
Voyage With The Pirate King

Ji Yao, the future Pirate King rescued a pitiful boy from the goodness of his heart only to find out that pitiable looking lad was far from the word pitiful. Calling him a wolf pup in sheep's clothing wouldn't be an exaggeration. Like they say watch what you pick up and bring home with you. As they journeyed across the continent slaying creatures and half breeds that stood in their way all the wolf pup could think of was: 'My husband is cute,' Or 'When can we will nightfall come so we can cuddle,' Or 'Husband smells so good. I want to bite him.' Ji Yao who had woken up with a bite mark, "......" Let's Voyage together and witness a relationship designed by fate blossom into a power couple born from powerful Nocru clans. ----‐----------------------------------------------- 200 golden tickets or 1000 power stones = 2 extra chapters per week. With a lot more support I will be motivated to write. Thank you so much.

Andru_9788 · LGBT+
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559 Chs

Abduction or Domestic Dispute?

Ji Yao stepped on his chest and looked down at him with contempt in his eyes. "Let me say it and let me say it once. The Rui siblings are off-limits and we as the concord do not sacrifice the innocent to further our agenda. Do you understand?" he said with his sword pointing at the man's neck. It was as though if he answered no he would be cut down right then and there.

A terrified but enchanted Ju Lang nodded his head. He knew Ji Yao was off-limits but this man was like an alluring poison that his father repeatedly warned him to stay as far away as possible.

This made it especially hard considering they were the same age. Unlike Ji Yao though he had to take over after his father got an inexplicable illness when he was fourteen.

Ji Yao withdrew his sword and walked back to his seat in slow strides. His eyes also returned to normal as his anger simmered down.