
Hypersensitive Instinct

"Your back early." called William as he took a puff of his pipe as Lila entered the guild.

"Aren was busy relearning how to use life essence therefore I left so as not to bother him." Replied Lila as she made herself comfortable before writing entries in the guild register.

"Oh! It's good to see the lad back on track again." began William, "I am still confused as to why he turned his focus towards magic when he should be honing his skills as a warrior."

"Don't know, don't care." Lila lied through her teeth.

"Was the brat practicing his family's technique or some other trash." Inquired William.

"He was practicing his family's C rank technique." Lila replied.

"Did he now?" muttered William softly enough that Lila could not hear him.

"The brat must have made a huge leap in strength for you to authorize him to take a C rank subjugation mission." William inquired.

"His performance was satisfactory." Lila answered.

"Satisfactory Huh!" William scoffed at her answer.

"An hour ago, Lisa came by for a visit." William absentmindedly spoke as he leisurely smoked from his pipe.

"Oh! Did she need anything." Asked Lila putting her pen down as she turned towards the guild leader.

"She was just in a bad mood, her time of the month perhaps. Therefore, she wrecked my office before leaving the premises. I do admire her guts through she could have kept her violent tendencies in check." William joked as he smiled at her.

"I will speak with her about her behavior. I will make sure we are compensated for the damage." Lila avowed with a straight face.

William was left speechless at her thick face, was his assistant always so shameless. "Are you still not going to admit your mistake." William shouted in raged as he slapped his hands on the desk.

"It was a mere oversight on my part. Will not happen again." Lila claimed responsibility without a moment delay completely aware of the guild master's intent.

"A mere oversight on your part could have led to his death." William bellowed his displeasure. However, Lila watched on with a passive face as if the matter had nothing to do with her. Her attitude continued to further agitate William.

Taking a deep breath William declared that as punishment her pay will reduced to half for the next 4 months before departing.

Meanwhile, Aren had yet to come to terms with what just transpired. Ever since he arrived into this world he had inherited an instinct that's extremely sensitive to danger among others. The recent event clearly proves that this instinct could clearly overwhelm his conscious. So far, this instinct had proved to be extremely helpful instead of a hindrance as it had saved his life on multiple occasions. But todays actions have proved otherwise why would it react so intensely there was no threat to his wellbeing.

Regardless, something is definitely amiss. Lila was behaving like her usual self but there is always that small probability. He had to be extremely cautious from henceforth otherwise the consequences would be dire.

Aren fixed the wooden floor to not arouse any suspicion should the crisis return. By the time he was done his stomach growled with a vengeance for being ignored for so long. Laughing pitifully Aren turned went to the kitchen to fix himself a quick bite.

With a full stomach Aren retrieved the box and duel swords from the library. For the moment the swords could not be used unless the situation was dire therefore they were stored in the pouch. The Quartz neckless was completely ordinary with no special feature what's so ever. So, there was no harm in wearing it until its mysteries were unraveled.

However, compared to the book the other two were complete trash. Is there even a need to stress the valuable of a S Rank life essence technique.

It took half an hour to learn the technique due to the similarities it shared with the C rank technique. If he had to guess, then the C rank book should be a downgraded version. However due to the Difference in there Rank it was hard to tell.

Now a new path has been opened before him therefore he no longer had to waste his time learning how to defy fate to learn magic. However, his body had yet to heal so he could not put too much strain on it. Therefore, he had no choice but to swallow his enthusiasm and focus on the foundation.

Putting his priorities straight Aren under Lisa's supervision began learning the basic survival skills that every adventurer had to master. The task didn't take long to complete due to the instincts hypersensitive reaction to danger and the bodies muscle memory therefore he just had to get himself familiar with it. It should have been obvious with the stunts he pulled upon arriving to this world. However, regardless of how much he trained it has impossible to control his instinct for example from the multiple experiments he performed despite Lisa's objections he had learned that his instinct will hijack his body only when the danger is life threatening but in case of others it only provides a warning. He had yet to prove it because his body had yet to be hijacked so far.

Lisa had also come to terms with the fact that her Aren had changed but that didn't change her feeling for him. Through out his training she teased him mercilessly after it was cute to watch him blush and stutter at her actions. Really, all she was show some affection to him. But despite her efforts Aren was more focused on increasing his strength then her.

Now that Aren had regained his former strength its time for him to accept guild missions again. Picking his new C rank blade from the Blacksmith Aren went to the forest to hunt some monsters. Unexpectedly Lisa was waiting for him at the town gate.

"Aren." Called Lisa as she waved her hand.

"Lisa why are you here." Aren asked.

"Waiting for you silly." Lisa Spoke as she handed a him a vial filled with red color liquid.

"What is this." Aren inquired as he observed the liquid.

"It's a healing potion that can heals injuries except life threatening ones. So be sure not to lose your head, heart, lungs etc." Lisa answered with a smile.

"Okay!" Aren replied awkwardly however he interrupted mid speech due to Lisa's unexpected embrace. However, no words were exchanged as she pushed him away and ran back home.

Scratching his head at her odd behavior Aren left for Chatswall forest outside the town.