
Saved by the Pack Leader

Goblins and Direwolves are monsters that can multiply and breed like rabbits therefore they are exterminated regularly to keep their population under control. As a result, this makes Chatswall forest is the perfect place for adventurers to improve their skills and tactics as a group.

Adventurers mostly work in groups to hunt for monsters in higher Ranking areas due to their high rewards; nevertheless, the mortality rate is high. However, Some of the Adventurers prefer to work solo mostly in areas that match their combat level through their gain is little as compared to those who prefer to take risks. Therefore, there will always be a significant difference in both combat experience and rewards between the two. This difference plays a vital role in purchasing or upgrading their various equipment's. That's why most prefer the higher-ranking areas despite the risk.

That is why Aren was suggested to join a group by Lila to avoid being surrounded when hunting in high ranked areas. However, Aren had yet to learn this lesson which has again led to him being surrounded and hunted down by goblins. This situation could have been avoided if he had advanced slow and silently instead of charging head-on into the forest for prey.

Without wasting any time Aren began his massacre of the group of goblins that entered within his sight. However, the situation quickly escalated due to his inexperience or the many life or death battle which he had experienced had numbed him of the fact that getting surrounded by an assembly of goblins could get you killed.

Furthermore, as this was his first time operating the Life Essence technique during a life and death battle which then lead to the inefficient use of the technique. Therefore, it was extremely difficult to divide his attention between the battle and maintaining the technique at the same time.

Aren's heart bled for every goblin killed because he was not given the slightest breathing space to operate the technique to absorb their Life Essence which completely went to waste. Right now, staying alive took more priority over the later therefore he completely focused his attention on the battle. Due to his enthusiasm he had to now suffer the consequences of his actions.

His previous experience of getting ambushed and surrounded by those pesky little menace; Aren had learned not to stay still in situations like these otherwise those goblin archers will make a pincushion out of you. At the same time his instinct were warning him of an impending danger; However, the goblins made it difficult for him to run for it.

Aren put away his Dagger after eliminating the last member of the first batch; thus, he had drawn his C rank blade for the inevitable. The freshly arrived horde of 'goblin warriors' slowly and steadily advanced after completing the encirclement while the goblin archers provided support. Arrows covered the sky as they rained down upon him. Despite his best effort he still got hit, luckily no vital organs were injured.

A fierce battle took place as both sides clashed; however, Aren was finding it difficult to survive their onslaught because they were equipped with better weapons, armors and battle experience as compared to the former. If Aren was not armed with a C rank blade he would have met his 'End'; therefore, it was imperative that he immediately escape.

But, it was too late.

The ground was covered in goblin corpses while the air reeked of blood. As a result, Aren was heavily wounded. Yet, throughout the battle the goblins numbers didn't decrease the slightest bit.

Seeing his pitiful figure, covered from head to toe in blood, the goblins gurgled in delight. A goblin archer took a headshot at his idle self to end his misery for good. Which unsurprisingly was caught just as it was about to hit due to the intervention of his instinct.

Exhausted Aren was perplexed at the arrow that mysteriously appeared in his hand. Discarding the arrow Aren 'instinctively' dodged and killed every goblin that dared approached.

If only he was given a breaths time to drink the Health potion or withdraw his dual swords. Alas! The goblins were relentless in their attacks.

Eventually he was disarmed as his strikes began to slow down and lacked the strength. Time grew sluggish as the sharp Edge of the sword glimmered as it approached; Aren felt the embrace of death's cold hands once again. It was pointless to struggle against the inevitable; Aren accepted his fate.

However, fate or rather lady luck had other plans. With the speed of light, the goblin executioner was bashed away; therefore, saving Aren's life.

To think life will play such a cruel joke on him. His savior was none other than the same Pack Leader of Direwolves whose pack members were killed by him. Fate truly enjoy had a sense of humor. Regardless, his current condition was out of the frying pan into the fire.

The pack leader snarled at the goblin that dared to take his prey. To think he ran all the way here only see him get killed by the hands of a weakling. The Pack leader immediately sqashed the goblin into mush beneath its paws. Meanwhile, screams of pain and agony came from outside the encirclement as the pack of direwolves entered the fray.

Taking advantage of the confusion Aren immediately gulped down the health potion. With his injuries healed and stamina restored Aren ran to retrieve his sword however the pack leader immediately moved to block his path.

As the situation was already out of hand Aren would have ran off the moment he drank the potion but the cunning direwolves had maintained the encirclement despite joining the fray.

The Goblins were anything but pleased to have they prey snatched right out of their hands. Which caused the matter to further escalate, however, the pack leader completely ignored the commotion; throughout the debacle Aren never left its sight.