money and the other half after the process is done."

I nod and take out four one hundred thousand Potch bills and a ten thousand Potch bill.

"Thank you. Wait a moment."

She returns to the backroom, and after a minute of waiting, she returns with a dark blue orb and a light yellow orb.

"Thank you for the wait. Where do you want me to attach the rune to? Please don't ask for an inappropriate place."

"Is that often asked?"

"Surprisingly not. At least in this city. In the capital… Brrr"

Just how many people want to have runes on their dicks and pussy? Oh well.

"Anyway, I want to place them on the left and right side of my neck."

"Very well."

"How long does it take?"

"Depends on your affinity. With a hundred percent affinity, it will only take a couple of minutes per rune. Anyway, Is there anything else? If there is nothing else, please follow me. I will start to attach the rune to your body."

I follow her to the back room, where I can see a lazy chair inside the room. I sit on the chair while the woman stands next to me. She massages my head and neck for a minute before placing one of the runes on my left neck. I can feel a cold aura get inside of me before my mind goes hyperdrive as I get a knowledge of how many spells the rune gives me and what kind of thing I can do with Flowing Rune on my body.

The same thing happened when the woman put the last rune on the right side of my neck. When it was done, I smiled at the new power I got.

Hey, I have P@treon; if you want to support me and read my other work, or if you want to donate and buy me some coffee, you can go to my K-Fi page:

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