
W: Who Are You?

Everything feels calm and it didn't hurt when they weren't face-to-face, but in the end fate tells them everything. Ami and Ryu are detectives from a private company, while Haru, on the other hand, is a young man with either the advantage of being able to hear and absorb the thoughts of others. Until everything changed when he met the girl, he was confused with thoughts swirling in his head, 'Why that girl?'. Why did he lose his ability with that girl? He felt at peace just by hearing her mind and her voice. However, there are many questions and other occurrences that await them in the future. The only one who is the biggest question is cleanliness "Who are you?".

Jellyfishhh · Teen
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46 Chs

Chapter 16

Kaguya was shocked when he saw a vision in front of him. By the pool behind his house, Keinarra sat on her knees with her innocent face and was eviscerating her entrails from a Persian cat of Minami's already shredded stomach, using her small fingers. 

Kaguya turned his body toward the wall and leaned there trying to ease his nausea, but it seemed to be unsuccessful. The little man then crouched down and began to eviscerate himself until he became ill from overloading. 

At that moment, Kaguya snapped but returned to spewing whatever was in his stomach when he heard small, hesitant footsteps behind his back.

"Do not come any closer! You! Don't come over here!" Kaguya stepped back a step and leaned her back against the wall. His gaze was visibly shaken between fear and was also bewildered at the sight of his little stepsister's round and innocent face.

"Brother." little Keinarra softly squeezes his blood-covered fingers.